Since 2013



Gathering Storm Brings Natural Disasters To Civilization VI This February

Firaxis Games has recently announced that the second expansion for the sixth installment in the Civilization series will be coming our way this Valentines Day which will bring more leaders/civilizations and introduce natural disasters to the mix of global domination. As we already had to watch our backs for invasion against feuding nations, now another threat will be present as you craft a great civilization. From floods, storms, and erupting volcanoes, you will have to be prepared for these natural disasters depending on the choices you make. The game’s ecosystem will have a firm response on how you use resources when your civilization prospers, but the after affect of a disaster will help the Earth despite the cultural tragedy. With these new problem to face, there are countermeasures that can be performed to prevent this from happening. The new Technology and Civics trees will assist players in how to deal with these environmental catastrophes and create new emission fighting apparatus to further any storms from occurring. Engineering projects will also play a role in keeping your civilization safe by creating dams, canals, and flood barriers to hold off the elements. Two new scenarios will be coming with the upcoming expansion: The Black Death which has the notorious Middle Age plague afflicted upon your civilization with the objective to oppose the illness by maintaining the population and sustaining your nation’s economy. Second scenario War Machine is exclusive to both France and Germany, reenacting Germany’s advancement onto Belgium and later France during WWI, You either play France to prevent the invasion or Germany to carryout the attack. Civilization VI: Gathering Storm will be available for PC on February 14, 2019. Source: Firaxis Games

Rumor: New Mortal Kombat Leaked From Voice Actor

NetherRealm Studios released Mortal Kombat X back in 2015 giving fans of the twenty-year old franchise a taste of what is in-store from the Chicago-based developer for this generation of fighters. Reintroducing classic characters and bringing new characters to the roster like Jason Voorhees and Predator. And similarly with the release of the sequel Injustice 2, by expanding on the fighting genre with the DC Universe. Since then, fans have been patient on what NetherRealm has in the works for their upcoming project either it being another Mortal Kombat title or a new IP all together. Recently Lalo Garza, a Spanish speaking voice actor went on a rant regarding him not obtaining a role and in the process leaking the next Mortal Kombat title. In the tweet he explains how the decision to cut him from voicing characters Kung Lao and Reptile confirms that the two won’t be making an appearance in the unannounced title: Pues finalmente confirmo que los “profesionales” de @PINKNOISEloc decidieron quitarme mis personajes de #MortalKombatXI. Que triste que una empresa que quise mucho termine tomando decisiones que los afectan tanto a ustedes, los consumidores. Adiós Kung Lao y Reptile. — Lalo Garza (@LaloGarx) November 15, 2018 “Well finally I confirm that the ‘professionals’ of @ PINKNOISEloc decided to remove my characters from #MortalKombatXI. How sad that a company that wanted a lot ends up making decisions that affect both you, the consumers. Goodbye Kung Lao and Reptile.” He later followed up stating that despite his tweet mentioning “Mortal Kombat XI”, he’s unsure if the upcoming project is actually a sequel to the 2015 title or just another iteration. “Friends, I do not know if it is MKXI, Mk 10.5, MKXYZ or whatever; The point is that for the new material and I was not summoned, but nothing happens, in this race I learned that the characters come and go like this. Thanks for your messages, I’m still working on what I love. Dubbing.” Amigos, desconozco si es MKXI, MK10.5, MKXYZ o qué sea; el punto es que para el material nuevo ya no fui convocado, pero no pasa nada, en esta carrera he aprendido que los personajes llegan y se van así. Gracias por sus mensajes, yo sigo trabajando en lo que amo. El doblaje. — Lalo Garza (@LaloGarx) November 15, 2018 As Garza isn’t confident in what game he could have voiced for, he is assuring that there is something in the works as we speak for Mortal Kombat. It’s undetermined when we might be able to expect an announcement for the unnamed title as creator Ed Boon hasn’t been vocal on what’s next for the series. Source: Game Informer