New Trailer For Metamorphosis Reveals Summer 2020 Release Window

For avid players of video games who are interested in taking on the persona of an insect, you will not have to wait much longer as Ovid Works released a new trailer for Metamorphosis slating the game’s arrival for summer later this year. The title goes along the likes of the titular story from popular author Franz Kafka as the protagonist Gregor mysteriously turns into a bug. The trailer itself is a CGI-rendered representation for the stories plot, but nonetheless still exciting to learn more about this upcoming title. You can watch the trailer in the video below: On the game’s Steam page, Ovid Works revealed in a post sharing the new trailer that Metamorphosis will be arriving later this year. “Metamorphosis is set to release this summer on Steam,” the post reads at the end. During PAX East last year, Rectify Gaming happened to be lucky enough to demo Metamorphosis on an older build of the project. The game happens to be a unique approach to first-person platforming as the insect protagonist can climb on virtually any surface. In the pre-alpha we played, it was revealed that there are liquid elements which change the formula allowing the player to climb items with different, intangible textures. Elsewhere during this year’s PAX East show, Rectify Gaming also dissected the brains of another team working on another project published by All-In Games, Ghostrunner. We shared the experience with the game to be a difficult feat as “I was then shafted with a heavy difficulty spike learning how to compile my knowledge to progress in each encounter.” What interests you most about Metamorphosis? Metamorphosis will be arriving sometime in summer 2020 for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo Reported To Urge Production Increase By 10% For Nintendo Switch This Quarter

Since the initial release of the Nintendo Switch more than three years ago now, the hybrid handheld console has truly stuck out to be a unique piece of hardware. In contrast to competing systems that show to excel in high-performance gaming with 4K resolution and prioritizing in 60 frames per second, the tech happens to underperform against both Sony and Microsoft in those respected aspects. However, regardless of how the Switch internal architecture is, the system happens to still be a very popular product and pushes out impressive software and sales figures as time developed. As of the beginning for 2020, it was reported that the Nintendo Switch then stood at 52 million units sold following the holiday rush for the end of the decade. And fast-forwarding to the current atmosphere that is currently afflicting those with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Nintendo Switch is even more popular than ever. Atop of the release for Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the console has been a ‘must have’ item during these troubling times: reports of the system selling out globally has stirred a lot of attention towards Nintendo for more to be produced in the coming financial quarter. In a recent report by Nikkei, Nintendo is looking to boost production this quarter (April – June). The company is said to be pursuing action with the suppliers of components to initiate production for more models after a month of manufacturing being on halt, a Nintendo Representative shared. We hope [suppliers] will be responsive to the production increase, but for procurement of some parts, the outlook remains uncertain, and we can’t forecast exactly how many Switches can be supplied. Essentially, this increase in production is expected to urge separate parties fabricating the hardware in preparation for the coming holiday season alongside feeding the hunger of the current demand at hand. Niko Partners’ David Ahmad clarifies the situation by sharing the firm’s ambition and stating that production will be upped by 10 percent. As for when hardware is expected to ship is sometime at the end of April leading into the approaching month. While Nikkei speak on behalf of shipping for Japan, the conversation for western markets has yet to be addressed as of reporting. Are you having trouble getting your hands on a Nintendo Switch? Source: Nikkei
Penny Arcade Shares Plans For PAX West 2020, Still Underway

It is no surprise how much the novel coronavirus has left an impact on gaming culture more than halfway into April now. However, despite the limiting factors that has already been established for more than a month now, organizer Penny Arcade shares some anticipating news regarding an approaching show slated for later this summer. In a recent blog post from the event orchestrator, Penny Arcade clarified that regardless of the current situation that revolves around the ongoing virus, PAX West is still a go as of yet. We tend to be pretty quiet this time of year, but since we’ve had some questions from fans and exhibitors we wanted to let everyone know that as of this moment, we’re still planning on putting together a great PAX West this coming Labor Day Weekend (September 4th – 7th) for you, and we will be updating our website with more information on badges and hotel registration in the coming months. Fortunately, the organizers was able to pull off this year’s PAX East in Boston, Massachusetts back on the heel of February to March. And now for the approaching PAX West, Penny Arcade looks to be confident for the show to still commence by virtually the summer’s end. The group does clarify that it will continue to monitor notices from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) to follow the proper steps before establishing that the time is acceptable for PAX West this year. Regarding the approaching PAX Dev that is scheduled to take place just days prior to this year’s PAX West, Penny Arcade has yet to address if the separate show will also be taking place as of reporting. The same can also be said for the partnered Indie Megabooth who disclosed just last week to be postponing attendance at future shows until tensions surrounding COVID-19 clears up. The independent game-focused group is a staple for PAX and if they will not be at the show this coming September, it surely will be a sad sight. It is unsure exactly where organizers truly stand on the matter as some like Game for Gamescom feels uncertain of the circumstance when announcing that the annual August event will be going digital. But other shows like the Game Developers Conference (GDC) will commence that same month. Perhaps in Europe it is uncertain for public safety, but orchestrators in the United States show to be confident in properly hosting the approaching events. Are you planning to attend PAX West later this year in Seattle, Washington? PAX West will commence on September 4 and run until September 7. Source: Penny Arcade
Bandai Namco Reveals A New Power Awakens DLC For Dragon Ball: Kakarot, Landing Next Week

