Since 2013



PaRappa the Rapper [Review]

Platform: PlayStation 4 Price: $14.99 Format: Physical and Digital Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Developer: NanaOn-Sha and epics Release Date: April 4th, 2017 Age Rating: E PlayStation 4 Pro Support: Yes, Native 4K PaRappa the Rapper is a rhythm based game following a dog rapping his way to this girl he loves Sunny Funny’s heart. The original is now over 20 years old with the last in the series being PaRappa the Rapper 2 way back in 2002. Since the second title, we’ve only had a #PS2PS4 port of the second game and him being a playable character in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royal way back in 2012. PaRappa has slowly over time became a PlayStation legend and will continue to be one. While I’m crazy in love with these games, I’m here to report some bad news. Each of the six levels features PaRappa’s journey doing various activities. He tries to bake a cake, get his licenses, learn karate, and more on his adventure.

Bethesda announces E3 showcase, introduces "Bethesdaland" name

EA’s E3 showcase last year was one of major spectacle, doing live online broadcasts with various famous people on their latest game.  Bethesda might be gearing to do something similarly exciting given their way of announcing their showcase event the Sunday before E3. Welcome to Bethesdaland, as the image reads, and shares the date we already knew (June 11) and when.  Bethesda will host their showcase at 6:30 p.m. in Los Angeles, but we still don’t know any specifics about what they’ll show.  According to GameZone, Bethesda will share details on how to get into their event soon. As E3 is just about two months away, we’ll likely hear more regarding various companies’ schedules the weekend before, as well as during the week of June 12.  Once we have a better idea why Bethesda has seemingly created an imaginary amusement park, we’ll up date you.  Until then, stay tuned to Rectify Gaming for the latest going into E3. Via: GameZone Source: Bethesda via Twitter

New broadcast experience, Creators Cave, Player Fanfest and more coming to EA Play 2017

EA Play was once again announced for this June during E3 after a successful first time in 2016. In case you don’t know what EA Play is, it’s where you have the opportunity to play early titles by Electronic Arts including Star Wars Battlefront II, Need for Speed, all of the upcoming sports titles, and more. Today they announced new details on what they will be doing during from June 10-12 including a new Broadcast Experience, Player Fanfest and more: At noon PDT on Saturday, June 10 we’ll begin the weekend of EA PLAY with an all-new broadcast experience specifically designed for our players viewing around the world, with a live audience joining us in Hollywood. Be sure to tune in as we celebrate our amazing players and our biggest games of the year ahead. Hundreds of our global community creators will be participating in the EA Game Changers Creators Cave, in the heart of the Hollywood Palladium. This dedicated space provides opportunities for our creators to capture early game footage, edit content to share, livestream directly from the show, and to interact with our studio development teams. And at the center of the onsite event will be a Player Fanfest that will feature over 140 hands-on gaming stations, demos, live music and more. All of these elements have been built with both players attending in-person and those viewing online in mind. So if you can’t attend in person, will be the place to catch all the action including our EA PLAY show experience, live interviews, in-depth gameplay walkthroughs, competitions and behind-the-scenes looks at EA PLAY. Another great thing about this event is that the tickets are completely free and you get free swag as well so it’s something you don’t want to miss out on if you are in the LA area in June. Tickets go up on April 20th.

Activision is planning to bring Call of Duty to theaters near you

Following Activision Blizzard’s foray into game-universe productions with Skylanders Academy, The Guardian is reporting that the company is exploring the possibility of shaping the Call of Duty franchise into a cinematic universe.  Considering Call of Duty’s various settings and time periods, this could make for a broad selection of backdrops to future films. According to Game Informer, Activision Blizzard plan to “adapt Call of Duty into the world of film and television, drawing inspiration from the World War II era of the series, as well as the Black Ops and Modern Warfare eras.”  Apparently, the studio has already “put together this group of writers to talk about where we were going.  There’ll be a film that feels more like Black Ops, the story behind the story.”  The Guardian also reports that the movies are “going to have the same sort of high-adrenaline, high-energy aesthetic as the game, but it’s not a literal adaptation.” The most interesting aspect of this goal is a true cinematic universe.  Quoting Nick Van Dyk, co-president of Activision Blizzard, The Guardian writes about the aim of  mirroring how Marvel crafted “these individual universes that interconnect and a timeline that makes sense with consistent themes and Easter eggs.”  As with any video game movie, however, Call of Duty’s adaptation would have to first overcome the stereotype of being ‘made for the gamer’ and be not only accessible, but appealing, to a broader audience at the box office.  If we hear more on Call of Duty’s breakout-from-gaming debut, we’ll keep you updated, but until then be sure to stay tuned to Rectify Gaming for the latest. Source: The Guardian Via: Game Informer

Review: Yooka-Laylee

Release Date – April 11th, 2017 Platforms- Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC Developer / Publisher – Playtonic Games Genre – Platformer Price – $39.99 It’s not often that a title comes along that can say it was developed by both a team who helped shape a genre, let alone boast that the team responsible for that accomplishment is at it again with a new IP. The new Game Yooka-Laylee developed by Playtonic Games and published by Team17 is about to blast onto consoles, Macs, and PC’s come April 11th – with Nintendo’s Switch not too far behind. But let’s not put the cart before the horse. In order to be able to take in the grand design of this piece of nostalgic heaven, one must have a brief lesson in gaming history: Playtronic Games is a development company comprised of a group of several key personnel from the Nintendo 64 era – also known as Rare.

