Microsoft is giving out $50 Xbox cards for dedicated fans
Since the Xbox Live Rewards program is turning 5 Microsoft is celebrating by giving out $50 Xbox live cards to select Xbox users for being valued customers. This is very nice for Microsoft to do and it shows how they appreciate Xbox fans for being with them. You can use these cards to buy games, movies, songs, and more on the Xbox store. They have been getting sent out randomly. Keep your eye out. This is what you should look for
NoGoblin announced their 2nd game, 100ft Robot Golf
NoGoblin studio head Dan Teasdale announced on Twitter today the studio’s 2nd game and their first after Roundabout. It is called 100ft Robot Golf and takes golf to a brand new level. The title says it all where you play golf as, well, a 100 ft robot. The accompanying trailer even shows you hitting the ball from the surface of the moon back down to Earth itself. In fact, the official description of the game says that 100ft Robot Golf is a real time golf game where you get to control impossibly large robots on their quest for par. Never get your ball stuck behind a pesky tree or skyscraper ever again! Just swing your golf club to smash even the tallest buildings out of the way – or into the way of your robot golfing buddies. You will be able to play as one of a number of pre-set robots or customize your own and take the game online. Using both four player split screen or online play, you will be able to match up against your friends to see who’s robot has the best chip and putt. Oh yeah, and who can bash the ball the farthest of course. Now, the game has been announced for PS4 and PlayStation VR but we’re attempting to confirm whether or not it will be released on Xbox One as well. Last we spoke with Mr. Teasdale on the Roundabout release, he indicated that their next game (not named at the time) would be coming in 2016 and seemed to lean toward a mutli console release. We’ll let you know more but in the meantime check it out below. I don’t know about you, but this game has epic win written all over it. As much fun as Roundabout was for us, this may top the “Are you kidding me? Did you just see that?” factor. More to come as we know.
Ni no Kuni II Revenant Kingdom announced, exclusive to PlayStation 4
Sony and Level 5 games have announced that Ni No Kuni II revenant Kingdom will be coming to PS4, they showed the game off with a trailer, It will also be exclusive as well.
Destiny Sparrow Racing announced at PSX
Sony and Bungie have just announced at PSX, a new event for Destiny which is Sparrow racing, which starts December 8th and will run for 3 weeks. Also announced, Playstation exclusive iron banner. Stay tuned as a new ViDoc and trailer will be coming soon. you’ll be able to compete against friends on Venus and Mars for exclusive rewards, including a special Sparrow. It will be available for Xbox as well, it will be free if you already own The Taken King. It will also feature 6 person death race with matchmaking. Gear up to light level 320 can drop. To initiate you go to amanda holiday to get your license and quests. It’s a full tower event so tower will be decked out and there are matching racing suits and sparrows. Bungie stated that “if you like it (sparrow racing) let us know and you will see more of it” Brand new Trailer and ViDoc was released: ViDoc:
Playstation VR Shown at Playstation Experience with announcements
Magic Lab have showed off a tech demo of Playstation VR, from what they have shown you can go in first person and third person. The Playstation VR is 1080p, 60 FPS and has 3D audio. Job Simulator will be coming to Playstation VR,Golem by Highwire games is currently in development. Sony announced Rez Infinite for PlayStation VR.
Ratchet and Clank release date announced
Sony and Insomniac Games, have just shown off a new trailer about how Ratchet and Clank first met in the upcoming remake of the first game. Insomniac also announced that the game will be coming out on April 12th 2016.
Sony announces MLB 16 The Show at PSX
Sony has just announced MLB 16 The Show, with a trailer showing off the game. Sony also announced that PS+ users would get free things as well for MLB 16.
Day of the Tentacle remaster trailer shown off at PSX
Tim Schafer has just shown off the new trailer for Day of the Tentacles remaster at PSX. The game will be released in March 2016 for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.
Capcom shows off new character for Street Fighter V at PSX
Capcom has just revealed a new character for Street Fighter V, which is coming out on PlayStation 4 and PC on February 16th 2016, The new character is called FANG. Capcom also announced that the Street Fighter V season pass would go on sale today on the PlayStation Store. Here are all Capcom also revealed the six DLC characters officially, which are the ones which were previously leaked, and they are Alex Guile Balrog Ibuki Juri Urien
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 DLC launches first on Playstation in 2016.
Awakening, Black Ops 3’s next DLC map pack was first shown at Playstation Experience 2015. Awakening will launch first on Playstation in 2016, 30 days before other platforms. This past September, Activision announced Call of Duty World League, a global eSports league which kicks off early next year. Now it’s been revealed that PlayStation will be the presenting partner of Call of Duty World League. We will keep you updated on more news about the maps and more! UPDATE: New map names and small screenshots revealed in a poster: There will be 4 maps and 1 zombie map: Multiplayer Maps: Splash Gauntlet Rise Skyjacked Zombies: Der Eisendrachen