Since 2013



Bethesda E3 Showcase missed teaser

Earlier today the Bethesda E3 Showcase streamed worldwide from California starting off with lines of code to introduce the newly announced Quake Champions. With games included as well as their dates to release such as Wolfenstien and Doom. But what some may have not noticed in the short introduction was that one of the games had a date yet to be set. Following Wolfenstien: New Order then Old Blood was a new title under the name “New Colossus”. Those that have picked out this short teaser suggest it’s the new title for the new Wolfenstien sequel that was rumored to be announced at this year’s E3. Yet there is anything to be announced what this might be, anyone’s guess is good at what this might actually be. Stay tuned to as we’ll be covering all of E3 while we’re in California for our first time at E3!

3 Upcoming Fallout 4 DLC packs announced

  Bethesda announced that 3 additional DLC add on packs would be released for Fallout 4 players, free of charge if you own the season pass. The first is “Contraptions” which launches next week, which like the title suggests, allows you to build all kinds of crazy contraptions like sorting machines and conveyor belts. Next is “Vault-Tec Workshop”, which as the name implies, let’s you build your very own Vault complete with dwellers to do whatever you please with. “Vault-Tec Workshop” should be available in July. Lastly we have the “Nuka World” DLC launching in August, which seems to be similar to the recently released “Far Harbor” expansion which was quite large.  You can catch some footage of the DLC in the trailer below.

Bethesda VR is including Fallout 4, and DOOM for VR experiences

During the Bethesda E3 conference, it was shown that Fallout 4 and DOOM will officially be playable on VR. Last year they had Doom 3 playable on VR, and in 2017 you will be able to play Fallout 4 in VR, but only on the HTC Vive. This might indicate a marketing deal with HTC, and Bethesda might only release their VR games on that platform. 2017 is still a long time so a lot can happen.

E3 2016: Prey officially announced with new trailer

A much requested game, in addition to Skyrim remastered, was also announced at E3 and it is Prey. It was officially announced with a new trailer earlier today and will be launched in 2017. More information will be available later on in August at Quakecon, but in the meantime, check out the trailer below

Skyrim remaster is confirmed

Today at the Bethesda E3 conference, it was announced that the Skyrim remaster that was rumored is confirmed. The remaster will have improved shaders, weather conditions, graphics, and more. A big announcement with this is that mods will also be available, mods should work just like how mods works for Fallout 4. This remaster will be available for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC on October 28th.

E3 2016: Quake Champions revealed by Bethesda at E3

Bethesda opened their E3 show tonight with a bit of surprise and revealed the newest update to the Quake franchise in Quake Champions. It will be a technical marvel at 120Hz and unlocked framerate. It will have “unique and badass” characters each with their own attributes and abilities. It’s designed for E-sports play using arena style combat. Bethesda will have expanded tournaments and leagues that will have more details in the coming months. Quakecon in August will have more details. Check out the reveal trailer below

Titanfall 2 to use multiple game servers like Azure, Amazon and Google Cloud

Respawn has posted a statement on the official Titanfall website regarding servers in the sequel. The statement says that “We are using a brand new system for running our massive army of dedicated servers all over the world. We have new gameplay mechanics, all new titans, new maps, new game modes, and a whole new progression system.”  Respawn’s Drew McCoy has revealed on NeoGaf that Titanfall 2 is going to use multiple Dedicated Servers such as Azure, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud Platform. “For completeness sake – we’re actually going to be on multiple clouds; Azure, Amazon, and Google – along with “bare metal”. The Azure Dedicated Servers is most likely exclusively for Xbox One, like the first Titanfall game. The other platforms are unclear as of now. We will keep you updated about this subject.  Until then, stay with us!

