Since 2013



Next Destiny Expansion Title Leaked!

UPDATE: Kotaku has said that expect this expansion to come in September and we should see a reveal at E3 2016. The Rise of Iron expansion will feature a new raid and will be larger than both year one DLC pack Recently on Reddit, two new images for the suppose next expansion for Destiny “Rise of Iron” have been leaked on Reddit as shown below. Not much is known, but it appears to be Lord Saladin (the host for the monthly Iron Banner Events) in an Arctic environment wielding what appears to be an iron ax while accompanied by a pack of wolves.  Also, this also seems to echo one of the first concept arts shown during the announcement of Destiny back in late 2012 of a patrol of Fallen walking in a blizzard as shown below. Early concept art from the announcement of Destiny Not much is known about this leak as of now, but we’ll more likely get more details on this rumor at this year E3.  So for news on Destiny, stay tuned.    

Gargos releases next week on Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct fans won’t have to wait much longer to play the next character,  as the official announcement was made over on the Ultra Forums just a bit ago. Gargos will make his way into the fight on May 27th. Unlike normal releases, they won’t be released at midnight, but early morning Pacific time. We don’t know what time yet, but we were informed to stay tuned. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear.

Soul Axiom release date and console specific bonuses announced

Wales Interactive has announced the console release date for Soul Axiom, along with specific bonuses for each PS4 and Xbox One. The game will release on June 7th for PS4 and one day later on June 8th for Xbox One. PS4 Discount – To celebrate the launch, PS4 gamers will receive a 25% discount with 10% for everyone and an extra 15% for PS Plus members bringing the game to £11.99, $14.99, €14.99 for a limited time only. Xbox Exclusive – Xbox gamers will also receive an exclusive deal featuring hours of bonus content containing a never-before-seen Chapter with 3 unique levels and a digital copy of the 82-page art book featuring character, environment and storyboard designs. In case you are unfamiliar with Soul Axiom, it is a first-person, story-driven adventure game, set in the beautiful, haunting cyber-world of Elysia. Collect unique hand powers in this compelling cyber-thriller to solve puzzles, manipulate the environment and unlock the path to your adventure. Immerse yourself in a dramatic story with over 20 hours of gameplay, 100 physical puzzles and 40 distinct locations to explore. Choose your destiny and discover multiple endings as you unravel the mysteries of your digital afterlife.

Meet Alani, Battleborn's 1st free DLC character with these new details

2K and Gearbox Software announced this morning that Alani, the first of five new free playable characters for Battleborn will release on May 31st on all platforms and May 24th for both Season Pass holders and PlayStation 4 Open Beta participants. Additionally, this weekend Gearbox and 2K are hosting a Battleborn Double XP event, running from Friday, May 20th at 8am PDT to Wednesday, May 25th at 8am PDT, for players to earn twice the experience points from all Story Mode episodes and Competitive Multiplayer matches. First discussed in detail at Gearbox Software’s panel during PAX East, Alani is a member of the Eldrid faction who was raised as a healer but forced to be a warrior, and is all that remains of her order after Rendain’s Jennerit Imperium stole the oceans from her world. As a warrior from a planet with vast seas, Alani’s attacks and abilities revolve around her power to control water to dish out pain, or heal her fellow Battleborn. Starting with Alani’s release, you will also get bonuses if you are a pass holder, allowing you to unlock an extra character with each new hero release. Starting with the release of Alani, Digital Deluxe and Season Pass holders will receive one Hero Key to instantly unlock ANY hero in the game with each new hero release. To use a key, just head to the Battleborn Character screen in the Command Center and choose the character you want to unlock. You can also use these keys to instantly unlock newly released heroes like Alani, saving you the time it would otherwise take to earn enough credits to do that. If you’re not a pass holder, you’ll need 47,500 in game credits to unlock her. There will also be a 2XP event starting tomorrow May 20th at 8am PST and last through May 25th at 8am PST.

New trailer for The Technomancer shows how companions impact your gameplay choices

The Technomancer is making incredible strides as Focus Home Interactive and Spider Studios set high marks for their new action-RPG. Set on Mars, we’ve seen plenty of gameplay so far along with how crafting and battle systems will be setup. One thing we have not seen, until today of course, is how our companions will impact our gameplay. A new trailer released today shows just how this will happen. There will be multiple companions in our party, but we will only be able to take two with us at any one time out into the world to explore. Just as in large scale MMOs, companions have their own leveling system, gear sets and abilities. Technomancer takes it one step farther and provides them their own attitude as well. With every companion having their own moral code and belief system, they may decide to leave our group if our actions do not fit their code of beliefs. This new addition will drastically impact how we play the game, and Focus Home Interactive released a new trailer today showing off just how the companions intteract in game. Your companions all have their agenda or preoccupations. They regularly ask you for help or for favors. Should you decide to accept their requests, you will trigger a special series of missions that let you learn more about their past. These quests follow their unique scenario that enriches the main story. Completing these side quests will add numerous hours of gameplay, and will improve your relationship with your companions. Your companions level up alongside you. Each one gets his own inventory from where you can modify their gear at any time. Equip them with new weapons and armour that you can upgrade with your crafting talents. Make sure to provide them with the best equipment, you will drastically increase their survivability and lethality. And, you can also make sure they look appropriately badass as they run with you around the deadly place that is Mars. Each of your companions has his/her own behavior, opinions, and moral code. If you act too much against their beliefs, they might get so upset that they would go so far as to leave your group. On the contrary, shine and prove worthy of their trust, and you’ll nurture friendships… or even romances. All your decisions will have irreversible consequences on Mars and its inhabitants!

