Since 2013



The Last of Us Part II Delayed Until May 2020

Fans are expecting to see a big lineup of quality games in the coming year of 2020, but it looks like there will be a wait for PlayStation exclusive, The Last of Us Part II. Today, Sony officially announced after reports leaked out earlier that one of their most anticipated games of 2020 will be delayed until May 29, 2020. It was only a month ago on September 24th that Naughty Dog & Sony revealed the game coming out in February. It’s clear that Naughty Dog wants to take the time to polish up the game to make sure its the quality they want it at. Here is a statement from the PlayStation Blog: “At this point we were faced with two options: compromise parts of the game or get more time. We went with the latter, and this new release date allows us to finish everything to our level of satisfaction while also reducing stress on the team.” Delaying The Last of Us 2 won’t hurt it at all besides the fact that fans will have to wait a little longer, but its clear Sony has no fear of delaying their first party games. The early part of 2020 is still going to be stacked with games even though Ubisoft delayed Gods & Monsters and Watch Dogs Legion. Source

Ubisoft Delays Gods & Monsters, Rainbow Six Quarantine and Watch Dogs Legion

Breaking news was just reported that Ubisoft will be delaying upcoming titles Watch Dogs Legion, Gods & Monsters, and Rainbow Six Quarantine. You can expect these titles to release for fiscal 2020-21 so the earliest we could see any of those games would be July 1st 2020, but that’s not expected for any of these titles as they were aimed for the early part of 2020 up until March. Here is what CEO, Yves Guillemot had to say: “In this overall context, we have decided to postpone the releases of Gods & Monsters, Rainbow Six Quarantine and Watch_Dogs Legion until 2020-21. While each of these games already has a strong identity and high potential, we want our teams to have more development time to ensure that their respective innovations are perfectly implemented so as to deliver optimal experiences for players. This decision will have a very significant impact on our financial results for this fiscal year and goes against our recent successes in building a more stable development model. However, it is in line with our strategy to maximize the future value of our brands for the long-term benefit of our employees, players and shareholders. We expect it to have a positive impact on our financial performance as from 2020-21.” 2020 is a time where we will see Microsoft and Sony reveal their plans for the next generation with PlayStation 5 and Project Scarlett. Both of those consoles are aimed to launch Holiday 2020 and most likely that November. It could be that a game like Watch Dogs Legion will be held until that Fall, but we probably won’t have a definitive answer until June where E3 will take place. The latest Gods & Monsters and Watch Dogs can release is December 31st, 2020 while the earliest being July as said above. What are your thoughts on these delays? Did this surprise you at all?   Source: MarketScreener 

The Outer Worlds, Minit, And After Party “COMING SOON” To Console’s Xbox Game Pass

This month’s additional lineup for Xbox Game Pass has been quite a treat to kick off this Halloween month, pun intended. And while subscribers are still enjoying the additions from the beginning of the month, the service’s official Twitter has finally revealed the next batch of what’s to come for those on console. This week Microsoft teased a paragraph reading an incessant line counting seven “COMING SOON” written in the tweet. Revealing that favorable titles from this year such as Minit and the upcoming After Party are listed to hit Xbox Game Pass. COMING SOONCOMING SOONCOMING SOONCOMING SOONCOMING SOONCOMING SOONCOMING SOON that's one "COMING SOON" for every game that's COMING SOON — Xbox Game Pass (@XboxGamePass) October 22, 2019 Along with the addition of Creepy Neighbor, Lonely Mountains Downhill, and Lego Star Wars III, Obsidian Entertainment’s The Outer Worlds is also advertised to hit Xbox Game Pass as well. This being some of the more predictable additions as the game is already announced for the PC version of Xbox Game Pass. A good guess as for when these titles will finally debut for the Netflix-esque game service points towards this coming Friday; that’s mainly due to the fact that Obsidian Entertainment’s title releases on the 25th. If not, another guess would be for Night School Studio’s second project as the game has been announced to launch the following Tuesday. Which game are you most excited for to join the Xbox Game Pas library?  

Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated will be getting two Collector’s Editions

THQ Nordic a few months back announced Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated which is a remake on the classic game of the 2003 version. We don’t know an exact release date for when the game will be launching besides the year being 2020. Today it was announced that the game will be receiving a couple of collector’s editions. Here they are detailed below:   Shiny Edition: An 8″/20cm SpongeBob Figurine with Golden Spatula and flexible tongue Wallstickers 6 Lithographs SpongeBob SquarePants tennis socks The Game itself SRP: $149.99/£139.99 Pre-Order here F.U.N Edition: An 8″/20cm SpongeBob Figurine with Golden Spatula and flexible tongue A 7″/18cm Figurine of Patrick The Sandy 8″/20cm Figurine Wallstickers A set of Tiki Keyrings 6 Lithographs SpongeBob SquarePants tennis socks The Game itself   SRP: $299.99/£259.99 Pre-order here Will you be getting either of these Collector’s Editions? Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

No More Heroes’ And Deadly Premonition Directors Collaborate For Hotel Barcelona Horror Title

Studio heads Goichi Suda of Grasshopper Manufacturer and Hidetaka Suehiro of White Owls Inc has revealed this week that the two video game veterans will be teaming together to create a new horror joint project called Hotel Barcelona. The two revealed this during the “Travis Monday Nightro 2” livestream hosted on IGN Japan that both Suda 51 and Swery 65 will be involved to creating a new experience together. Regarding all tangible information for this new title, it was reveled during the discussion between the two on the livestream that the budget for this new title is an estimate $1 million and that the pair plans to create an experience for mobile players, possibly hinting towards a potential release for mobile devices and Nintendo Switch atop of the initial console emphasis for Hotel Barcelona. Upon other involved with the project, it was stated that Silent Hill creator Keiichiro Toyama will also be participating in the game’s development: to spice things up even more, the two texted Toyama during the broadcast asking him if he would be interested in the game, where he later responded to join in on the project. Expanding on the concepts that both Suda and Suehiro have tossed around during their discussion, the two shared interest in creating timelines that would help direct the story for the title. The two also agreed on the idea to focus the plot’s characters from images of real people to use in Hotel Barcelona, where Suehiro after shared his thought to create the game into a side-scroller which would give off an indie game feel for the project. The two have virtually highlighted the concept to create a strict nuance in the horror game genre by sharing the game to be thriller of some sorts from how the atmosphere will ultimately make the game out to be. However, Suda did also disclose the title could at some point in the second half break into a bloodbath that would retreat from the foundation players associate the game to be from their first impression. More into the actual birth of Hotel Barcelona, Suda and Suehiro have said that the pair were initially set to create a PlayStation VR title with the game’s main focus around food, but was ultimately cancelled upon starting development. The two then still pursued to make a game together which led to the reveal on the livestream this week. Gonna need @SUDA_51 and @Swery65 to pitch us this mysterious game we’re supposedly publishing. Name a time and place, gentlemen. — Devolver Digital (@devolverdigital) October 23, 2019 On the conversation of the game’s publisher, there were mentions of the two discussing an agreement with Devolver Digital at some point, but nothing settled at the time. However, following the news breaking the publisher did later tweet that both Suda an Swery should “name a time and place” to discuss the new project. What are your thoughts on this new project that Suda and Swery will be taking helm for? Hotel Barcelona has no set release date and no currently listed platforms.  

