Since 2013



COD: Black Ops 1 + 2 HD REMAKE?!

So this link was leaked today from an amazon post from the real activision amazon account posting all of this!   Just for when this post is deleted i will add screenshots, now take this with a grain of salt because it has not yet been confirmed by activision at this time nor has it been mentioned. The most we can do is hope for this amazing remake. Keep in mind it does say the Xbox 360 so it might just be a pack you can buy for a discount, but there is a possibility its our new HD Remake for the Xbox one. This could generate hype for a HD remake or even a Black ops 3? Stay tuned for more info.

State of Decay on Xbox One Achievement List

The upcoming new version of zombie game State of Decay for Xbox One and PC–the Year-One Survival Edition–will include new achievements. Microsoft has announced that the Year-One Survival Edition will come with a total of 1500 Gamerscore to collect.     State of Decay on Xbox One will be launching on April 28th. State of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition brings the hit zombie survival-fantasy franchise to Xbox One. State of Decay, along with major Add-Ons Breakdown and Lifeline, is now fully remastered in stunning 1080p. New missions, weapons, and extra content, along with improved lighting, textures, animations, and combat mechanics, will pull you even deeper into the post-outbreak world. How will you survive the zombie apocalypse? Pre-Order now Here is the list of the achievements: Cannibal Family Picnic 10 Got to the Mt. Tanner Ranger Station. Holy Rolling 20 Escaped Mt. Tanner and found the survivors at the church. Survivor 50 Escaped Trumbull County. It Was Just a Police Action 20 Found out what the Army was up to. Home on the Grange 20 Played matchmaker for Quentin and Becca. Arrested Developments 20 Saw things through at the courthouse. Gun Thugs 20 Helped the Wilkersons resolve their differences. Pest Control 30 Destroyed 5 infestations in one day. Watch the Birdie! 20 Distracted zombies to complete an objective. I Can See My House From Here 20 Completed a survey activity. Land Usage 30 Built one of every type of facility. Home Improvement 20 Built a facility. I’ll Be There For You 20 Earned 500 Fame. Mercy Shot 20 Killed a member of your community to prevent them from turning. Come and Knock On Our Door 20 Convinced another enclave to join your community. Manifest Destiny 30 Built 8 outposts. Everywhere You Look 30 Got 15 people in your community. Movin’ On Up! 30 Relocated your home base. Rule #1 25 Maxed out a community member’s Cardio skill. Trust Me, I’m an Expert 30 Earned a skill specialization for one of your community members. Horde Hoard 30 Destroyed 10 hordes in one day. Ya Always Were An A-Hole Gorman 20 Sacrificed your life in a blaze of glory. Torn Apart 20 Got killed by zombies. Get Yo’ Freak On 20 Killed one of each freak zombie type. The Bruce 30 Killed 3 zombies with an exploding propane tank. Double Dead 30 Performed a hand to hand double kill special attack. Gotta Enjoy the Little Things 10 Used a car door to kill a zombie. Get Outta My Dreams 30 Killed one of each freak zombie type with your car. Vehicular Zombicide 30 Ran over 250 zombies. Badass 50 Completed 50 missions or activities with the same character. Get Over Here 20 Invited a community member to follow you. Serial Monogamist 30 Invited a community member to follow you 10 times. Order at DZ 20 Intercepted a mysterious supply drop. Letters from Cleo 30 Intercepted 5 mysterious supply drops. Rule #2 25 Maxed out a community member’s Shooting skill. Rule #18 25 Maxed out a community member’s Fighting skill. Rule #31 25 Maxed out a community member’s Wits skill. Apples and Beans 20 Fixed delicious snacks 5 times. Powder and Primer 20 Crafted ammunition 5 times. Watch the World Burn 30 Killed 25 zombies with incendiary shotguns. Breakdown The Sacrifice 10 Went out in a Blaze of Glory at Breakdown Level 1 or Higher. The Dead Man 10 Destroyed 5 Bloaters at Breakdown Level 2 or Higher. The Judge 10 Performed 50 Zombie Executions at Breakdown Level 3 or Higher. The Survivor 10 Collected 150 Resources at Breakdown Level 4 or Higher. The Mercenary 10 Destroyed 5 Juggernauts at Breakdown Level 5 or Higher. The Ninja 10 Executed 50 Stealth Kills at Breakdown Level 5 or Higher. The Scientist 30 Reached Breakdown Level 6. The Rescuer 50 Unlocked All Heroes. The Friend 10 Reached Breakdown Level 2. The Convict 15 Reached Breakdown Level 3. The Gunner 20 Reached Breakdown Level 4. The Veteran 25 Reached Breakdown Level 5. The Scholar 10 Completed All Research Projects at Breakdown Level 1 or Higher. The Phoenix 10 Burned 100 Zombies with Fire at Breakdown Level 2 or Higher. The Fighter 10 Destroyed 5 Ferals at Breakdown Level 3 or Higher. The Sniper 10 Earned 25 Headshot Streaks at Breakdown Level 4 or Higher. Lifeline Wired for War 20 Killed 100 zombies with Drone Strikes. Rucks in Trucks 10 Delivered 6 rucksacks to your base in the back of a single vehicle. Under Siege 20 Survived 10 sieges on your base in a single playthrough. Maverick 10 Survived 2 minutes within a Danger Zone. Flugtag 10 Sent an energy drink flying. Freak Hunt 10 Completed all hunting missions with Sasquatch. War Never Changes 25 Survived detonating a nuclear device in Danforth. Last Voice of Danforth 25 Escaped Danforth with Vienna Cho in your community. The Doctor 15 Brought Thomas Horn to the Landing Zone, at least. The Surgeon 15 Successfully extracted Julene Horn. The Bureaucrat 15 Successfully extracted Michele Martin. The Examiner 15 Successfully extracted Timothy Hall. The Scion 15 Successfully extracted Hadley Westen. The Colleague 15 Successfully extracted Dan Bogatz. The Protégée 15 Successfully extracted Madison Grant. The Operator 15 Brought Eldridge to Black Friday, but he won’t leave.      

