Since 2013



DontNod’s new RPG Vampyr gets new E3 details

After Square Enix announced that Vampyr woud be debuted at E3 this week, official details were announced today from the show floor. Both Focus Home Interactive and DontNod are colloborating on the new RPG due out in 2017. Vampyr is set in early 20th century Britain as the country is gripped by the lethal Spanish flu and the streets of London are crippled by disease, violence and fear. In a disorganized and ghostly city, those foolish, desperate, or unlucky enough to walk the streets lay prey to Britain’s most elusive predators: the vampires. Emerging from the chaos, a tormented figure awakens. You are Jonathan E. Reid, a high-ranking military surgeon transformed into a vampire upon his return home from the frontline. Of course, as a Vampyr, you will need to feed on human blood which will unlock new powers for your character. Your decisions will also impact how your gameplay goes. Should you decide to hunt a certain target and succeed, they will be gone from the game forever and impact the direction the game will take. Vampyr implores a deep crafting system and unique, strategy oriented battle system. Should you attempt to use your vampire abilities in battle, you will gain a distinct advantage but doing so will also leave you weaker. In this sense, a kean sense of planning is required in order for you to succeed.

This Week’s Free Witcher 3 DLC

As part of the 16 free pieces of DLC for the Wticher 3 Wild Hunt, this week sees a new costume and side quest. CD Projekt Red is by no means skimping out on the DLC so far as missions and weapons provided have been of substantial value so far and not just simply cosmetic. The exact description of the of the DLC is Triss Alternative Costume – self explanatory New Quest – Scavenger Hunt: Wolf School Gear – Embark on an epic treasure hunt and get your hands on a long-lost elite set of Wolf School Witcher gear.

Tour de France 2015 gets new trailer for today’s release

  Tour de France 2015 has received a new launch trailer celebrating today’s release. The full, twenty one official stage of the Tour are represented as the ever changing terrain dictates the  necessary strategy needed to overtake your opponent. This year’s game puts you right in the heart of the race as you will also be able to manage your team as well. It is available starting today either via online purchase or in stores. Choosing from over 200 races with 550 individual stages, as manager you are in control of your team’s sponsors, finances, races entered as well as recruting new riders for your team in order to ensure ongoing mastery of the race. Races can be held in solo or multiplayer mode with a racer of your very own creation. Start your career off as race your way to international superstardom as one of the Tour’s best cyclists. The career mode has been improved, with revised rider progress system, specific training programs, a more extensive scout management system and the opportunity to manage a reserve team!

Evolve season 2 stomps onto consoles next week with new character reveal

  2K has announced that season 2 of Evolve will be launching next Wednesday, June 24th on both PS4 and Xbox One. A new character, Lennox, was also announced to go along with some premiere gameplay footage. As the first female assault character in Evolve, Lennox built a Hulk-buster like mech armor suit from the wreckage found on Shear. Lennox is a melee Hunter armed with a combo dealing Plasma Lance. At range, she lays heavy fire with her Autocannon and can close the gap with a blast from her Thunder Strike Take a look at the gameplay walkthrough videobelow.

Arkham Knight Season Pass Gets you all retailer exclusive content

Warner Bros has taken to their forums in order to clarify some confusion for the season pass of Batman Arkham Knight. With so many pre-orders and retailer exclusive content and now the collector’s edition being cancelled, players had some questions on what exactly they were getting. For example, one location would give you the Red Hood content while another may give you the Harley Quinn dlc for pre-ordering. These had been mentioned as retailer exclusive and not available for individual purchase, meaning you wouldn’t be able to play the entire game without multiple pre-orders. Warner Bros has clarified that all of the content will be available to season pass owners once the exclusivity is up for their specific retailer in the August/September time period. “Throughout the 6 months of additional Batman: Arkham Knight content, Premium and Season Pass owners will receive all in-game content that is offered through various retail pre-order incentives. This includes the Harley Quinn and Red Hood Story Packs, as well as any Batmobile or Booster Pack that was available as early bonuses for pre-order of the game. For those who did not receive the content with their game, these items will become available when their respective exclusivity windows expire in August/September.   Arkham Knight launches this Tuesday, June 23rd