Techland Announces Dying Light Crossover Event With Left 4 Dead 2

Polish developer Techland since the release of Dying Light in early 2015 has rightfully earned the merit to providing a diverse cast of content updates and events to the parkour, zombie killing, first-person title. And the team proves to do that once again with the latest event that will be making its war to Harran in the near future. Announcing that a crossover event between Techland’s game and the notorious Left 4 Dead 2 will be occurring in the near future. When this new experience will arrive has yet to be shared nor what exactly will be offered from the announcement. Survivors! Are you ready for some serious zombie slaying? #left4dead2 style is coming! — Dying Light (@DyingLightGame) October 23, 2019 Imaging what exactly could be forged from the two undead slaughter titles is entirely up in the air: possible story-related missions, featured undead antagonists, or simply introducing cosmetic additions are all on the table. Regardless of what, this is a monumental reveal to see especially since Valve has been radio silent with the Left 4 Dead IP since the crossover event with Dead by Daylight back in 2017. Also noticing the limited time that Techland has until the upcoming sequel releases this coming Spring in 2020, the event could potentially be one of the last content updates for the game pushing close to five years since the game launched. Maybe a possible half decade, celebratory update could drop for the game in January? That we will have to see as time goes on. Alternatively, it looks that Techland also has a potential Nintendo Switch port on their hands as well. Earlier this month it was discovered that a ESRB rating for Call of Juarez: Gunslinger was listed for Switch. What are your thoughts on this surprise announcement from Techland? Dying Light is out now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.  

MediEvil File Size Is An Accumulated 37 GB With Day One Patch

Creeping close to Halloween this year, players on the PlayStation spectrum of gaming surely has not forgotten that the Other Oceans remake for Guerilla Cambridge’s MediEvil is slated to arise this Friday for Sony’s platform. And for those anticipating to get the game’s software ready for the approaching release, Sony Interactive Entertainment revealed how much space the game will ultimately take upon launching this week. Revealing through the game’s listing on the PlayStation 4 discloses the complete file size to be 21.86 GB for those who plan on picking up the physical version of the title. Fans that have already purchased the digital version of the remake also will not have to worry about the 15 GB Day One patch for the game as well, a burden physical owners will face this Friday. Adding up the two client downloads for MediEvil equals to a rounded 37 GB for the game when it finally launches. Seeing that the game went gold status just over a month ago, there would be an expected patch of fixes and other bug squashing resolutions that would make it into the first day download. Upon the game’s set release date announce previously, Sony Interactive Entertainment shared that a Digital Deluxe Edition for the remake will also be available for the more interested fans. Listing extra virtual goodies like a copy of the game’s soundtrack, digital artbook, and a dynamic theme for your PlayStation 4. Do you plan on replaying as Sir Daniel this Halloween season? MediEvil will be out October 25, 2019 for PlayStation 4.  

91% Of Xbox Game Pass Owners Played A Game They Wouldn’t Have Without The Service, Report Shares

Microsoft with the debut of Xbox Game Pass looked to be a dastardly move for the company to pull off taking a business model similar to Netflix by creating a subscription for players to pay a monthly fee for and is returned with an entire library of the most popular and smaller games in the industry. The service has shown to grab large numbers of people with the virtually hosting promotions for the service on the daily has soon influenced Xbox Game Pass to migrate to PC. With the inclusion of first-party title at launch to be available for subscribers has also shown to drag in record high numbers that Microsoft has yet to receive until recently as we witnessed with Gears 5. However, Xbox Game Pass has also proved owners of the service to be adventurous with their taste in software according to a recent report. According to, ID@Xbox Eurpoean Manager Agostino Simonetta shares that the service has opened user’s taste buds to sample different games outside of what they already play. Well, they have a lot of free games to play — but actually they’re way more engaged outside the subscription. They go out to stores and buy more games than they did before they joined. Adding on to the discussion, Simonetta reveals that an approximate 91 percent of the Xbox Game Pass user base have tempted a new game that they would not have done if not using Microsoft’s service. Even more, a rounded 40 percent have been said to pursue games yet again outside of their standard library through different mean instead of Microsoft’s storefront. Making an analogy for Game Pass, Simonetta compares the service to something alike video streaming subscriptions: however, upon users watching what they like available on the platform, Game Pass is said to be what influences players to go outside of their comfort zone and try something they might not would have done prior to being an owner of the subscription. “We’re seeing a massive spike in certain categories, but generally when a title goes into Game Pass, we see an average of six time increase in usage for all the games in the Xbox Game Pass catalogue,” Simonetta asserts about the results from Game Pass’influence. He even shares that developers have seen an noticeable increase in attention towards their work through both the service and other online marketplaces. Have you migrated to any games new to you via Xbox Game Pass? Source:

Persona 5 Scramble Gets February Release In Japan

Ever since the initial reveal of Persona 5 Scramble back in April, fans have been eager to get more details on the upcoming Musou/RPG hybrid game from Atlus and Koei Tecmo. After months of waiting, we finally have some new details on the title, as well as a release date. Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers will hit both Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch on February 20th, 2020 in Japan. As for the western release, nothing has been said yet but it’s likely we’ll hear something in the coming months similarly to how Persona 5: Royal’s release announcement was handled. We also got our first look at the cover art for the game on both platforms. The cover art for Persona 5 Scramble: The Phantom Strikers. #P5S — Persona Central (@Persona_Central) October 24, 2019 As the trailer itself is in Japanese, we relied on the notorious Persona series fan translator @MysticDistance for additional details. The game itself takes place half a year after the ending of Persona 5 where the Phantom Thieves of Hearts reunite for summer vacation but get involved in trouble once again when mysterious occurrences start taking place across Japan. Mystic notes that the official site specifically mentions that it’s a sequel to Persona 5 and not Persona 5: Royal so it remains to be seen whether or not the newest member of the group, Kasumi will be present. A new female character named Sophie appears, but her backstory is completely unknown as of now. The main gameplay loop of Musou games is the hack and slash/beat em’ up elements but it looks like this game wants to add even more onto that formula. Overworld areas, social elements and even the calendar system seem to be present which will surely be a nice way to move the story along and give breaks to the constant combat found in this genre. A variety of locations were shown including the beach, a shopping mall and the city. There even appeared to be some 2D styled segments in the trailer. In combat, you will be able to take control of not only Joker, but other members of the Phantom Thieves as well. Additionally, DLC background music will be available for first print copies of the game and will presumably be sold for an additional cost later on. The DLC music spans the entire Persona franchise from 1-4 including fan favorite titles like Mass Destruction and Time To Make History. A ‘Treasure Box” edition of the game will also be sold and include additional goodies such as an art book and the full soundtrack. Are you excited for Persona 5 Scramble and the series debut on the Nintendo Switch? More details are set to drop on November 4th so stay tuned. Persona 5 is currently available for PS4 with the enhanced Persona 5: The Royal hitting Japan store shelves on October 31st.

Bethesda Launches Fallout 1st Subscription For Fallout 76

The launch of Fallout 76 will mark one year officially in the middle of next month, but developer Bethesda has made an announcement ahead of the game’s first year anniversary. Knowing that the game has been plagued with a handful of problems that pinned the reputation on the title, Bethesda has said to have worked endlessly to undo the damage done since last November. And the team has shown to do so by releasing roadmaps, consistent updates, and additional content on top. However, when it came to reception from the overall user base, players and disappointed fans still see no initiative to return to the Appalachian wastes of West Virginia. In that case, Bethesda has announced today to launch a new subscription service specifically for those who still play the game which is said to offer features that have been requested by the active player base. Bethesda Acknowledges More Bugs In Fallout 76 & Discusses Plans For Next Year Calling this new subscription ‘Fallout 1st’, players who pay to be members of this service will receive a handful of additional features that are not available to those who already own the game. Things such as the ability to host private worlds for your friends, a scrapbox to hold an infinite amount of crafting components, and the survival tent which hosts as a portable fast travel point. Atop of the mentioned features, players will also receive 1,650 Atoms in-game currency each month of being an active member, the Ranger Armor outfit from the Fallout: New Vegas spin-off, and a selection of icons & emotes for players to characterize their wasteland persona. Translating the Atoms’ value to real time currency runs about $16.50 a month. Bethesda advertises this new subscription in two payment options: $12.99 for one month or $99.99 for an entire year ($8.33 a month) . Looking at the Atoms payout for active members though shows to return your money by double as a year’s worth of the in-game currency gives $198 is USD value. But that only applies to those who value the virtual cash to pay for the subscription. Ultimately although the subscription does apply to the dedicated players who still are active on the online Fallout title, the remaining players do see this new tactic to not be what the game is in need for. Even more, many have already been vocal with this decision to be a careless band-aid planted on the bleeding wound that the game is still viewed to be. What do you think of Fallout 1st? Fallout 76 is out now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Source: Bethesda