5 new titles added to Backwards Compatibility program.
Every once in a while the team at Xbox announces new titles arriving BC program on Xbox One. Today we got 5 brand new titles – 2 being a highly requested games. Flashback Babel Rising Brain Challenge Left 4 Dead Portal 2 Below, you have the full list provided by Major Nelson. Content Title Content Type Publisher Status A Kingdom for Keflings Arcade Microsoft Studios A World of Keflings Arcade Microsoft Studios Aegis Wing Arcade Xbox LIVE Arcade Age of Booty Arcade Capcom Alan Wake Games On Demand Microsoft 2016-03-17 Alan Wake’s American Nightmare Arcade Microsoft Studios Alien Hominid HD Arcade Microsoft Studios Altered Beast Arcade SEGA 2016-04-26 Anomaly Warzone Earth Arcade Microsoft Studios 2016-06-07 Aqua Arcade Xbox LIVE Arcade 2016-06-07 Assassin’s Creed Games On Demand Ubisoft 2016-03-21 Assassin’s Creed II Games On Demand Ubisoft Asteroids & Deluxe Arcade Atari Babel Rising (not avail in Xbox 360 store) Arcade Ubisoft NEW Banjo-Kazooie Arcade Microsoft Studios Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Games On Demand Microsoft Studios Banjo-Tooie Arcade Microsoft Studios BattleBlock Theater Arcade Microsoft Studios Bejeweled 2 Arcade Microsoft Studios Bellator: MMA Onslaught Arcade 345 Games Beyond Good & Evil HD Arcade Ubisoft Blood of the Werewolf Arcade Midnight City BloodRayne: Betrayal Arcade Majesco Entertainment Borderlands Games On Demand 2K Games Braid Arcade Microsoft Studios Brain Challenge Arcade Microsoft Studios NEW Call of Duty: Black Ops Arcade Activision 2016-05-17 Call of Juarez Gunslinger Arcade Ubisoft Carcassonne Arcade Microsoft Studios Castle Crashers Arcade Microsoft Studios CastleStorm Games On Demand Microsoft Studios Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Arcade Konami 2016-03-17 Centipede & Millipede Arcade Atari Comix Zone Arcade SEGA 2016-04-26 Condemned: Criminal Origins Games On Demand Sega Counter-Strike: GO Arcade Valve Corporation Crazy Taxi Arcade Sega Dark Souls Games On Demand Bandai Namco 2016-03-23 Dark Void Games On Demand Capcom 2016-03-21 Dead Space Games On Demand Electronic Arts 2016-03-30 Deadliest Warrior: Legends Arcade 345 Games / Spike Games Defense Grid: The Awakening Arcade Microsoft Studios DEUS EX: HUMAN REVOLUTION Games On Demand SQUARE ENIX Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut Arcade Square Enix 2016-05-10 DIG DUG Arcade Bandai Namco 2016-05-05 DiRT 3 Games On Demand Codemasters DiRT Showdown Games On Demand Codemasters Discs of Tron Arcade Disney Interactive Studios Domino Master Arcade Microsoft Studios 2016-05-24 Doom Arcade Bethesda Softworks DOOM 3 BFG Edition (only available on disc) Games On Demand Bethesda Softworks 2016-04-14 Doom II Arcade Bethesda Softworks Doritos Crash Course Arcade Microsoft Studios Double Dragon Neon Arcade Majesco Entertainment 2016-04-26 DuckTales: Remastered Arcade Capcom 2016-05-24 Duke Nukem Manhattan Project Arcade Gearbox Software 2016-04-12 Dungeon Siege III Games On Demand Square Enix Earthworm Jim HD Arcade Microsoft Studios Fable II Games On Demand Microsoft Studios Fable III Games On Demand Microsoft Game Studios Faery: Legends of Avalon Arcade Focus Home Interactive 2016-05-10 Fallout 3 Games On Demand Bethesda Softworks Feeding Frenzy Arcade Microsoft Studios Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown Arcade PopCap Games Final Fight: Double Impact Arcade Capcom 2016-05-10 Flashback Arcade Ubisoft NEW Foul Play Arcade Sold Out Sales & Marketing Ltd. 2016-06-09 Frogger Arcade Konami 2016-04-28 Frogger 2 Arcade Konami 2016-05-10 Galaga Arcade Namco Bandai Galaga Legions DX Arcade Microsoft Studios 2016-04-28 Garou: Mark of the Wolves Arcade SNK PLAYMORE 2016-04-12 Gears of War Games On Demand Microsoft Studios Gears of War 2 Games On Demand Microsoft Studios Gears of War 3 Games On Demand Microsoft Studios Gears of War: Judgment Games On Demand Microsoft Studios Geometry Wars Evolved Arcade Microsoft Studios Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime Arcade Atari 2016-04-26 Golden Axe Arcade Sega GRID 2 Games On Demand Codemasters 2016-03-21 Gunstar Heroes Arcade Sega 2016-04-06 Halo Wars Games On Demand Microsoft 2016-03-28 Halo: Reach Games On Demand Microsoft Game Studios Halo: