DOOM Campaign Preview LIVE Stream
Earlier today id Software took over the Twitch studios in San Francisco California to bring us an inside look into the single-player campaign of their highly anticipated first person shooter, DOOM. The talents of Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez were called upon to ask questions and direct the general gathering. Joining him were none other than Creative Director, Hugo Martin and Executive Producer, Marty Stratton for id Software. The purpose for today’s live broadcast was to show off, for the first time ever, actual campaign gameplay, weapon and armor upgrades, and more! Some of the levels chosen to show were a Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) research facility, a Lazarus facility, and Titan’s Realm, which they affectionately called a “fracture” of Hell. These levels spanned several areas throughout the game showing a glimpse of early “progressive” missions, mid and later battle arenas. During the presentation Martin and Stratton showed viewers various assortments of arsenal upgrades and even the very Praetor Suit that you can expect to use while playing. According to Stratton, each gun has a base capability, but can be modded with the help of a supply drone station which can be seen pictured below. Players are given the ability of adding things to the weapons customizing them with special abilities like Charged Burst or Explosive Shot. Your armor, called the Praetor Suit, can also be upgraded. Putting more points into dexterity can let you perform quicker Glory Kills, Doom’s new executions that let you easily take down vulnerable enemies, while upgrading things like environmental resistance or area-scanning technology can “hone the gameplay to your specific preference,” explains Stratton. During the presentation the team talked about the addition of a new mode called Ultra Nightmare for an even greater challenge. This new mode takes the hardest difficulty setting, titled “Nightmare”, and cranks the death penalty to the fullest adding Permadeath to this bloody brutal shooter. Martin and Stratton also spoke a bit about Doom’s story, which dives deeper into the mystery of the UAC. It isn’t, however, the focus of Doom. Stratton say’s – “We don’t put story front and center at all,” “Doom is about fighting demons, and using awesome guns. Story hasn’t been a huge focus necessarily, but as I mentioned, we’ve tried to infuse a lot of mystery and a story that will keep you kind of playing and digging for more, if you want it. We kind of say we keep it pushed out of the way a little bit and have you diving into trying to figure it out.” During several points of gameplay Martin could be seen accessing a codex within the UI as pictured above. Within were pages dedicated to showing detailed weapons diagrams, level details, and even descriptions of the demons the player will be faced with. By reading further through the codex the player can dig more deeply into the lore of Doom should they seem entertained. They also hinted there would be plenty of collectibles and secrets to be found as players have grown accustomed to in previous DOOM titles. Stratton was also reported saying that “on a normal to moderate setting players can expect anywhere from 13-15 hours of gameplay.” Take into account looking for weapon mods, secret rooms, and at higher difficulty ranges and it would appear, at least for the time being, that DOOM’s campaign could be sizable to say the least. Only time will tell as DOOM launches in just a few short weeks on May 13, 2016 for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC systems. More images taken from the live broadcast. These images are only screen shots and are not to give actual resolution of the final game.
Rectify Gaming Halo 5 2v2 Tournament signups are now LIVE!
Hello everyone, we have been looking at new ways to improve out tournaments and how we can make a better bracket system. Well since November where we had a successful tournament we now have an actual bracket you can view on the website here. The tournament begins on May 14th at around 6-7 pm EST depending on Wild Card matches. Signup deadline is May 12th. The tournament will be broadcasted on Twitch. We are not 100% sure which rounds will be streamed. You can sign up on our Official Reddit The winning team will win a 3D printed version of their Halo 5 Spartan. We have yet to come up with a 2nd place prize but stay tuned for that. We will have an official gametype that you can download soon but for now here is what the tournament will consist of: 25 Kills to win 15 Minutes Assault Rifle and Pistol start Overtime to 3 minutes No Radar Everything else default All Slayer Tournament Round 1 Game 1- Plaza Game 2- Tyrant Game 3- Coliseum Round 2: Game 1: Truth Game 2: Empire Game 3: Fathom Round 3: Game 1: Plaza Game 2: Regret Game 3: Tyrant Wildcard *IF NECESSARY* Game 1- Regret Game 2- Fathom Game 3- Truth Winners Bracket Final: Game 1- Truth Game 2- Tyrant Game 3- Regret Losers Round 1: Game 1- Regret Game 2- Empire Game 3- Plaza Losers Round 2: Game 1- Tyrant Game 2- Fathom Game 3- Coliseum Losers Round 3: Game 1: Truth Game 2: Coliseum Game 3: Eden Losers Round 4: Game 1: Regret Game 2: Plaza Game 3: Coliseum Losers Round 5: Game 1: Empire Game 2: Fathom Game 3: Truth Losers Round 6: Game 1: Fathom Game 2: Plaza Game 3: Coliseum
Announcing The Official Rectify Gaming Reddit.