Halo Wars 2 possibly delayed to February 2017

The NeoGAF user Gwyn who was responsible for leaking quite a bit of Xbox E3 news today has just informed HaloGAF that the trailer that he saw had the game penned for a launch date of February 21st, 2017 at the end. This wouldn’t be the most shocking news but would still be quite big as the game would miss the holiday season. He also states that the game has two different editions and a season pass, with the second deluxe edition including the pass for a price of  around $80. Would you be surprised by this move? It will be interesting to see what 343 has in place for Halo this year if the game actually does turn out to be delayed, but at the very least, we could definitely expect some more Halo 5 content to drop. Don’t forget that the Halo Wars 2 Beta is supposedly dropping tomorrow and running throughout the week, so it shouldn’t be too long before you’ll be controlling your units once again. Source:

Battlefield game modes, features, and more

A lot of new information about Battlefield 1 has been released today. Either at E3 or at the big Battlefield multiplayer live stream, we have learned a lot. Let’s start with the modes. Conquest “An all-time fan favorite of Battlefield players, Conquest is a large-scale game mode with up to 64 players fighting for the control of key objectives. With large armies on foot or behind the wheel and the addition of fearsome Behemoths, Conquest brings together all the elements of the signature Battlefield All-Out War.” Domination “Domination offers a fast-paced infantry focused combat in close quarter locations. It’s a smaller, but more focused version of Conquest, and the fighting revolves around strategic objectives. Ready your shotgun and sharpen your hatchet – in the Domination game mode things tend to get close and personal.” Operations “Operations is a completely new way to experience Battlefield multiplayer, giving you the opportunity to fight on an entire front of the Great War. In a sequence of inter-connected battles, a team of attackers attempts to conquer ground and push the frontline forward, as the defenders are trying to push them back. Should the defenders fail to hold their ground on a map, the Operation doesn’t stop here: they will fall back and regroup on a different map, while the attackers will push the assault. Sectors may fall, but players reinforced by gigantic Behemoths can still turn the tide.” So big battles, a lot of players, and large destruction. Maps AMIENS is a french battleground where the British and Germans will fight. The city provides streets, bridges, a courthouse, and more. THE ST. QUENTIN SCAR holds the village of Travecy, and is a massive battle between the British and Germans. In order to beat the British however you must get past the very fortified line between the village. MONTE GRAPPA is located at the peaks of kings in the Venetian Alps. Where the Italian army must climb the mountains and against fort cannons to fight the Austro Hungarian Empire. EMPIRE’S EDGE follow the Adriatic coast and you will reach the fortified Mediterranean town. Environment  Battlefield is known for its destructive environment, but now, its more advanced than ever. The weather itself can change drastically. You can start a game with sunny skies, and in mid game it can start raining. The rain itself can change how the ground and buildings look. Bullet shells can also change the look of the ground. Battlefield 1 has a goal, and that is every game will be different. Aleksandar Grøndal, Senior producer of Battlefield 1 had this to say in a Polygon interview. “It makes a big difference,” said Gustavsson. “One moment the world is beautiful and there is sunshine, and then the fog rolls in and you can’t see anything but you can hear the screams and gunfire and you’re not sure where it is coming from.” “It might be fog, raining, all of these things you need to address as you have to deal with these situations,” he said. “Along with the destruction we believe there will be a really strong feeling that no battle is ever the same.” Vehicles We don’t know exactly all the vehicles but we do know the different types that will be featured in the demo. There will be 3 different types of planes, a fast scout plane,  a fighter with a tail gunner seat. And a 3 man bomber. There will be also 3 types of tanks. A heavy that is mounted with 6 people and guns. A medium tank that holds 3 people. And A light tank that holds one. And of course horses will also be available. Behemoths are the newest kind of vehicles to Battlefront and we were able to see one of them, and that was the airship. The airship’s purpose is to help the loosing side of the game and can cause serious damage. With turrets its a devastating machine that everyone should watch put for. More information will come out so stay rectified.          

Telltale- The Walking Dead Season 3 trailer released

  Telltale has finally revealed a trailer for the upcoming third season of their Walking Dead series. The trailer is short, and gives us just a small tease of what to expect, including the return of Clementine who seems to have lost a finger. Check out the trailer below.