Halo 5's Forge is coming to Windows 10!

Forge has been with the franchise since 2007 with Halo 3’s Forge.  Today, the team at Xbox and 343 revealed Halo 5’s Forge is heading to Windows 10 with mouse & keyboard support, and more. Forge – Halo 5 Guardians Edition is coming later this year, and the best of all…IT’S FREE! Here are the key features which you can expect with this Forge: Keyboard & Mouse Support – For the first time ever, Forgers will have the option of using a keyboard & mouse allowing for more precision and control than ever before. Increased Resolution – Support for multiple resolutions including 4k. Test and Play with Friends – Enlist the help of Friends to help build, test, and play your Forge creations on Windows 10. Build on Windows 10 and Publish to Xbox One – Experiences built on Windows 10 can be published to and played on Xbox One, opening the doors for countless new experiences to be enjoyed by players all over the world. Tom French, UGC Director of 343 Industries, has a saying: “Forge on the PC will finally give the mouse/keyboard editing precision the community has always been clamoring for. On top of that, an updated and optimized UI geared towards mouse interactions makes a lot of the inputs in Forge easier/faster than before. Since we released Forge in Halo 5 we’ve seen so many amazing new things come from it – from weird mini-games we could have never anticipated to meticulously crafted maps that are even approaching the visual quality of internally built maps. The team has continued to wonder what we’d get if we could put Forge in the hands of as many people as possible, and making it free on Windows 10 literally gives the chance to anyone who wants to jump in and try their hands at building a cool new map for Halo 5. I’m excited to see what the future content from the community will bring!“ Are you excited for this news?

PlayStation 4 exclusive Gran Turismo Sport to be released this November

Sony has just announced at a press conference, that the latest in the long running Gran Turismo series. Gran Turismo Sport will be released later this year on the 15th of November in the US and the 16th in Europe and the 18th for the UK and  Ireland. Gran Turismo Sport, will include 137 super premium cars. Along with 19 locations, 27 layouts. The game will also include 110 offline events at launch, and cars will be split into four groups, which will have a mix of fantasy vehicles and real life ones. Gran Turismo sport will also include a photo mode and photos will be able to output at 4K. The first gameplay footage will be shown tonight at a live stream. Source: PlayStation


Game – SUPERHOT Release Date – PC – February 25th, 2016/ Xbox One – May 3rd, 2016 Platform – Xbox One(Review), Playstation 4, Playstation Vita Developer/Publisher –SUPERHOT Team/SUPERHOT Team Price – $24.99 Reviewed By – Weston Terry   Every move counts in this fantastic first-person shooter/puzzle hybrid. Every move you make allows your enemies, as well as their movements, to move as well. Unlike moving quickly in most shooters, this game wants you to take a few seconds to sit still, look around, and make your plan of attack. One small step is only a fraction of a second, so take your time and find your way through each puzzle.   You complete a level once you eliminate all of the enemies. Sometimes, it is as simple as taking shots with a pistol, or punching an enemy a few times to take them out. Other times, however, you may find yourself in a small room with three armed enemies! Taking the time to disarm, attack, and take out the entire group of enemies may take you over fifteen or so minutes (once you take into account restarting because you keep falling!), but  in-game, only five seconds have passed. Obviously, the calculation of movement when time is standing still is where the meat of the game is, and during those times, it is a lot of fun.     SUPERHOT has 32 total levels in its story mode. The character you are playing has a friend that has cracked a new game, and has sent you the first few levels. I don’t want to spoil anymore, but the story does get a little more interesting as you go. The things you are directed to do towards the end were a little meta, but I enjoyed it. It was fantastic, and left me wanting more!   When a game leaves you wanting more, it is usually considered a good thing. However, with the main story being short, it did the opposite. I felt like there just wasn’t enough “meat” for the story to last. A few new mechanics, or even levels designed around some mechanics, would have made the game feel longer. For the most part, the game was just multiple levels with the same skills that you already had.     To fill the void of a short campaign, however, are two additional modes. One mode is simply a more challenging take on the previous 32 levels, such as having “Katanas Only” missions. It was fun, but simple. Same concepts as the story but only allowed the player to do certain things. Endless Mode was the mode that quickly became my favorite. It was addicting to try and survive in an area as long as possible while continuing to rack up kills. The Tetris-style “play until you can’t” concept really kept me engaged. I was trying to keep besting my previous score until way late into the night (my wife would argue morning…)! SUPERHOT is fantastic. I believe that it is a terrific game that just didn’t have enough levels. The rest of the content is great, and I do believe there is enough here to keep you entertained for hours. And, once VR headsets are more available, I can see this game becoming a foundation for other games to build on. The SUPERHOT Team did a great job taking an old idea, adding a unique layer, and creating something that was a lot of fun to play. If you find this game on sale, then pick it up. It will be worth every penny. [rwp-review id=”0″]

Techland developing 2 new games – Dying Light 2 confirmed?

Techland, the devs behind Dying Light and Dead Island  announced in Poland this week it is working in 2 games. One is a brand new IP developed in Warsaw which will be a open-world fantasy game with RPG elements – Techland CEO’s Paweł Marchewka talks about it “”maybe in a slightly bigger sense than Dying Light … [but] it’s RPG elements rather than RPG game”. The other game will be developed in Wroclaw. This is the studio behind Dying Light, which was a tremendous success for the company. Dying Light has over 8 million unique players so far, including The Following players but excluding the 3 million pirated copies. On the side note, Techland is remastering Dead Island, and it’s launching this month! Take a look at the video.