Over 1.2 million unique players have played MWR so far on PS4.
It has only been 2 days since Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered launched for consoles and PC. It looks like the numbers for the game have been doing very well, on the PlayStation 4 to be exact. According to Charlie Intel on Twitter, more than 1.2 million unique players have already played MWR on the PlayStation 4 alone. Keep in mind this was according to the leaderboards. Here is a photo for proof: This maybe a bit surprising to some, as you had to spend $80 on a bundle that included Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered. From my understanding some fans were disgusted by that decision. It looks like it has had a great start for PS4 and hopefully the same on Xbox One, maybe Activision will notice that many fans wanted Modern Warfare Remastered. We still need to see IW numbers and PC/Xbox numbers, but it’s a great start.
Extra Life Charity Stream Recap – We hit $1,000 raised
Over a month ago we had no plans in doing a charity stream for Extra Life, but when our very own Scott Anderson (Shade) brought up the idea to the team we thought it was a no brainer. Rectify Gaming has almost been around for 3 years, December 17th, 2016 will make it officially that old and we never did a charity stream in our time being around. So coming into this event we had low expectations of how much we’d raise, we didn’t even think we’d hit the $500 mark and maybe not even the $100 mark. We’d also like to thank Microsoft, 343 industries, Ubisoft, EA, and all the indie companies for supplying us with about 60 codes to giveaway. An extra thanks to 343i as we couldn’t thank them enough for bringing Jeff Easterling and Unyshek on to the stream to play some sweaty matches of Halo 5 with us. Another thanks to Respawn for sending 3 Titanfall 2 PC codes towards the end of the stream. To start off the awesome event we had the one and only TwiztedShotzTV open it up and we couldn’t have picked a better person to do that. With just 20 minutes into the stream we had raised $125. Doing the rough 3-7 am shift was me (Tyboy17) but we still had a great turnout for that time. Next we had our very own koalagaming do a whopping 7-2 PM shift and right from there the stream started to go up and succeed. Moving forward, we had VelikaYT who streamed Titanfall and that’s when we started to break over 50 viewers. Coming on again we had Tyboy17 joined by Unyshek, DUAL BLAD3, and MrTerdFergason and during that time we had just broken $200. Finally, for the last 4 hours we had some fine folks come on in Njoy who had Jomaa stream for them and they had an outstanding stream because they helped break the $500 mark and then for the finale we had some more fine folks at Geekologist Radio stream for us. They blew my mind to say the least because I wasn’t sure who exactly they were, but they helped us reach $1,000. Obviously we couldn’t have made it this far without the awesome donors of this great charity. Here is a list of everyone who donated and how much they sent to help children. $100+ DONATION’S $100 – PensHalo – “Keep up the great work guys!” $125 – Ducain23 – “Tyboy loves sauce 😉 & For the Kids <3″ $100 – vdthemyk Vannette – “Do the kids right and go Uprising!” $156 – Matthew Romero – “For the kids” $156 – NJOY Over9K – “For the Kids! From Team NJOY Over9K” OTHER DONATION’S $50 – Derek Gonsuron – “From a Geek Host to the Kids. Game On!” $50 – Michael Johnson $50 – ali jomaa – “TEAM NJOY LOVING THE KIDS!!!!!!!” $25 – Wade Slaton (MulehornGaming) – “Blowing stuff up for kids!” $25 – Brandon Foutz $25 – lukas barger – “Glad to see the gaming community coming together for such a great cause” $25 – Alex Hickman – “Keep it up! Fantastic job guys! <3 grats meeting your goal and then some!” $25 – VelikaYT – “FOR THE KIDS” $20 – Scott Anderson – “Let’s get these donations going guys!” $15 – Zach Makwinski – “The kids are our future!” $15 – Amanda Beers – “RAID HYPE” $15 – Scott Boyd – “Cheers guys. hope you the stream goes well!!” $6 – Gregory Dawes – “Even numbers make me happier. Great work today everyone!” $5 – Will Hooper – “Josh get gud at the game” $4 – deoee H. – “let’s get VelikaYT account deleted! & I don’t like odd numbers. Let’s make this even :p” $1 – MyXboxRadio Anonymous donations equaled up to $7.00 That’s a total of 23 different people donating to the great cause in Extra Life. You can view the official page here. We’ve got some more 24 hour streams planned in the near future and the years to come.