Just at the turn of the new decade, publisher Bandai Namco alongside studio CyberConnect2 shipped the inaugural RPG Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot which reintroduced the roots of the franchise’s billboard hero, Goku. Despite some of the lighter criticisms the game rightly deserves when the title shipped, many beloved fans do hold the game close regarding the in-depth portrayal of the main character’s origin story in the RPG formula. In a recent announcement today, Bandai Namco revealed that the first segment of the debut story expansion ‘A New Power Awakens’ is scheduled to arrive later this month: this following Tuesday April 28, in fact. “As Beerus makes his appearance, Vegeta and Goku will fight alongside to defeat him in this boss battle episode. Set at Level 250, Beerus will be an opponent to be reckoned with, especially since players won’t be able to use the full range of their items to defeat him,” the synapse for Part 1 revealed on the announcement post. The publisher clarified that this is only one portion of the add-on experience with the following part to be included at a time later on in 2020. Regarding the approaching downloadable content, Bandai Namco namely mentions that both Super Saiyan God Goku and Super Saiyan God Vegeta will both be playable when playing this upcoming story. As expected, players will be able to purchase Part 1 of the DLC or pick up the add-on if already owning the respected Season Pass for the game. Pricing has yet to be disclosed for the first segment of the story expansion, but the Season Pass runs for $24.99. While you wait, make sure you’re up to date on Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot with our full review of the game. Rectify Gaming’s David Rodriguez shares the game to be “another in a line of strong titles that is rewarding for fans of the series and a great entry point for newcomers.” Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC Source: Bandai Namco
Composer For Doom Eternal Might Not Return For Follow-Up Entries

In the middle of March, that specific timeframe became one of the most energetic periods for 2020 so far in the video game market with the release of Animal: Crossing New Horizons and Doom Eternal. With the current, ongoing situation infixed by global governments, these two titles could not have released at a better time for avid players. The two went on to ship three times the amount of their predecessor within the first week. And that is only recording physical sales, at the time that has yet to be determined for digital sales of both titles. Now as the two have officially settled just one month later, it was discovered that there might be potential changes for approaching new entries for one of these series. In particular, I am referencing the latest release from id Software. According to Reddit poster MedicalMilk on the r/Doom page, he shares to have direct messaged Doom Eternal Composer Mick Gordon on his involvement on future entries. And looking at the screenshot of the conversation, it does not look too hot for whatever the team has planned next for the rebooted franchise. You can view the messages sent on Instagram in the image below: When asked about working on a future entry when id Software is ready to tackle the next game, Gordon responds “doubt we’ll work together again.” For fans of the series who have kept their ear close to the ground during the initial 2016 reboot, there happened to be controversy between both Gordon and how the team operated previously as well which might have fueled this most statement. However, it is truly uncertain where Gordon currently stands on the topic since he has yet to address the current conversation users unearthed online. With the amount of attention that the composer for Doom and countless other Bethesda-published titles potentially pulling out a month after the latest release launched, it might just be to stir the pot between fans. Another thing with the image sourced from Reddit, there is the possibility of this being doctored for the sake of clicks, so take it as you will. If you are unfamiliar with Doom Eternal still, I recommend reading our full review for the game. Rectify gaming’s David Rodriguez tells the game is “not just more Doom. It’s a tougher, more sophisticated take on the franchise and wisely avoids the number 2.” Doom Eternal is available now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, and Stadia. Source: Reddit
Final Fantasy VII Remake Accumulated 3.5 Million Sold Copies In First 3 Days Of Release

