Since 2013



Microsoft Will Discuss Xbox One and Windows 10 Game Development at GDC With Multiple Panels

GDC have shared details on various panels that Microsoft will be hosting at GDC (Games Developer Conference) based on Xbox One and Windows 10, Microsoft’s upcoming OS and how this will be crucial to both Xbox One and PC development. The first panel, “The Future of Gaming Across the Microsoft Ecosystem: Creating Games Across Devices” is being hosted by the Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer who will be discussing development games that run across every Windows 10 device including Xbox One, Desktops, Tablets, Laptops, Phones and so forth. This will be probably be the most interesting news-worthy panel, however developers will probably also be keen on the DirectX12 stuff and integrating the Xbox Live service into their games. Here’s the full list of Microsoft panels at GDC, if you want to learn more about a specific one, the titles are clickable which will take you to the GDC website: The Future of Gaming Across the Microsoft Ecosystem: Creating Games Across Devices Beyond Binary Choices: How Players Engage with Morality Designing Games for a Windows Core World  Developing Games for Windows 10 Better Power, Better Performance: Your Game on DirectX12 Gaming Consumer Experience on Windows 10 New Opportunities for Independent Developers Developing with Xbox Live for Windows 10 Xbox Live Multiplayer: Introducing Services for Cross-Platform Matchmaking and Gameplay Fable Legends: Cross-Device Gameplay with Xbox Live Best Practices for Leveraging Cloud-Based User Stats and Achievements in Xbox Live Distributing Games Across Microsoft’s Phone, PC, and Xbox Marketplace Advanced DirectX12 Graphics and Performance ENCORE: Better Power, Better Performance: Your Game on DirectX12 Sustained Gaming Performance in Multi-Core Mobile Devices PC Games for Windows 10 (Presented by Microsoft)  

EA CEO Andrew Wilson Confirms Need for Speed 2015 & Teased “It already looks spectacular”

EA’s next game in its racing franchise is “already looking spectacular” according to company CEO Andrew Wilson Many companies have had their earnings call recently for the quarter gone by but EA’s CEO Andrew Wilson had something interesting worth mentioning about its “Need for Speed” franchise. During 2014, EA confirmed they would be skipping a year for the franchise and that it’s next entry would debut in 2015 in order to allow a “extended development window” which was probably due to feedback based on how poor the series is being received by fans with recent games. Wilson stated during the EA earnings call that ‘Need for Speed” will launch this calendar year and teased fans that the game is “already looking spectacular”. I’ve a feeling Wilson stated this in order to show investors that their committed to the series, as investors probably aren’t happy with recent entries due to the revenue the game once generated for the company. Ghost Games are the studio behind the next game that launches this year and already mentioned that their listening to fans, give the game the fans want but it does take time. Their also saying it’s highly innovative and that fans should be excited. We’ll keep you updated as we hear more.

Project “Spartan” Given Extension Support

The Internet Explorer Development Team has brought us the news we’ve been waiting for – Microsoft is now working on incorporating extensions into Project Spartan. Recently, on the hashtag #AskIE, users have been able to directly ask the IE Dev Team about certain features within the new Spartan browser. When the team were asked whether or not there will be extension support for Project Spartan they responded with this: #AskIE @bdsams @jacobrossi @IE Yes. We're working on a plan for extensions for a future update to Project Spartan. — Microsoft Edge Dev (@MSEdgeDev) January 27, 2015 This is not a massive surprise, as other leading browsers, such as Google Chrome, and Firefox have extension support, and have a thriving market based on these plug-ins. This is great news, as it gives Spartan a huge chance to stay relevant, which has been questionable with the reputation IE has built over the past years. This doesn’t mean that IE is now completely irrelevant however, as the Dev Team confirmed that IE will be accessible, but not directly with a fresh install of Windows 10. The way it has been explained, suggests that IE must be activated or enabled to be used: “Consumers on Windows 10 will get Spartan by default. IE will be available for Windows 10 & can enabled by the user.” Many other questions were answered, however one large announcement was that Project Spartan will not be on any other platforms. Spartan will be exclusive to Windows 10, but with demand, may branch out to previous Windows platforms over the next few years. “Cross-plat not planned. Spartan has been designed & built to be a great showcase for features of Windows 10, like Cortana.” This is great news for the future of Project Spartan, and Windows 10 as a whole. This shows how Microsoft is massively looking into the public’s interest, to help the Windows 10 Development. You can view the rest of the questions and answers on the official IE Dev Chat Twitter  