Spartan Assault Arcade Microsoft Studios Hardwood Backgammon Arcade Microsoft Studios Hardwood Hearts Arcade Microsoft Studios Hardwood Spades Arcade Microsoft Studios Heavy Weapon Arcade Microsoft Studios Hexic 2 Arcade Microsoft Studios 2016-05-24 Hexic HD Arcade Microsoft Studios Hydro Thunder Arcade Microsoft Studios Ikaruga Arcade Microsoft Studios Iron Brigade Arcade Microsoft Studios Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad Arcade D3Publisher Jet Set Radio Arcade Sega 2016-05-03 Jetpac Refuelled Arcade Microsoft Studios Joy Ride Turbo Arcade Microsoft Studios Just Cause 2 Games On Demand Square Enix Kameo: Elements of Power Games On Demand Microsoft Studios Kane & Lynch 2 Games On Demand Square Enix Ltd Lazy Raiders Arcade Microsoft Studios 2016-06-07 Left 4 Dead Games On Demand Electronic Arts NEW Left 4 Dead 2 Games On Demand Electronic Arts 2016-03-29 LEGO Batman Games On Demand Warner Bros. Interactive LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game Games On Demand Disney Interactive Studios LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Games On Demand Disney Interactive Studios Lode Runner Arcade Microsoft Studios LUMINES LIVE! Arcade Microsoft Studios Magic 2012 Arcade Microsoft Studios 2016-05-24 Mass Effect Games On Demand Microsoft Studios Metal Slug 3 Arcade SNK PLAYMORE Metal Slug XX Arcade SNK PLAYMORE Might & Magic Clash of Heroes Arcade Ubisoft Mirror’s Edge Games On Demand Electronic Arts Missile Command Arcade Atari Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine Arcade Majesco Entertainment 2016-04-14 Monday Night Combat Arcade Microsoft Studios Monkey Island 2: Special Edition Arcade Disney Interactive Studios Monkey Island: Special Edition Arcade Disney Interactive Studios MONOPOLY PLUS Games On Demand Ubisoft 2016-06-09 Motocross Madness Arcade Microsoft Studios MS. PAC-MAN Arcade BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. Ms. Splosion Man Arcade Microsoft Studios Mutant Blobs Attack!!! Arcade Midnight City MX vs. ATV Reflex Games On Demand THQ 2016-05-03 N+ Arcade Microsoft Studios NBA JAM: On Fire Edition Arcade Electronic Arts NiGHTS into dreams… Arcade Sega Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising Games On Demand Codemasters Outland Arcade Ubisoft 2016-04-06 PAC-MAN Arcade Bandai Namco 2016-03-17 Pac-Man: Championship Edition Arcade Bandai Namco Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX+ Arcade Bandai Namco Peggle Arcade PopCap Games, Inc. Perfect Dark Arcade Microsoft Studios Perfect Dark Zero Games On Demand Microsoft Studios Phantasy Star II Arcade Sega 2016-05-05 Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Arcade Mages. Pinball FX Arcade Microsoft Studios Plants vs. Zombies Arcade PopCap Portal 2 Games On Demand Electronic Arts NEW Portal: Still Alive Arcade Microsoft Studios Prince of Persia Arcade Ubisoft Putty Squad Arcade
E3 2016: Xbox, Ubisoft, and Sony Conference Impressions
E3 2016: Xbox, Ubisoft, and Sony Conference Impressions The Monday before E3 features press conferences from some of the biggest names in gaming. Xbox, Ubisoft, and Sony all had 90-120 minute presentations, showing off everything coming in the next couple of years. Rectify Gaming was there at all three. Here’s what I thought: Xbox Some of the biggest news of the Xbox conference centered around hardware. News of the Xbox One S has been out for a couple weeks now, but it was made official and with a price point yesterday. Another hardware reveal was customizable controllers, which, in retrospect, feels like it should have been done years ago. But the big reveal was project Scorpio, a high-end, 4K 1080p 60 FPS capable Xbox. Or, you know, a computer. Scorpio feels a little bit odd, given the other reveal of Play Anywhere – Microsoft’s effort to give gamers their Xbox games on PC and tablet as well. Depending on whether or not every title goes in on Play Anywhere, if you have a high end gaming PC, you probably won’t have any need of Scorpio. Still, having the latest and greatest on a console is nothing to cry about. Some quick hits on the games that were shown: Sea of Thieves looks like an incredibly fun, cartoony high seas adventure – for groups of friends. Playing by yourself or with a group you don’t know and don’t