Head of Xbox Phil Spencer Supports the idea of Banjo Kazooie in Super Smash Bros.

  Banjo and Kazooie have long been beloved characters for the Nintendo community, and ever since Rareware was sold to Microsoft some years ago, the idea of these characters being included in the ultimate celebration of Nintendo characters, Super Smash Bros.  has been a dream for Nintendo fans.  Well Phil Spencer did the unexpected and said he would not mind Nintendo using Banjo and Kazooie in Super Smash Bros. in this tweet:     The reason this has been brought up was due to the latest news coming from the last Nintendo Direct back on April 1st.  Nintendo put up a community poll asking what character would you want next in Super Smash Bros? So it is very possible for 3rd party characters coming into Super Smash Bros. You can vote for a character here

Xbox One April System Update Now Rolling Out!

  The April System update is now rolling out to the public bringing you even more features and making your Xbox One experience even better. Here is a full list of features brought to you in this update: Party chat improvements – Added additional icons and notifications within the party chat experience to help you understand your connection and microphone status. This month, party chat is being improved with troubleshooting guidance for Xbox One owners. The party app will help you get your microphone enabled and show you when privacy settings or networking issues are blocking communication with particular party members. Game hub links – In February, Xbox  introduced game hubs where you can be the first to get news on upcoming updates, featured game clips, behind the scenes content and more. With this update, you can more easily discover game hub content from activity feed items. You’ll see activity feed items when any of your friends follow a game, and you’ll also be able to get back to a game’s hub from activity feed posts related to the game – including feed items about the game’s achievements, game clips and screenshots. Finally, they have  added a link to game hubs from the game’s page in the achievements app. Achievement notifications – Achievement notifications today display the achievement name and the gamerscore you just earned. With tonight’s update, you’ll also see the achievement’s description in the notification so you know what you did to earn this achievement without having to open the achievements app.  Based on feedback from preview program members, also increased  time that an achievement notification is displayed and  also made some performance improvements to make loading the achievements app from a notification faster. What’s On – The What’s On area is now available for Xbox One users in the U.S., Canada, and the UK. In it, you’ll find links to popular videos, games, movies, TV shows, game broadcasts and clips, along with Trending TV shows if you have configured OneGuide for your Xbox One console. Voice messaging and dedicated servers for party chat has been delayed so they can make the feature as perfect as possible. Our guess is May or June 2015. Preview members will still be testing these features out!