Reptile Revealed As Next Mortal Kombat X Character – Trailer

The next character has been revealed today for Mortal Kombat X compliments of IGN and our old friend Reptile is returning. Well, ok, maybe he’s not REALLY a friend, but you know what we mean. The gameplay trailer shows Reptile squaring off against Kung Lao who, of course, gets a sweet little fatality at the hands of the acid spitting ninja himself. Mortal Kombat X releases on April 14th, 2015 for Xbox One, 360, PS3 and PS4 simultaneously. It’s also been announced that the challenge system will be returning in a dynamic form and change ever so often so we’ll never have the same challenge tree twice. Take a look at the trailer below and let us know what you think. Has your favorite character been revealed? Let us know who you want to see in the comments?  

Games with Gold: February 2015

Microsoft have shared details about its Games with Gold titles for February 2015 on both Xbox One and Xbox 360. It’s safe to say it’s a good batch of games across both systems. Especially #IDARB, which many of you know we love streaming, playing and making videos in. It’s also a game where our logo will be featured in which is pretty neat! Anyway, here’s the details: #IDARB ($14.99 ERP): Available from February 1 – 28th on Xbox One. We interviewed the games creator, Mike Mika which would can check out here, we also gave the game a 10/10 in our review. I believe this is the best Games with Gold title we’ve got on Xbox One and it launches the same day it goes free, brilliant! Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons ($14.99 ERP): Available from February 1 – 15th on Xbox 360. Brothers was one of my favourite Xbox Live Arcade games on Xbox 360, great story, great Achievements. I look forward to everyone playing this! Sniper Elite V2 ($29.99 ERP): Available from February 16 – 28th on Xbox 360. I think February is a good month for Gold Members on Xbox, especially Xbox One. Make sure you all check out #IDARB and if you’re a streamer, please stream it! This game was the ultimate game built for streaming!  

Nintendo May Ramp Up Micro Transactions After Q3 2014 Results Announced Today

Nintendo has announced its Q3 2014 results today. Although profitable, the results did not live up to expectations and, as a result, Nintendo has lowered its full year projections by 6.8% with an expected profit of $255 million. Nintendo has steered away from micro transactions in the past, but this report may see them ramp up their strategy on the matter a little bit. Let’s take a look at the overall results first: New 3DS XL – 1.3 million total sales New 3DS – 580,000 total sales Although a total amount of 7 million 3DS units have been sold in the first 9 months of the year, it’s lower than expected and Nintendo has lowered its expected total sales figures to 9 million total expected sold from the original amount of 12 million Wii U 1.9 million total sales. Double the average of the previous quarters as 3 million total units have been sold the first 9 months of the year Game sales Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire led the way as expected with total sales at 9.4 million in the 3rd quarter alone. In order, Super Smash Bros for 3DS was next with 6.2 million sold followed by Mario Kart 8 with 4.8 million. Super Smash Bros for Wii u came in next with 3.4 million games sold. Overall sales For Q3 alone, Nintendo came in with a total amount of $2.3 billion and net income overall was at $381 million We mentioned micro transactions above and we believe it’s a strong possibility we see an increase in how Nintendo handles them in the future based upon these results. Nintendo has always been about the player first, but they are a business first. For years they have been losing money and/or lowering projections for total sales. This past year, it was actually expected that Mr. Iwata would be replaced by share holders as head of Nintendo and surprised a lot of people when it didn’t happen. This was one of Nintendo’s biggest quarters in recent memory and even with that the company has been forced to lower projections for the year by the 6.8% that we mentioned. Simple math tells you that’s not good. An easy way is to slide in micro transactions. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy, but even small transactions can aid in revenue. What if you could pay a flat rate to max out your Amiibo figurine right out of the box? Would you do it? It’s things like this that Nintendo may need to take a look at so as not to keep losing money quarter on quarter. After all, how much longer will share holders put their love of the brand over the love of their wallet as far as Mr. Iwata’s fate is concerned? It’s a strong possibility and it’s something we’re going to keep an eye on. We’ve reached out to Nintendo after these projections were released and will let you know what we find out. Be sure to check back and we’ll update you as soon as we hear.