Since 2013



The Witcher 2 is popping up free on Xbox.

So the new Xbox One backward compatible list for this month has yet to release and we are about to finish this month. So on Reddit people have found The Witcher 2: Assassin’s of Kings free on now we have not heard a confirmation on if this is a GWG title and a BC title. The assumption is that it could be both but you never know, a mistake could happen. You can download it right now and i highly suggest you do it before it gets taken down. Especially for all you that are not familiar with the series, this could be a good start before starting The Witcher 3. Stay tuned on more information on Games with Gold and Backward Compatibility on Xbox One!

Check out Mike Tyson in EA UFC 2

EA Sports has announced that Mike Tyson will make his mixed martial arts debut as an unlockable fighter when the game comes out on March 17, 2016. Fans who pre-order EA SPORTS UFC 2 will get instant day-one access to Tyson, and all players can unlock him by progressing in the game and making it to the Hall of Fame in Career Mode. The former undisputed heavyweight boxing champion of the world packs the strongest punching power of any fighter in the game and will fight across two different weight classes: light heavyweight and heavyweight. For a first look at the former champ in EA SPORTS UFC 2, watch the Mike Tyson reveal video. “When you think about the most devastating fighters of all time, Mike Tyson is either around, or at the top of everyone’s list. It’s fun to think that if MMA was as popular back when he was competing as it is today, you might have seen Tyson put on four ounce gloves and step into the Octagon,” said Creative Director Brian Hayes. “This is one of those great ‘what ifs’ that we get to create when making a game like EA SPORTS UFC 2.” Two versions of Tyson are coming to the game: “Iron” Mike Tyson based on his climb to stardom and string of invincible fights in the eighties; and “Legacy” Mike Tyson, developed with the end of his illustrious career in mind. Fans who pre-order the standard edition of EA SPORTS UFC 2 will get day-one access to “Iron” Mike Tyson. Those who opt for the Deluxe Edition will receive both “Iron” Mike as well as “Legacy” Mike Tyson. Both versions are available to unlock by progressing in the game. “As a huge fan, I’m honored to be part of EA SPORTS and explore the world of mixed martial arts,” said Mike Tyson. “I follow UFC very closely and it’s going to be very cool to see how I would stack up against these amazing MMA athletes.”

Mortal Kombat XL announced

Warner Bros and NetherRealm Studios announced that Mortal Kombat X will be getting its own version of Game of the Year Edition called Mortal Kombat XL. It will include not only the main game but also both Kombat Packs and a number of other goodies. Mortal Kombat XL offers the ultimate Mortal Kombat X experience that includes the main game and all content featured in upcoming Kombat Pack 2: ·         Brand new playable characters the Xenomorph from Alien, Leatherface fromThe Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror film series, Triborg and Bo’Rai Cho ·         Never released Apocalypse Skin Pack ·         Previously released content including playable Goro, Brazil Skin Pack, Kold War Skin Pack and Kold War Scorpion Skin Also included with Mortal Kombat XL are previously released downloadable content from the original Kombat Pack: ·         Playable characters Predator, Jason Voorhees, Tremor and Tanya, with each accompanied by three themed skins ·         Samurai Skin Pack Mortal Kombat XL will be available March 4th on both Xbox One and PS4

Here's how the amiibo work in Twilight Princess HD

As we know, the Wolf Link amiibo will be unlocking a new dungeon in the Twilight Princess HD remake when it launches this March on Wii U. We also heard that other amiibo could be scanned and each will have its own individual abilities. Well, in a new interview with Famitsu, the company stated and detailed each function of the respective amiibo. Only being able to be scanned once in a 24 hour period, the amiibo action will be instantaneous and begin to deplete from there. Link and Toon Link: Fully replenish arrows Zelda and Sheik: Completely restore hearts Ganondorf: Receive twice as much damage from enemies. This means is you scan Zelda to get your health back, it’s a one shot deal for the next 24 hours. Also, you don’t keep full health for that entire time as it only acts as a temporary buff. Of course, only REAL Zelda fans will use the Ganondorf amiibo as that will double the damage you take from other enemies. Challenge – use the Ganon amiibo while fighting Ganon.

PlayStation 4 Far Cry Primal console bundle announced

Sony and Ubisoft have just announced that the PlayStation 4, will be getting a exclusive console bundle for Far Cry Primal, that will be available on February 23rd. Included in the bundle is a 1TB Jet Back PlayStation 4 , a Jet Black DuelShock 4  and a physical copy of Far Cry Primal. Source:PlayStation

Microsoft holding Xbox and Windows 10 event February 25th

Microsoft is planning to showcase its upcoming Xbox spring lineup at a media event to be held in San Francisco on February 25th.  The Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer will be there, and will offer hands-on opportunities with “the best games and platform experiences launching this spring on Xbox and Windows 10” We all know E3 is still far away and that they can’t announce everything there. So this is a good chance to showoff what is coming in the first half of 2016. Microsoft has just released its first Xbox One update of the year, including lots of social improvements and new features like an Avatar Store and more, and it looks like we can look forward to not only new games, but more improvements to the Xbox One experience. Also, could we expect more Windows 10 news than Xbox news during this show? We will have to find out.

Mortal Kombat gets their own Game of the Year Edition, called Mortal Kombat XL

Warner Bros and NetherRealm Studios announced that Mortal Kombat X will be getting its own version of Game of the Year Edition called Mortal Kombat XL. It will include not only the main game but also both Kombat Packs and a number of other goodies. Mortal Kombat XL offers the ultimate Mortal Kombat X experience that includes the main game and all content featured in upcoming Kombat Pack 2: ·         Brand new playable characters the Xenomorph from Alien, Leatherface fromThe Texas Chainsaw Massacre horror film series, Triborg and Bo’Rai Cho ·         Never released Apocalypse Skin Pack ·         Previously released content including playable Goro, Brazil Skin Pack, Kold War Skin Pack and Kold War Scorpion Skin Also included with Mortal Kombat XL are previously released downloadable content from the original Kombat Pack: ·         Playable characters Predator, Jason Voorhees, Tremor and Tanya, with each accompanied by three themed skins ·         Samurai Skin Pack Mortal Kombat XL will be available March 4th on both Xbox One and PS4

Uncharted 4's dialogue options won't change the story

  When Sony showed off the last Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End trailer, at PlayStation Experience 2015, they also showed off that the game would have dialogue options like in Mass Effect, however director of Uncharted 4, Neil Druckmann has said that the dialogue options’s won’t change the story much, In a interview with EuroGamer, Neil Druckmann said this. “ The thing I want to make sure we’re clear about is that we’re not making Mass Effect, “Uncharted has a very specific story, it has a very specific ending that’s very definite to the franchise.”  ” Every once in a while we felt a dialogue tree would really bring you more into the scene, there’s something about Sam asking Nate about his old adventures that we like, it would be kind of fun to have Nate – and therefore the player-  pick which story they want to tell first. And there’s a few other instances like that where it felt like a dialogue tree was just going to get you more into the scene and make it more interactive. “ In other words, these choices are there for those who’d like a little more back and forth between the characters – an optional mechanic that’s used to flesh each scenario out.” Uncharted 4 is supposed to be the final story with Nathan Drake in it, so it does make sense that there’s won’t be two or three endings depending on what you say Source:PushSquare