Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 coming to EA Access
Today EA has announced that Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 which both launched a week apart in October will be joining EA Access soon. “Lock and load or hit the locker room days early – this season EA Access members get to do both! Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 are joining our massive game collection soon, so you’ll be able to play them as much as you want, whenever you want. Then you’ll get to try all these great sports games days before official release: FIFA 18 Madden NFL 18 NHL 18 NBA Live 18 All of that is headed your way from July – September 2017. ” There wasn’t a specific date announced, but you can expect those titles to come sometime in July or August before the next round of Electronic Art games launch. You can grab EA Access exclusively on Xbox One and Origin for only $5.00 a month.
Gifting games to friends coming soon to Xbox One
For a while now Xbox fans have been wanting a gifting feature on Xbox One where friends can send each other games, etc. Recently Mike Ybarra, Xbox vice president, revealed on Twitter today that the company is “not far” off adding the support to gift purchases. Currently, Microsoft and Sony both don’t allow game gifting on the Xbox One or PlayStation 4, but Valve offers Steam Gifts to let friends redeem games. A post on Microsoft’s Xbox feedback site has amassed nearly 5,000 votes over the past three years for this feature to happen. They see what fans want and it’ll take time for them deliver. Not far! — Mike Ybarra (@Qwik) July 6, 2017 Stay tuned for updates.
PlayerUnknown's Battleground has had its full release pushed back
Many people who are fans of PlayerUknown’s Battleground will be upset with the latest news, but it doesn’t mean it is bad news. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds recently got an update on its Steam Community page from ‘PlayerUknown’ himself. Brendan Greene, announced that the game’s full release has been pushed back to the end of 2017. The news of this delay will likely disappoint many of their dedicated fans, but Greene made a point to assure players that the original time frame “could hinder us from delivering a fully featured game and/or lead to disappointment within the community.” The delay will allow them to polish and fix some of the bugs. “We will continue to push weekly and monthly updates until full launch as we want to ensure that the game we release is the best version possible. This is why we’re giving a launch window rather than an exact date. We hope this makes sense, and appreciate your understanding.” News on the Xbox One version of the game was strangely left out of this update, although a delay for the console version would not be surprising. We’ll have to wait and see what Microsoft says about this as well and how it could effect the console version.