As many beloved fans are aware from the beginning of the month, Square Enix shipped the long-awaited and highly-anticipated remake for Final Fantasy VII. Although the game only shipped on PlayStation for the time being, it is expected that the nostalgia grab issued for modern hardware would surely convince PlayStation owners to pick up the game, especially during the ongoing circumstances from the new virus to take our minds off of reality. Now in a new announcement made today, Square Enix announced on the game’s official Twitter account that Final Fantasy VII Remake has sole more than 3.5 million units within the first three days. Essentially, the firm sold one million and some change every 24 for the first three days that the game was available. Although the multitude achieved for the release did not break major pre-existing records in the industry, it surely is an impressive feat for an installment that released back in 1997 on the original PlayStation. It will only be more exciting to see the potential on other systems. For the first year of the game’s release, the Final Fantasy VII Remake will be a unique property to PlayStation 4. However, following the release date in one full year in 2021, users on other systems can expect the title to arrive on their respected storefront. What platforms exactly has yet to be determined, but there is one hunch that the game will be coming to PC. Evidently, Square Enix at launch for the remake shared a “Thank You” trailer for the game to fans who have been patient with the title’s release by showcasing rendered footage for the PC version of the game. Although there is other speculation for a possible Xbox version as well, there is not tangible evidence of the port alike for keyboard & mouse players. There is however, discussion from the publisher’s CEO Yosuke Matsuda who sheds light on the possibility of the game being cross-gen as well, but has yet to be followed up on. Did you pick up Final Fantasy VII Remake since the game released? Final Fantasy VII Remake is available now for PlayStation 4.
Death Standing’s PC Release Delayed A Month Due To COVID-19 Precautionary Measures For Development

Fans of Kojima Productions’ PC version of Death Stranding will have to be patient for just a little longer. Due to the circumstance involving the novel coronavirus urging companies to issue work-from-home alternatives across the globe, this new precaution has resulted in partial delay of development for upcoming games. However, this prolonging of efforts sourced from the taken measure results with anticipated projects shifting their release dates to a later time. This can be said more specifically for Death Stranding with was initially slated to arrive this coming June, but has now been ushered to the following month of July to properly capture the vision the team envisioned for the respected port to PC. This happens to be a direct outcome that was established by the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who declared that all businesses be required to adopt working from home for all employees for the duration of a month. This then trailed to an announcement from the Computer Entertainment Rating Organization (CERO), Japan’s ESRB essentially, which disclosed that the group will be unable to properly rate upcoming projects for the affected timeframe. Not only will the new announcement from Kojima Production potentially withhold the respected PC iteration of Death Stranding from fans, but it will also interfere with the previously announced Photo Mode for the game on PlayStation 4 as well. The feature was introduced from the upcoming keyboard & mouse port, so it was expected the implementation would arrive simultaneously as the PC release. In other PC-related news for Sony Interactive Entertainment, a slew of fake leaks broke out recently telling that games like Days Gone, Persona 5: The Royal, and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection would be arriving to PC via Amazon France. You can read the full debunking by heading here. Do you anticipate picking up the PC version of Death Stranding? Death Stranding will eb arriving to PC on July 14, 2020; out now for PlayStation 4.
Rumor: Unannounced Project Lockhart Reported To Be Dubbed Xbox Series S, Offers New Features With 4 Teraflops

Credit: Redditor jiveduder for the concept of the Xbox Series S For the past week now, rumors have begun being tossed around suggesting that Microsoft is preparing to disclose new information regarding next generation hardware. However, the discussion in mid does not concern the already-announced Xbox Series X, but instead the undisclosed Project Lockhart that has been tossed around for the past couple of months actually. Just this past week, sources spoke with known leaker Timdog on Twitter where he disclosed that Microsoft is preparing to showcase the unannounced hardware alternative in May the following month. The console was told previously to be a successor of sorts to the Xbox One S and offer less capabilities to the approaching Xbox Series X as an pseudo-entertainment system. Now in a new surfacing of rumors from over at Windows Central, the credible Microsoft-focused outlet has shared some potential new details on the alleged system. In the report, the site tells that from a corroborating source which disclosed its accurate specifications for the Xbox Series X 12 Teraflops, the same information tap also explained that the coming Project Lockhart will be comprised of only 4 Teraflops with “limited reytracing.” Adding on, the website shares that codenamed Lockhart is in preparation of being showcased at an upcoming, non-disclosed event scheduled for a later time in May. Being parallel with the previously made rumor from the week prior, this does look to be more the case now that Windows Central is hearing similar stories. Project Lockhart is also told to adopt the name Xbox Series S upon announcement. In other platform-related rumors, the outlet goes on to shed light on a new potential first-party headset to be on the way as well. Essentially to be a follow-up of the Xbox Stereo Headset that shipped at the beginning of this console generation, the unnamed accessory is reported to offer Bluetooth compatibility with PC and mobile integration; seemingly to complement the inevitable release of Project xCloud. Ultimately the tangibility of Microsoft hosting an event next month to showcase more details of next-generation hardware is still in the air. Although most discussed happened to be speculation, the likeliness of it to potentially happen is high seeing how many users online are hearing a similar story. Even Niko Partners’ David Ahmad suspects both systems to be previewed earlier due to the cancellation of E3. What would you like to learn about most regarding the alleged Xbox Series S? Xbox Series X is said to arrive sometime later on in holiday 2020. Source: Windows Central
Nintendo Reveals New April Update For Animal Crossing: New Horizons Alongside Upcoming Events

