Full Destiny House of Wolves Details Revealed in Livestream
Bungie showed us a decent amount on the upcoming House of Wolves dlc for Destiny due out May 19th and fortunately, we got it all here for you. As you know, the Queen’s Wrath event is returning along with a new story character for us to experience. Her name is Petra Venj and is the service person to the queen. As you progress through the House of Wolves story, she will guide players through it and allow you to complete the special Queen’s bounties. When you complete them, you can level up Petra at the Queen’s vendor. New shaders, armor and gear sets for Queen’s Wrath will be available up to the new level cap of 34. They will be able to be earned in both PvE and PvP modes as well. A few other new characters are also included. Variks: Variks is a Fallen vendor and sits in the House of Judgment. He also allows access into the Prison of Elders battle arena mode which will allow new Fallen gear that can be equipped. You will be able to earn the full Fallen gear set but in order to get access to the Prison of Elders at all you will need to complete the new story line with Petra Venj first. The event will function as the rest of the game and have weekly resets with different gear available each time Brother Vance: Vance allows access into the Trials of Osiris. Visiting him will allow you access into the trials once you have earned your way in. He will also need to be spoken to in order to claim your rewards from the event itself. This will function just like the Iron Banner and run from Friday through Tuesday until it resets with different rewards. The Reef is now a booming, social meeting space in Destiny. The postmaster, vault and bounty robot dude are now included in the new space. Bounties just as the ones handed out in the tower will be claimable as well as being able to claim your rewards from the Postmaster. One thing that will be missing initially from the Reef is vendors. We will still have to return to the Tower in order to purchase new gear and upgrade items. The speaker will also remain in the tower in order to exchange items and Ascendant shards for a cost of 50 glimmer if you want. Bungie also noted that you do not need to purchase the House of Wolves content in order to visit the new Reef social space. As far as vendors not being present in the Reef, Bungie also stated that there “is plenty of room for expansion” so we know what that means, they’ll come eventually. The speaker will also have new weapons for all factions as well. The crucible quartermaster will have new weapons that will hit the max 365 damage as well as defense max in the game. Bungie also noted that many players still have older weapons and items because of their exotic status. These will be upgraded to the max of 34 with a new items called estheric light. It’s an item that will drop in the Trials of Osiris and Prison of Elders events which you can then use to upgrade the weapons. For those who do not purchase the dlc content, don’t worry. You will still be able to earn the upgrade as it will also drop in Iron Banner events as well. The Trials of Osiris will be revealed on April 29th with Prison of Elders being May 6th in the livestream. Take a look at some screens from the livestream below.
Jason Hitting Mortal Kombat X May 5th
Netherrealm Studios has announced that Jason Voorhees, the first character in the Kombat Pack for Mortal Kombat X. , will be released on May 5th. Those who do not purchase the pack will need to wait one extra week to slice and dice with the king of Friday the 13th. Following Jason, the pack includes Tanya, Tremor and the Predator. The Kombat Pack is available now for $30 on all Xbox and PlayStation platforms.
Black Ops 3 Teaser Video Released Ahead of Sunday’s Reveal
Activision and Treyarch have released a new teaser video for Call of Duty Black Ops 3. Codenamed the Ember video, we get a glimpse of 50 years in the future and how technology has evolved. Sports franchises have allowed players to compete using modified robotic arms and legs. Others have received retinal implants so they now see “everything” according to the video. With technology so advanced, society revolts against scientists playing god and the military has to intervene. Of course, some of the soldiers are now modified as well. Check out the trailer below and be sure to check back for the full reveal on Sunday, April 26th
Siberian Wolf Pack Available for World of Tanks Now
For the first time on consoles, the Siberian Wolf Pack Update is available on World of Tanks for the Xbox 360. The Siberian Wolf Pack update delivers an alternate line of medium tanks: the A-43, the A-44, the Object 140 and the Object 430 II, creating a new branch of USSR tank fire power. The A-43 is an agile and light medium tank great for the high-speed sneak attack. Adept at flanking, the A-43 is most lethal when attacking the vulnerable sides of their enemies. Next in line is the A-44, a tank that deals a respectable amount of damage; if it cannot out gun an opponent, its deflecting armor angle provides supreme defense against incoming shells. Not to be outdone, the Object 140 and the Object 430 tanks each bring the opportunity for unique battle strategies to your growing arsenal.