FIFA 17 joins EA Access & Origin Access on April 21st, more games to follow.

EA Access just announced on Twitter FIFA 17 is joining The Vault on April 21st giving players the chance to play the game unlimitedly as long the subscription is active. Medal of Honor: Airborne & Dragon Age: Origins are coming to The Vault very soon, EA has said. If you’re having doubts about whether you should get EA Access or not, our take is: Get it! For as low as $4.99, you have access to 40+ titles for a whole month or $24.99 for a year! The full list of the games below: EA Access Free Games Battlefield 3 Battlefield 4 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Battlefield Hardline Bejeweled 2 Bejeweled 3 Dead Space Dead Space Ignition (coming in 2017) Dragon Age: Inquisition EA Sports UFC EA Sports UFC 2 Feeding Frenzy Feeding Frenzy 2 FIFA 14 FIFA 15 FIFA 16 Heavy Weapon Madden NFL 15 Madden NFL 16 Madden NFL 17 Madden NFL 25 Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 3 Mirror’s Edge Mirror’s Edge Catalyst NBA Live 15 NBA Live 16 NHL 15 NHL 16 NHL 17 Need for Speed Need for Speed Rivals Peggle 2 Plants vs. Zombies Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Rory McIlroy PGA Tour Skate 3 SSX Star Wars Battlefront Titanfall Unravel Zuma Zuma’s Revenge Origin Access Free Games Aragami The Banner Saga Battlefield 3 Battlefield 4 Battlefield Hardline Crysis Crysis 2 Crysis 3 Crusader: No Regret Crusader: No Remorse Dead Space Dead Space 2 Dead Space 3 Dragon Age: Origins Dragon Age 2 Dragon Age: Inquisition Dungeons of Dredmore FIFA 15 FIFA 16 Furi Jade Empire Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 Mass Effect 3 Medal of Honor Allied Assault Mini Metro Mirror’s Edge Need For Speed Need For Speed Rivals Peggle Plants vs. Zombies Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 The Saboteur Sim City Sim City 2000 The Sims 3 This War of Mine Titanfall Torchlight II Trine Trine 2: Complete Story Unravel It's gonna be a good month. @EASPORTSFIFA 17 joins The Vault on April 21, and we've got more great games on the way. — EA Play (@EAPlay) April 5, 2017

Sony announces the PlayStation Store Easter sale for Europe, save 60% on over 600 games for PS4/PS3/PSVita/PSVR

