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Wal-Mart Canada leaks Just Cause 4 & RAGE 2

Today, Wal-Mart Canada listed a bunch of titles for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch. Some of the titles mentioned were Borderlands 3 which we already know is coming and most likely going to be at E3 this year, Beyond Good and Evil 2 was another title which was announced by Ubisoft last year. Walmart CA listings Cause 4Splinter CellDragon Quest 2 (PS4/XBO)LEGO DC VillansBorderlands 3Rage 2Gears of War 5Forza Horizons 5Assassin's Creed — Wario64 (@Wario64) May 9, 2018 Two titles that we never heard about and was most likely going to be saved until E3 were RAGE 2 and Just Cause 4. According to insiders, Just Cause 4 will happen and it will be revealed at E3 other than that we don’t know much about the title. Can confirm Just Cause 4 is legit. But holy hell Walmart, what a fail. — Yan2295 (@Yan2295) May 9, 2018 Now when it comes to RAGE 2 the official account for the series openly came out and took shots at Wal-Mart Canada and “corrected” the cover as it was just a placeholder. Hey @WalmartCanada here are a few notes. — RAGE 2 (@rage) May 9, 2018 If you aren’t familiar with RAGE it’s an action game set in a post-apocalyptic landscape jam-packed with driving and shooting. Now it’ll be interesting to see who makes the first one since there were reports of DOOM 2 being developed and that could be id Software’s title and RAGE 2 could be made by a different studio.  It looks like E3 2018 will be a fun one for every company. Stay tuned for coverage.