actively communicate with in-game doesn’t look very fun. I had the chance to play it yesterday, and it delivers as promised. I was part of a crew of five, and we drank ale together, crewed a galleon together, and sunk a rival ship together. The developers have also promise a bevy of action and fun for the single player and the online with strangers players. Gears of War 4 delivers big hits, loud action, cheesy dialog, massive set pieces, and shooty chainsawy fun. So, Gears of War 4 delivers Gears of War. I don’t see the 4th episode adding or repelling fans. Nice to see Dead Rising not take itself seriously again. There’s more than enough darkly serious zombie games. Let Dead Rising be the fun-filled apocalypse again. Halo Wars 2 has a shiny new trailer. I want to see more gameplay that was shown yesterday, and apparently I’m going to get it today. A card game? Seriously, you guys wanted Gwent as a standalone? Ok, I guess. I hope you don’t have to pay more than $10 for that. Don’t ask me about Forza Horizon 3. It’s a driving game. Watch the trailer and make up your own mind. I neither have the experience nor the interest to accurately judge a driving game. “Guys, we need you to keep playing The Division. Seriously, we put a lot into this, and we can’t have you bailing out now. C’mon guys, we need this. Do it for us. Please.” ReCore is one of the most unique games coming out of the major developers right now. I’m hoping to get my hands on a controller this week to see what the gameplay is all about for myself. The support crew around the main character look incredible, with their different abilities and personalities. Look, if you’re going to demo Minecraft, just demo it and have actual conversations with each other. Don’t write down everything you have to say at a given moment (seriously, their dialog was on the teleprompter). You spend so much time as developers perfecting scripted events in games, and totally screw it up as a human being. I’m impressed with the games lineup for the coming year, and there looks to be a lot of fun to be had. But I’m most intrigued by Microsoft’s efforts to bridge gaps between console and PC, and that makes since with them owning Windows and Xbox. I’ve long been a PC gamer, and only recent bought an Xbox to play games with my friends. I love the idea that I will have a choice in where I want to play a game without having to buy it twice. Ubisoft There’s no question, Ubisoft rolls differently. Every other conference is professional, orderly, and all about the business of fun. While they’re certainly enjoyable, it’s nice to get the breath of fresh air that the irreverent, crass, and sometimes crazy atmosphere that Ubisoft brings to E3. Aisha Tyler has done a great job becoming a mouthpiece for the industry that gamers feel like they can relate to. I also appreciated that they got the awkward dance game out of the way right off the bat in the intro sequence, where we could then forget about it the rest of the day. Ghost Recon: Wildlands reminds me of a 4-player Far Cry cross with Clear and Present Danger. We got a glimpse of the overall storyline – Wildlands takes place in drug lord ruled Boliva, where the Ghost team is taking on the cartels. The demo covers a mission where the team attempts to infiltrate a small estate, finding one of the principle drug creators and taking him alive. There’s plenty of sneaking, shooting, explosions, drivable vehicles, and cheesy fake dialog between the players. I walked away a little unimpressed with the amount of innovation on stage, but Wildlands looks like a fun co-op. A lot of time was spent on the new South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Matt Stone and Trey Parker came out on stage to talk about it and show a huge amount of game footage. Aisha Tyler mentioned the F-Bomb drinking game for the Ubisoft conference right at the beginning, and I’m pretty sure anyone playing it would have died halfway through the South Park presentation. While South Park isn’t my thing, it looks fun and hilarious for those who enjoy it. Watch Dogs 2 set out to fix all the complaints with the first game. It takes place in San Francisco this time, and the demo saw the new protagonist hacking his
Red Dead Redemption shows on Xbox One Preview Store.