MLB The Show 15′ Gets New Patch Live Today
Patch 1.02 for MLB The Show 15 went live today and included a host of new features. It will be in effect on both PS3 and PS4 and is live now with an automatic update on your next playthrough. Take a look at the notes below. Online Gameplay – Game would occasionally hang following an Intentional Walk, a regular Base on Balls, a Hit by Pitch, or a Balk. General – Batters would strikeout on the second strike when the performed certain check swings at pitches in the dirt. Franchise mode – Edit Player screen was limiting users from editing generated players, and players on certain teams. General – Specific “wall s****ing” home runs would result in a baserunner staying on 1st base, and not score correctly. Online Franchise – Injuries were not occurring during Online Franchise games. Online Gameplay – Guessing Pitches had a delay and users would occasionally fail to guess Location and Pitch Type when offering input quickly. Online – Within Game Rooms, users were missing their rank logos that distinguished them as Rookie, Veteran, All-Star, Hall of Fame, or Legend rank. Online – Play Now Rated and Diamond Dynasty – Home and Away team assignment was not random, resulting in some users always being the home team, or always the away team. Online – Play Now Online rated – Controlling the KC Royals, user would be given control of the ace pitcher (Ventura) no matter who was chosen to be the starting pitcher in the Pitcher Select screen. Card Collections – Redeem Legend button was missing after completing a collection. General – CPU runners were not using correct lead off logic. General – Specific edited rosters would cause the game to crash when loading into a Road To The Show Showcase game. General – Andrew McCutchen’s hair has been adjusted – We gave him a haircut to match his current appearance. General – Wrigley Field had some collision/Home Run detection issues. Certain foul balls were being counted as Home Runs down the 1st base line. General – Sounds of the Show issues have been resolved. Custom music was not being saved correctly where users intended them to. General – Public Announcer audio was frequently incorrect (announcing the wrong name) during the end of game wrap up and also when bringing relief pitchers into the game. General – Highlight Reel was added back into post game menus, by popular demand! General – Tweaking and refining of in game sound effects. General – Front End User Interface tweaking. Team colors on User’s Player Card. General – Tuning to trade logic, specifically how the CPU traded with other CPU teams in Franchise and Season modes. General – Baserunning/Lead Runner windows were missing from Manager Mode. General – Players will now wear sleeves when the game is played at lower temperatures. General – Fixed many occurrences of consumer reported crashes, reported to us through the PS4 operating system crash reporting tool. Areas that encountered these rare crashes included: Exiting Amateur Draft in Franchise mode / Entering Diamond Dynasty / During initial boot-up / Using the Suggested Trade feature in Franchise mode / Specific in game scenarios. Community Market – Changing pages in the marketplace completed order now works. Gameplay – Animation clean up and tuning. Gameplay – Adjustments to tagging sliding baserunners. AI tuning – Bunt success rate was incorrect/too successful and accurate. Year to Year Saves modifications – Properly handling a small batch of players who were not in the league in MLB 14, and how they transfer over to MLB 15.
Lara Croft Gets New Tomb Raider Collector Statue
The folks over at Gaming Heads have announced via a press release today that Lara Croft is the subject of their new collector’s edition statue. They will be limited to the first 1,000 units for $339.99 so you better hurry if you wanna grab one up. For the ultra rare, there is also a similar statue with Lara holding the Staff of Osiris which is limited to the first 500 units sold for $359.99. Be sure to head over to the Gaming Heads site if you want to pick one up.
Rectify Gaming Podcast Episode #11 – House of Halo
In this episode Darth Quackers, TwiztedShotzTV and Tyboy17 talk Halo, Destiny, Side stuff, upcoming gamenights, recent gaming news and a little surprise! Come listen to find out! Let us know what you thought of the podcast on our forums! https://soundcloud.com/rectify-gaming/podcast-episode-11-house-of-halo Our podcast is now on iTunes! Topics: 1. What games have you been playing? 2. The Reef in Destiny 3. Destiny House of Wolves 4. HUNTtheTRUTH Trailers 5. Halo 5 Release Date 6. Ricochet being taken out of HCS 7. Latest Halo MCC Patch 8. ODST and Relic launching in May 9. Upcoming Game Nights Follow us: Darth Quackers on Twitter TwiztedShotzTV on Twitter Tyboy17 on Twitter Rectify Gaming on Twitter Rectify Gaming on Twitch More awesome content to come!