Sony has announced the PlayStation Store, Easter sale. Which includes over 600 games which are 60% off for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PSVR. There is also a ton of DLC on sale as well, such as the Fallout 4 season pass and more. The sale will end on April 26th, however some things are only on sale for a limited time.  What will you be picking up? Let us know! PS4 Battlefield™ 1 Battlefield™ 1 Deluxe Edition Battlefield™ 1 Ultimate Edition Overwatch: Origins Edition Grand Theft Auto V Grand Theft Auto V & 1. Great White Shark Cash Card Bundle Grand Theft Auto V & 2. Whale Shark Cash Card Bundle Grand Theft Auto V & 3. Megalodon Shark Cash Card Bundle Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration EA SPORTS™ FIFA 17 EA SPORTS™ FIFA 17 Deluxe Edition EA SPORTS™ FIFA 17 Super Deluxe Edition DiRT Rally FOR HONOR™ DELUXE EDITION FOR HONOR™ GOLD EDITION The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Game of the Year Edition Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection Batman: Arkham Knight Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition Watch Dogs 2 Watch Dogs 2 – Deluxe Edition Watch Dogs 2 – Gold Edition NBA 2K17 NBA 2K17 Kobe Bryant Legend Edition NBA 2K17 Kobe Bryant Legend Edition Gold Middle-earth™: Shadow of Mordor™-Game of the Year Edition Dying Light: The Following – Enhanced Edition The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition Premium Bundle The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Mafia III Mafia III Deluxe Edition STEEP STEEP GOLD EDITION Madden NFL 17 Madden NFL 17 Deluxe Edition Madden NFL 17 Super Deluxe Edition Dishonored 2 Dishonored Definitive Edition Tales of Berseria Mirror’s Edge™ Catalyst Dragon Age™: Inquisition Dragon Age™: Inquisition – Game of the Year Edition EA SPORTS™ UFC 2 EA SPORTS™ UFC 2 Deluxe Edition Project Cars EA SPORTS™ UFC Far Cry Primal FAR CRY PRIMAL – APEX EDITION Just Cause 3 DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 DELUXE EDITION DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 and 2 Bundle Dragon Ball Xenoverse: Time Travel Edition Assassin’s Creed Chronicles – Trilogy Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag™ – Standard Edition Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Gold Edition Assassin’s Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate Assassin’s Creed Unity Dragon Age™: Inquisition Deluxe Edition F1 2015 Thief Sniper Elite 3 Sniper Elite 3 ULTIMATE EDITION Metro 2033 Redux Metro Redux Metro: Last Light Redux Game of Thrones – Season Pass Lords of the Fallen Lords of the Fallen Complete Edition EA SPORTS™ NHL™ 17 EA SPORTS™ NHL™ 17 Deluxe Edition EA SPORTS™ NHL™ 17 Super Deluxe Edition Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth – Digital Edition Digimon World: Next Order WWE 2K17 WWE 2K17 Digital Deluxe BioShock: The Collection The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Season Pass The Walking Dead: Michonne – A Telltale Miniseries The Walking Dead: Season Two The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season The Wolf Among Us Murdered: Soul Suspect™ Wolfenstein: The Old Blood ZOMBI RABBIDS INVASION – GOLD EDITION Rabbids Invasion: The interactive TV Show Rayman Legends Dead Island Definitive Edition Dead Island Retro Revenge Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition Killing Floor 2 Back to the Future: The Game – 30th Anniversary… MotoGP™15 MotoGP™15 Compact One Piece Burning Blood Indie/Digital ARK: Scorched Earth ARK: Survival Evolved – Founder’s Edition ARK: Survival Evolved – Survivor’s Pack Unravel Grim Fandango Remastered Verdun Wasteland™ 2: Director’s Cut Pure Hold’em World Poker Championship Rebel Galaxy Primal Carnage: Extinction Amnesia: Collection How to Survive 2 Plague Inc: Evolved Armello™ Tethered Tethered Divine Edition Deadlight: Director’s Cut The Park Super Meat Boy Overlord: Fellowship of Evil Tricky Towers Absolute Drift: Zen Edition Sword Coast Legends™ The Bunker Coffin Dodgers Axiom Verge Dangerous Golf™ Saban’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle Super Mega Baseball Submerged GALAK-Z Shadow Complex Remastered Stories: The Path of Destinies Amplitude BADLAND: Game of the Year Edition Crypt of the NecroDancer DLC/Season Pass STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ Various Batman™: Arkham Knight Season Pass Watch Dogs 2 – Season Pass The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion Pass The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Hearts of Stone Fallout 4 Various Tom Clancy’s The Division™ – Season Pass NBA 2K17 All-Time College Bundle Battlefield 4 Various Battlefield™ Hardline Various Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Awakening DLC Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Descent DLC Call of Duty: Black Ops III – Eclipse DLC Project Cars – Add-on Pack Tom Clancy’s The Division™ Streets of New York Outfit Bundle Dragon Ball Xenoverse – Season Pass Dragon Ball Xenoverse GT PACK 1 Dragon Ball Xenoverse GT PACK 2 (+ Mira and Towa) Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of « F » Pack Watch Dogs2 – Black Hat Pack Assassin’s Creed IV Season Pass Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Jack the Ripper Assassin’s Creed Syndicate – Season Pass Dying Light Cuisine & Cargo Dying Light Season Pass Dying Light The Bozak Horde Dying Light Ultimate Survivor Bundle Dying Light: The Following Dragon Age™: Inquisition – Jaws of Hakkon Dragon Age™: Inquisition – The Descent Dragon Age™: Inquisition – Trespasser Dragon Age™: Inquisition Deluxe Edition Upgra… Sniper Elite 3 Season Pass Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack PS VR Robinson: The Journey Job Simulator DiRT Rally PLAYSTATION VR UPGRADE DLC ADD-ON DiRT Rally PLUS PLAYSTATION VR BUNDLE NBA 2KVR Experience EVE: Valkyrie (plus Founder’s Pack) Eagle Flight Rez Infinite Thumper Sports Bar VR Headmaster Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes The Brookhaven Experiment Fruit Ninja VR Battlezone Wayward Sky Gunjack Carnival Games VR The Assembly The Martian VR Experience Surgeon Simulator: Experience Reality Perfect Volume Pinball FX2 VR Lethal VR Time Machine VR Werewolves Within Windlands Harmonix Music VR Loading Human™: Chapter 1 Pixel Gear HoloBall Moto Racer 4 Weeping Doll Source: PlayStationBlog