A user on NeoGaf was able to access Red Dead Redemption page today on Xbox One Preview build. We know Microsoft has been testing Red Dead for a couple months back and making sure it’s ready to deploy to the public audience. We may be very close to its launch since Phil Spencer teased huge BC titles tomorrow. We will try to find out if the user can play the game. Until then, stay with us! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R30xM3db77U&feature=youtu.be
New God of War game could have been set in Egyptian mythology
Sony at their E3 keynote announced that Kratos and the God of War series was coming back, but this time in the world of Norse mythology. However director Cory Barlog at a panel at E3 has said that Egyptian mythology is the other setting the game could have had. “ Egyptian mythology was the other one and half the team was way into that,” “ All of them had great reasons, I think for me, as I looked at both of those, Egyptian mythology is about the pharaohs as embodiments of the gods on earth and there’s a lot more civilisation- it’s less isolated, less barren. I think at this time, we really wanted to focus on Kratos”. Source: PushSquare
Xbox had a successful E3 a survey has revealed
Each year after all of the E3 presentations fan take to the Internet to argue who “won” that year. This year though a company has taken it upon themselves to do a survey to determine the actual winner. ListenFirst, an Internet tracking company, decided to determine both the overall winner and also the most popular game of the conference. To establish a definitive rankings of the games the company looked at the number of organic searches each game generated. More searches means more popularity. The game that won may surprise some fans though. “We Happy Few, an upcoming first-person thriller and surprise for the conference, stole first place due to its surreal and hallucinatory trailer that made fans desperate for more information”, ListenFirst emphasized. When looking at which press conference won, ListenFirst calculated the Internet score of each press conference. The Internet score is a measure of organic interest over a period of time from sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Wikipedia. As you can see in the results above, according to this survey Microsoft and Xbox won the show. These results, however, were probably slightly inflated by the Xbox Scorpio reveal, whereas other companies just revealed games.
All games shown at Sony's E3 keynote were on PS4 hardware, not Neo
Sony announced and showed off some amazing gameplay videos at their E3 keynote from Sony Bend, Santa Monica and more, but one thing on a lot of people’s minds was, if all of these amazing looking gameplay videos, were running on the PlayStation 4 or the upcoming PlayStation Neo/4K. Sony has since said that all of the games they showed were running on the PlayStation 4. Sony’s president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida had this to say “ Everything was running on a standard PS4.” Sony have always been masters of getting the best of their systems and the fact that the 2013 standard PS4 was able to run these gorgeous games, shows that, so even if people don’t want to upgraded to the PlayStation Neo, you will still be able to get great looking games on the 2013 PS4. Source: PushSquare
Phil Spencer teases major BC releases tomorrow!
In a recent interview with the folks at Giant Bomb, Phil Spencer talked about the Project Scorpio, the recently announced Slim version of the Xbox One, and lots of more. In the interview, he said “We actually have some good, I think, announcements tomorrow that are coming out on back compat which’ll be cool. I think it’s tomorrow” Source: GiantBomb Be sure to follow us on Twitter for breaking news!