Well it has been a long time since we at Rectify Gaming had a proper place for our community to talk at. Well as the Head of Rectify Gaming I am thrilled to announce that we now have an official Reddit page for you guys to talk on. Just go to and boom get talking. We want this to be a place where our community can communicate, talk gaming and general stuff, join tournaments, ask questions for our podcast, and a ton more.
Rumor: Microsoft to reveal 'new Elite Xbox One' at E3
Microsoft, Microsoft, Microsoft, again with the damn rumours! As we know from an earlier article written by me (With the FCC one here:, there will most likely be a new Xbox console. But the Neogaf user who theorized on this actually spoke to people within the company. He came back with some pretty good info, saying that Microsoft are making a new Xbox controller, and that they have something even bigger planned that ‘goes well with the Elite controllers’, henceforth dubbed the ‘Elite console’ which apparently has got a little something prepared for PC and Xbox. Source
Playstation Plus games for May revealed.
There was a rumor that Watch Dogs and Tetris Ultimate would be free in the month of May for Playstation users. That turned out to be completely fake. May 2016’s PS Plus games will start to be available next week. Here is the official lineup: PS4: Switch Galaxy Ultra Table Top Racing: World Tour Tropico 5 PS3: Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 LocoRoco Cocoreccho! PlayStation Vita: God of War: Ghost of Sparta Switch Galaxy Ultra
PAX East 2016: Interview with developer of Brawlhalla.
Here is another PAX East 2016 interview and this time it is with Blue Mammoth Games from Atlanta Georgia who is currently working on Brawlhalla. Brawlhalla is a 2D platform fighter and 100% Free to Play. An eternal battle arena where the greatest Legends ever brawl to prove who is the best that ever was, is, or will be. Every match is an epic test of skill, speed, and strength, and every victory brings glory and bragging rights to the winner. Here are some questions and answers: 1 How long was the game in development? A. Brawlhalla has been in development for 2 years. 2. Will Brawlhalla always be free to play? A. Yes, it was always be free to play. 3. Do you think this game could be as popular as Super Smash Bros? A. We really hope so. We have over 2 million open accounts on the servers and Reddit has helped out a lot. 4. Will you focus more on the competitive aspect? To make it be up there with other highly competitive games? A. Well we wanted to get more competitive but we had to take care of the free to play crowd first. 5. Why Brawlhalla? A. We really loved the idea of Smash Bros. and how it worked. So we started dabbling into things like capture the flag, and 2v2 and after that it kinda took off. 6. Will it be on any other consoles/platforms? A. Since it is on Steam it will stay there. We have a 6 month exclusive deal to Sony, but afterwards we will push out to Xbox and possibly Nintendo. 7. Will we see this game at major events? A. We actually have a competition coming up in the fall with our Diamond Division and community members. You can follow the official Brawlhalla account here on Twitter
Taiwanese ratings board reveals hybrid game Trials Blood Dragon
In what is clearly the most absurd combo of two games into one that I have ever seen, the Taiwanese ratings board has revealed Trials Blood Dragon. It is a spin off game of the Trials bike game that appears to be set in the universe of Far Cry Blood Dragon. The listing has since been removed, but you can see it below compliments of Xbox One info shark Lifelower. With both games being owned by Ubisoft, there is every possibility that this is accurate. The fact that the listing was pulled so quickly gives even more credence to that fact. Prior to being pulled, the game was listed for PC and current generation consoles. What do you think of this hybrid game? Let us know below.
Review: Dark Souls III

Release Date – April 12, 2016 Platform – PS4 (reviewed), Xbox One, PC Developer/Publisher – FromSoftware/FromSoftware, Bandai Namco Entertainment Anguish. Despair. Rage. Relief. Elation. Triumph. FromSoftware’s third installment in its Dark Souls series will force you to experience each of these emotions during your journey through the grim Kingdom of Lothric. Throughout the majority of your journey you will be outnumbered, outmatched and quite possibly out of your mind. Inch by inch, however, you will find yourself overcoming foes who, not so long ago, seemed in a league all their own. Therein lies the beauty of Dark Souls III. Much like developer FromSoftware’s recent titles, including the remarkable Bloodborne, Dark Souls III does not bother with holding your hand or unraveling a grand tale. It should be noted though that Dark Souls III’s story was probably the easiest out of the series for me to follow, although given the comparison that may not be saying too much. You are one of the “Unkindled”. An undead tasked with felling the Lords of Cinder, who, as an early encounter with an NPC informs, “We’re not fit to lick their boots”. Positive reinforcement from the outset. Unfortunately, he’s not altogether wrong. In your current form you would be a mere gnat buzzing around their charred crowns. For those acquainted with the Souls games, you will be happy to know that Dark Souls III feels the way it should, despite some notable changes. Replacing the previous magic-usage system is a new bar on the HUD for Focus Points (FP), which allow you to cast magic, miracles and pyromancies. Focus Points are also used for Skills, unique attacks or buffs for each specific piece of equipment at your disposal, with the exception of armor. This change helps breathe new life into combat, giving you yet another way to think about facing your foes. The introduction of Focus Points also brings with it new Ashen Estus Flasks, which are used to refill your FP. Much like their original Estus Flask counterparts, these bottles are refilled through resting at bonfires or defeating certain enemies throughout the game. An interesting quirk, however, is you now have to decide how many of each flask you want to carry with you. Are you a tanked-up warrior that enjoys up-close and personal combat? Consider stocking up on the original Estus Flasks. Do you prefer a sorcerer that casts spells from a distance? Perhaps keeping more Ashen Estus Flasks in your inventory is the way to go. Whichever you decide, your choice is not permanent as an NPC back at Firelink Shrine (home base) gives you the ability to reallocate as you see fit. Finding the right balance for your play-style is key to just about every aspect of Dark Souls III. Your character build, your equipment and how you approach your enemies needs to feel comfortable, or as comfortable as it can be given that even the first enemy you cross paths with has the ability to end your journey. Speaking of your journey, expect it to be a gorgeous one, accompanied by an equally as striking score. From vast cathedrals to dimly-lit catacombs, the environments you encounter are as impressive as FromSoftware has churned out, with the soundtrack largely contributing to the feeling of tension mounting throughout your playthrough. Many times you will be able to physically feel the darkness of certain areas of the game creeping in. What makes Dark Souls III shine, however, is the ability to make you weary of every corner, even in the brightest daylight. As stated earlier, everything in this game has the ability to conquer you for being careless. If you are a Souls veteran, you will probably notice you are accosted by numerous foes more often than in previous games, where it was rare to have to deal with more than two or three enemies at a time. This leads to many hair-raising moments, requiring thoughtful tactics to emerge in one piece. This also brings me to what is the game’s biggest weakness – frame rate. I reviewed the game on the Playstation 4, where it has been widely publicized that dips in frame rate can slow your experience down to a trudge. While I certainly fell victim to these frame rate drops, it by no means breaks the game. Honestly, it worked to my benefit in some instances, though I am sure that was not FromSoftware’s intent. I have heard that the Xbox One version suffers from similar issues, but a properly optimized PC is said to be free from this problem. A second downside, although one I did not feel to be a big issue, is the way in which you progress throughout the game. While there may be some who take umbrage with the more linear progression than the original Dark Souls, I certainly found more options available to me than Dark Souls II. There are a number of secret paths that are obscurely hidden which require a careful eye, or even dumb luck, to access. Many of these paths lead to useful treasure, entirely new areas and optional bosses. Strictly speaking, Dark Souls III’s bosses taken as a whole may be the most punishing among the series. Oftentimes you will be mere seconds away from victory before a mistimed dodge or greedy string of attacks leads to your undoing. Expect to spend some quality time getting to know these foes, with perhaps one or two exceptions. A new mechanic has also worked its way into boss encounters, which was sparsely present in previous Souls games. When bosses reach about half of their original health they will “transform” to some degree, bringing with them a new move-set to contend with, as well as buffed attacks. In one specific instance this transformation changes the fight altogether. Dark Souls III also offers a similar PvP mode as its predecessors. Leaving summon signs on the ground gives players the ability to assist others in need or invade their world and
Nintendo could possibly cease Wii U production by 2018
Nintendo revealed that it would stop making the Wii U console by March 2018, so it could come before that. This was mentioned by none other than the president Tatsumi Kimishima during a Nintendo briefing today. The Wii U has sold pretty poorly compared to it’s predeccessor. And with the new console coming, it will put the U in the shadow, although the new Zelda game is to release on both consoles
Zelda will be big a focus at Nintendo's E3.
You read the title right, despite revealing their new console release date, they announced later that they would focus more on the Zelda side of things… The official statement from Nintendo regarding this matter was: Nintendo changes its approach to the show every year. This June, Nintendo will focus its attentions on the upcoming game in The Legend of Zeldafranchise. The Wii U version of the game will be playable for the first time on the E3 show floor, and it will be the only playable game Nintendo presents at the show, in order to provide attendees a complete immersion. Additional information about Nintendo’s E3 plans will be announced in the future. This confirms that Zelda will be the only game at their booth this year, but it has mixed opinions. Not even the new console will be given any more info on, which came as a surprise for most. Myself personally think they should’ve probably added more games such as the new Pokemon games coming out later this year because we’ve hardly got any info on it so far. But considering Zelda is a fan favourite, it’s kinda good to see them putting full dedication to it. Let me know what you guys think below about this!