WE ARE DOOMED Xbox One Review
Platform: Xbox One Genre: Shoot ’em up / twin stick-shooter Age Rating: E (Everyone) Xbox LIVE Store Price: $9.99 Game Size: 155.71MB 12 Achievements worth a total 1000G Buy Now Official Site INTRODUCTION WE ARE DOOMED is a space based twin stick-shooter (multidirectional shooters with one joystick for movement and one joystick for firing in any direction independent of movement) developed and published by Vertexpop. The gameplay mechanics are really simple; shooting and killing incoming and increasing enemy waves without a reason; well, who needs one? Get ready for tons of numbers, lasers, enemies and pixelated fireworks filling the whole screen. There is definately some chaotic gameplay going on. GAME HISTORY WE ARE DOOMED started when the creator idly doodled a massive laser beam weapon in a notebook. He immediately knew he had to figure out how to turn that into a videogame. Over the course of development, everything from the controls, to the look, to the enemy behaviours changed dramatically, but that initial doodle survived. GAMEPLAY & GAME MODES There is no story mode at all, and honestly, I really appreciate that; sometimes I don’t feel like watching ridiculous amounts of cutscenes with a poor argument. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one thinking this way. WE ARE DOOMED goes straight to the point; and that’s its main strength; be prepared to press play and do your best! At first, it might seem pretty easy to clear waves, but, as you might imagine, it will be eventually getting harder as you progress. Killing enemies (zapping baddies) will reward you with the ultimate baddie killer, the Super Beam (you’ll need to collect “trinkets” to load it), which is the overpowered version of your standard weapon. Regarding weapons, variety is not a word I could use, since there is only one available weapon you can use; the laser beam and, occasionally, its 2.0 version, the super beam, as I said. This makes the game feel fairly simple; it’s worth mentioning that there are no upgrades/temporary buffs either, which could have added a lot to this game. There are just two game modes in WE ARE DOOMED; Wave Mode– Classic game type where you have to survive till the last wave, in this case, you’ll have to make it alive up to wave 30. Endless Mode– This is simply the wave mode without limit, there is nothing else different, just an endless barrage of baddies. The only singularity I found in the game is that you have 4 lives instead of just one; this four opportunities will become really handy; there are different enemies attacking in various ways and also there are obstacles with unpredictable movement patterns, providing easy deaths along the way. “Spoiler”: you might end up rage quitting. VISUALS AND SOUND The nice 50% 80’s/90’s retro, 50% modern visuals mixture combined with a pretty good soundtrack gets your attention straight away, there is no doubt about it. The best part of this game is its presentation, design, sound section; everything except the gameplay, and it’s a real shame. Here is a link to buy the game soundtrack: http://robbyduguay.bandcamp.com/album/we-are-doomed-soundtrack-ep SO MANY COLOURS PERSONAL OPINION & VERDICT When a game is really similar to another one, it is practically unavoidable to start comparing them, and without getting into a deeper comparison, I can say Geometry Wars is far a better game. But if you enjoyed Geometry Wars, nothing stops you from enjoying WE ARE DOOMED too. The problem with this particular game is that it brings nothing new to the table; it’s a generic twin stick shooter, and this type of games aren’t new on the next generation consoles either. This is the type of game you feel like playing for half an hour or so, depending on your playstyle (how competitive you really are). Seems appropriate for high score hunters, so if you consider yourself one, you need to give it a try. From my point of view, WE ARE DOOM lacks of an addictive gameply, but I can see what the developers attempted to achieve; maybe they were aiming too high. There is plenty of room left for improves; and that “room” is probably bigger than the satisfaction this game could ever provide you. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the game is bad, I’m just saying that I’ve seen this before, and there is no surprise element at all; don’t say I haven’t warned you. What this game needs at all costs is a free content update adding weapons and positive/negative buffs like slow motion or blurry screen; it’s just an example of the ton of things you could add! Hopefully Vertexpop takes this feedback into account; I’ll be happy to update and increase my final score if they do it! Now, with that being said, I just want to make clear that I did actually enjoy the game a little bit, but I couldn’t stop thinking of ways to improve it, and that kept me generally distracted. WE ARE DOOMED feels like an open canvas still waiting to be painted. +Cool soundtrack and visuals +No Story mode (it’s not neccesary for this type of game) +Quick to start and restart for one more game -Lack of weapon variety -No addictive gameplay -Brings nothing new -Only two game modes (not enough content) This was my honest opinion on the game, no harm intended at all, and I’m giving WE ARE DOOMED a final 5.5/10 score.
Mad Max Gameplay Overview
A new trailer released today for Mad Max showing gameplay along with car customization and combat. Said in the trailer, you’ll start off with nothing and you must teach yourself to survive in the post-apocalyptic wasteland by scavenging for items and weapons. You’ll also be looking for car pieces to build the Magnum Opus to be able to fully traverse the world. You’ll have a variety of car bodies along with upgrades on your body, ramming grill, armor, engine and tires. You’ll also be able to upgrade Max for combat as well for his knuckledusters, jacket, and wrist armor along with a perk system seen in the trailer. Due to the rarity of ammunition in the world, combat hand to hand combat will be a big focus with a variety of weapons to use. While exploring the wasteland, you’ll run upon people and factions, possibly create alliances with them and help their strongholds thrive in return for aid in the story. The trailer also shows a first person mode while driving that’ll create a whole new experience for the game. And you will be able to visit the ThunderDome as well seen in the trailer. Mad Max will be released on September 1st for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC.