Since 2013



Bethesda Debunks Rumors Towards Fallout 76 Going Free-To-Play

Since the launch of Fallout 76 back in November, fans of the franchise since then are having difficulty playing the latest installment in the series with Bethesda’s take for the game’s online only foundation. The game littered with problems and bugs that have slowly been removed with the set of biweekly updates, some fans still don’t believe that’s enough for the game. But according to the latest rumor for the post-apocalyptic title, the game could be heading towards a free-to-play business model in the near future. Lucky for those who already have purchased the game, Bethesda have already confirmed that there is no proof backing the alleged changes coming towards Fallout 76. There is no truth to this rumor. — Bethesda (@bethesda) January 22, 2019 Seeing that Bethesda has finally made a public statement on the subject, it would have been insulting to fans who have pre-ordered or following launch bought the game if the rumors end up being true. And that would have been more problematic than any of the previous & current problems in the game along with the previous debacle surrounding the game’s Collector’s Edition canvas bag. To say if the title would to head towards that at some point in the game’s lifespan, it would be assumed for when the game has maintained a good portion of the franchise’s audience after receiving more updates to what we currently have now. Do you think Bethesda should change the game to free-to-play or something else entirely? Fallout 76 is out now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.  

Minecraft Bedrock: 1.9 Will Not Be Out in January

Updates are very in the video game industry and they are just the same in the Minecraft community. But sometimes we do not get updates on when things will be introduced as they could change. Well we never receive dates. While this will never change, we sometimes get time frames of when things will be released. That is what happened today. Today while on an official Minecraft livestream, Matt Gartzke, a community manager on Minecraft along with Jess, confirmed that we would NOT get the 1.9 update in January. This could be because there are so many platforms to certify on and they cannot confirm if an update will even pass cert or that the update has not been sent to cert yet. So many things could change. A few more bug fixes could also be introduced before it releases although we do not have official wording on what bugs have been fixed and may be introduced. While 1.9 will not be a massive update, it will be a decent sized update based on the beta updates we have received and based on the changelogs. But it could change. This clip comes from the official Minecraft Livestream. Source:

The Initiative Hires Former God of War Level Designer, Chris O’Neill

The Initiative, a studio owned by Microsoft which was announced during E3 2018 have brought in more talent to the team and this time it’s from Game Of The Year contender, God of War. Chris O’Neill, who was a Level Designer for God of War now joins the team headed by Darrell Gallagher, who worked on the Tomb Raider franchise at Crystal Dynamics who was there for ten years. This past October another great in Tom Shepherd joined the studio as a Technical Director who was formerly with Rockstar Games. There was also the addition of Sunset Overdrive Director, Drew Murray which is one to not forget. Windows Central found out that Chris O’Neill had started working at The Initiative due to his LinkedIn profile which says he has only worked there for one month and has had history with not only Santa Monica Studios, but with Kojima Productions as well. So it’s no question that Chris has experience in working on some great single player titles and with this addition it seems more likely that this studios’ title will more than likely be a single player game which would be great for Xbox One and Microsoft as they’ve been criticized for not having enough and have had too much focus on multiplayer in the past. What are your thoughts on this news and are you excited to learn more about The Initiative’s next game? We’ll probably hear more about it as the year goes on toward E3. Source

Nintendo Switch was the best selling console in the US during December 2018

The year of 2018 was an exciting year for all consoles, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and the Nintendo Switch. This past holiday season it was no question that Nintendo had a great line up with Pokemon Let’s Go and Super Smash Bros headlining lots of games. The latest NPD results in the United States have come out regarding the best selling console for the month of December 2018 and here was the outcome: Nintendo Switch: 1.77M Xbox One: 920K PlayStation 4: 797K What’s a little surprising about the results for last month is that the PlayStation 4 came in last which is a rare sight for Sony as their console have been selling non stop and will probably just about hit 100m console sales in this year of 2019, but we’ll see how it goes. The Nintendo Switch continues to grow which is no surprise with many great titles on the way with Metroid Prime 4, Animal Crossing, a new generation Pokemon title, and a lot more we probably haven’t seen yet. The Xbox One sales are going up which is a great sign moving forward as they have a couple great games coming out this year in Crackdown 3, Gears of War 5, and a lot more. Keep in mind this is counting out Japan for Sony and Nintendo if you put those numbers in you are looking at something very different when it comes to sales. Moving forward it should be an exciting year for all platforms. Source

Here is when you can play the Anthem Demo

Today, EA announced the official dates for the Anthem Demo which is right around the corner. Starting on January 25th until the 27th you can play in the VIP Demo which is an early access demo where people who only pre-ordered Anthem, or are a EA Access subscriber, or a Origin Access subscriber will be able to participate. VIP Demo users will also receive an item to show they were one of the first to play. Of course there will be a Open Demo held from Feb 1-3 across PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Origin for PC where anyone can enter and tryout Anthem before its February 22nd release. You can pre-download the demo now on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. You can find links below: Anthem Demo on Xbox Anthem Demo on PlayStation Will you be participating in the demo? Source

Open Beta For Realm Royale Launches Today On Consoles

Today Hi-Rez has announced that their take on the battle royale genre Realm Royale will be hosting an open beta on both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 starting today. Prior to the announcement, the game hosted a closed beta last year and now all players can now join in on the fun. Along with inclusive playtest, a new mastery system will be coming to the game allowing players with their own playstyle translate to one of the game’s list of classes that suits the player best. As well as a more in-depth character customization feature which assists with the mentioned mastery system. Two new weapons will be included with the debut of the open beta: Assault Rifle SMG Launching with today’s announcement also is the second Battle Pass with the name “Steel and Shadow”, a pirates v. ninjas event. Excusive to PlayStation Plus members, the new event will be free of charge. Source: PlayStation Blog

PC Version Of Yakuza Kiwami Coming Next Month

Yakuza Kiwami has been waiting some time to debut on the PC platform after getting announced more than half a year ago at E3 2018. Alongside Kiwami, Yakuza 0 was paired with the announcement and received the port shortly after. Now it seems patient fans won’t have to wait much longer. Discovered from those on the Metacouncil message board, a new gif appeared showing Majima raising from a manhole ending with ‘February 19’ in the gif’s final frame. The remake of the original PlayStation 2 title is available now for pre-purchase with a 10% discount shaving the price from $19.99 to $17.99. It looks as if Sega has more amusement doing these type of reveals for their PC ports as more fans grab towards this rather than a more traditional reveal. Previously Sega did a similar reveal for Catherine’s PC port by uploading a picture of a sheep. Yakuza Kiwami is currently available for PlayStation 3 & 4, and later for PC on February 19, 2019. Source: Metacouncil

New Hitman 2 Event Brings Agent 47 To Wintered Japan

It seems the team over at IO Interactive is getting into the winter season by gifting all owners of Hitman 2 and even those who don’t currently own the game to come join the fun in the snow with the a new event. Given the name Snow Festival, Agent 47 makes his way back to the Japanese location Hokkaido with a winterized makeover as the map is covered in snow. Pursuing target Dmitri Fedorov, you must decide how to take out the firework survivor from a recent incident. On top of the new look for the locale; all players will also be gifted the Snow Festival Suit after completing your objective and the Icepick once finishing all 7 challenges for the new map. Snow Festival also offers themed items such as the snowball to annoy bystanders, the Piton to use for both climbing and as an weapon, Quickdraw which replaces your piano wire with climbing fibers, and the Arctic Tool Box to hide your deadly tools. The new event starts today, January 22nd and leads on until February 12th. The trail of the event will be sharing the same end time of the event. Hitman 2 is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Source: IO Interactive

The Nightmare DLC Out Today For Shadow Of The Tomb Raider

The newest DLC for Square Enix’s Shadow of the Tomb Raider has launched today taking Lara on a journey against “familiar enemies and fallen friends”. Tasked to explore Croft Manor after being exposed to the white breath, Lara lives through a nightmare of her demons since beginning her voyage as a tomb raider. Journey through "The Nightmare," as Lara Croft faces against familiar enemies and fallen friends available here: — Tomb Raider (@tombraider) January 22, 2019 The new DLC offers the ‘Howl of the Monkey Gods’ challenge tomb that you can either complete alone or with a friend in co-op. When reaching the end, players will be rewarded with a mighty weapon to use. The Nightmare is available for those who own the game’s Season Pass or can be purchased for $4.99 on all listed platforms. Check out our review on the game where Rectify’s Dave Rodriguez says the game is “one of the best action adventure games.” Shadow of the Tomb Raider is available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.