Prior of the transition into April around the same time that Animal Crossing: New Horizons was still settling on store shelves, Nintendo revealed that Bunny Day will officially commence on nearly half the month. And while we are already finished with the event over a week ago, Nintendo has announced a new update to take place later this week for the month of April until the end of Spring. Kicking off this coming Thursday, New Horizon users can expect new additions to debut on their island to continue your playthrough and encapture the vision you hold for your ever growing locale. For starters, people can expect to find Leif posted in the town square with his Garden Shop to buy related items like the newly added shrubs to decorate the landscape. On the ‘Secret Beach’ to the north, players can find Jolly Redd’s Treasure Trawler to purchase items like paintings and furniture. What island owners can do with said painting and other fine art is submit your findings to the newest expansion of the museum, the Art Gallery. From the looks of it in the trailer, players can also apply sculptures and other tangible pieces to the exhibit alike with the preexisting portions in the museum. Paving the way for the remainder of April and into May, Nintendo has showcased upcoming events that will be taking place in New Horizons as well. Starting on April 23 until May 2, Nature Day will arrive urging players to do greenly deeds in exchange for boosted Nook Miles rewards. May Day will also be initiating for the first week of the titular month offering a same-named tour on a separate island. International Museum Day will arrive in the second half of next month which issues rewards for players who participate in a cross-exhibit Stamp Rally. Then for the entirety of June, Wedding Season will be in motion where players can visit Harvey’s island to help photograph communal shots for the happy couple. This update news falls less than a day after the info drop regarding the Final Major Update for Super Mario Maker 2. You can get yourself caught up on the details by heading here. Are you excited for more to do in Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Animal Crossing: New Horizons is out now for Nintendo Switch.
Nintendo Shares Details For Super Mario Maker 2 Final Major Update

Dating back to December, Nintendo revealed a slew of new additions and features that level creators can utilize in the Version 2 Update for Super Mario Maker 2. Tools like the ability to play as Link from the Legend of Zelda with the sprite’s respected elements and handful of level-designing props to diversify how you already craft your custom levels. Now recently, Nintendo announced that the Final Major Update for the July-released title is scheduled to arrive this coming Wednesday, April 22. And along with the title update slated for this week, the company has showcased a dozen new implementations to continue to bring incentive for returning players. Unique to the Super Mario Bros. game style, players can find the Super Mario Bros. 2 Mushroom which allows the player to double in size, as you would expect. However, for those who remember, you can use this power up to ride enemies alongside pick up your platfroming foes like small, large, and flying enemies; the same applies to chain chomps as well. A new part dubbed the ‘Cursed Key’ when obtained will unleash a Phanto to attack the player. As for the Super Mario Bros. 3 game style, our plumber protagonist can finally equip the Frog Suit and take advantage of water-based obstacles. Intuitive features like more traversal swimming, running on water, and jump like the amphibian the suit takes its look from. Super Mario World game style will receive the Power Balloon which allow Mario to fly alike a helium-filled balloon through levels. The Super Acorn arrives to the Super Mario Bros. U game style, alike the other mentioned suits, dresses him like a squirrel allowing him to fly. Super Mario 3D World game style takes on the most in new additions like the Boomerang Flower which will continuously be thrown until Mario catches the tool alongside five new wearable for our red-wearing hero. The Cannon Box to shoot said cannonballs at enemies and coins, the Propeller Box to fly to unreachable heights with complementing descent, the three-use Red Pow Box to implode when impacting hanging blocks, Goomba Mask to deceive nearby enemies, and the Bullet Bill Mask to fly horizontally alike Bullet Bill himself. The same game style can also expect the On/Off Trampoline part which triggers platforms to become bouncy surfaced with the hit of a switch. The Koopalings finally make their debut for the plethora of opposing game modes. The same can also be applied to the Mechakoopa as certain iterations will not be supported in the Super Mario 3D World game style as well. Lastly, Nintendo reveals that players can create their own journey with the newly added World Maker. Placing routes and filling the landscape with your own custom levels and decorating the terrain. Icons can be altered and world themes can be applied to truly breath your own life into the world. Players can essentially create their own game with Super World which consists of 8 worlds and 40 courses in total. What addition are you most excited to test out first with this approaching update? Super Mario Maker 2 is out now for Nintendo Switch.