Since 2013



Wasteland 3 DLC ‘The Battle Of Steeltown’ Announced, Arrives Later This June

Before there was Fallout, Wasteland pioneer the post-apocalyptic genre in the late 1980 at the time. But now more than three decades since the inception of the series, Wasteland 3 is officially available for the fans that grew up playing the top-down role-playing game. Arriving back in August 2020, the newest entry for the series is only the surface of what is to come as you might expect. In a new announcement from InXile Entertainment, the developer shares a new story expansion is underway, ‘The Battle of Steeltown’. You can watch the announcement trailer in the video below: “The towering factory complex of Steeltown manufactures all the tech that keeps Colorado running and the Patriarch in power—trucks, armor, weapons, and robots,” reads the synopsis for the add-on. “But deliveries from Steeltown have stopped cold, and all the Patriarch is getting from Abigail Markham—Steeltown’s leader—are excuses. “When he sends the Rangers to investigate, they find the place is a powder keg with the fuse already lit. The workers are striking, bandits raid with impunity, and nobody is allowed through the gates, not even on the business of the Patriarch. Without help, Steeltown could crash and burn for good, and take Markham with it—but maybe that’s just what it needs. The Rangers will have to decide that for themselves.” While InXile Entertainment is branded for its in-depth RPG releases – primarily in the traditional top-down fashion – the studio is moving on to experimental projects. Already, it was found that the game coming will be utilizing Unreal Engine 5 which has still yet to officially launch this year. In a recent job posting, it reveals the team is crafting a first-person shooter RPG which also opens some eyes as well. Regarding the current Wasteland 3, our critic David Rodriguez shares the game features “excellent coop”. You can read the full review by heading here. Are you excited for The Battle of Steeltown? The Battle of Steeltown arrives on June 3, 2021; Wasteland 3 is out now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Source: InXile Entertainment

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Writer Comments On Interest To Bring The Series To Brazil

In the decade plus adventure that the Assassin’s Creed franchise has evolved into, the series has grasped more than a handful of unique settings and time eras that brand the charm of the Ubisoft-published series. Now with the most recent release answering to the long cries from its fans for a Viking Age release, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, players are surely hungry to know where the next game will land on the map – and the clock. However, there is no certainty as to what the new game will truly be for some time. Although Ubisoft recently announced its self-names Ubisoft Forward for this June at E3, Assassin’s Creed will not be present. The firm in the past commented that series will continue to be on a two-year cycle and plans to continue that pledge. But, that does not mean there is room for speculation. More specifically from Alain Mercieca, Senior Writer for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, he expressed his interest in bringing the series to Brazil due to its unique nature of events and involved history, he tells The Gamer. Personally there are many [possibilities], too many to choose from if I’m being honest. As someone who is obsessed with history you could get me excited about a niche group of warriors in a lost society on the island of Malta and I’d be ready to jump into it and make it pop.” I’m not sure about you, but I’d absolutely be down for Assassin’s Creed Malta. An Assassin’s Order story set in the original King’s Landing prior to Game of Thrones’ switch to Dubrovnik? Too good to be true, in my opinion. Sounds fake. On a grander scale I do feel there is a rich tapestry of culture in South America that the brand has yet to explore fully. From the Incas to the Spanish Conquistadors, it is a very fascinating time. Though Black Flag did touch on some of it, I’m feeling more the Brazil region. Just to reiterate, Ubisoft’s plans are expected to be solid stone for 2021 with the absence of Assassin’s Creed. Alike in 2019, this year will be free of a new Assassin’s Creed game. As to the comments from Mercieca, it is only excitement to work on the location and its history. Ubisoft has not officially commented on what its plans for the Assassin’s Creed series will be next as of reporting. Elsewhere in relevance to Assassin’s Creed, Ubisoft earlier this month stated that the firm will be postponing the release for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s ‘Wrath of the Druids’ to mid May. You can read the full report by heading here. Would you enjoy an Assassin’s Creed game in Brazil if it ever manifested into a full release? Source: The Gamer

Leaker Tells Next Battlefield To Abandon Xbox One & PlayStation 4 Versions, Xbox Game Pass Launch Is Suggested

In regards to the ongoing Battlefield franchise, the series is to return at some point, of course. While in 2020 where Electronic Arts allowed Respawn Entertainment to handle the first-person shooter genre with the continuous growth of Apex Legends, the classic modern shooter is to make its return after the mixed release that is Battlefield V. As for the plans that will directly define the newest Battlefield installment, recognized insider TheLongSensation indicates that the 2021 title will be a reboot of the series. Following after the trend laid out by Call of Duty already, the project is to also appease to the hardened Battlefield 3 fans as well. However, claims of a remaster for the 2011 title does not appear to be happening, he shares. Not to mention that Electronic Arts officially stated a reveal to be taking place in the coming spring, we should be hearing news soon. But before the company could make any noise, known leaker @_Tom_Henderson shares there will not be an Xbox One or PlayStation 4 version of the game. The leaker also goes on to mention that the game is likely to receive a Xbox Game Pass launch as well coming the end of the year thanks to the relationship between both Microsoft and Electronic Arts. Previously, Rectify Gaming reported that Battlefield V’s marketing rights would be handled by the Xbox firm. So if that was to continue, there is a likeliness that the claim for the Xbox Game Pass addition is certainly tangible. But for the statement on 2021’s Battlefield and its respective versions on last-generation hardware, that is more questionable. While YoutTuber TheLongSensation has been accurate with his claims, he initially disclosed that the versions on legacy hardware would be handled by a different team entirely. But, Electronic Arts does not help that argument. In a statement from the publisher previously, it is insisted that the next-generation hardware – Xbox Series X|S & PlayStation 5 – will be the definitive technology that showcases the next game. Elsewhere more recently, Polygon reports that the newest Battlefield is a bigger order to serve than anticipated. So much that developer Criterion Games will be shelving this year’s Need for Speed in support of the next Battlefield game until it is delivered. You can read the full report by heading here. What system do you plan to get this year’s Battlefield on?

Former Nintendo & F-Zero Designer Takaya Imamura States The Series Isn’t Gone For Good, But Is Surely “Hard To Bring Back”

At least when viewing Nintendo from afar, the Japanese console giant is gripping close to its properties like Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda, as we might expect. Even Pikmin is being utilized for its future plans as Nintendo partners with Niantic for a new mobile, augmented reality experience to expand from the success of Pokémon Go already. However, there are certainly lost hope for other properties under the brand. Eyeing over to Chibi Robo is left lingering with despair and grief as developer Skip is reported to be closing shop. While Nintendo has yet to bring clarity to what is next for the franchise, fans are certain of the series’ demise after decisive evidence suggest that the Japanese studio is no more since last year. The same is also stapled to F-Zero as well. However, former Nintendo designer & visual creator for Captain Falcon Takaya Imamura claims to think otherwise. When speaking to IGN, he tells that the series will be difficult “to bring back”, but it is far from being dead in the water. Imamura goes on to press on his experience when working at Nintendo for the project initially. I think it started with [Amusement Vision’s] Toshihiro Nagoshi proposing the project to Miyamoto. I really liked Daytona USA (which Nagoshi produced), so I was honored to work with him. We had an arcade system board called Triforce which was based on the GameCube’s architecture, so when Nagoshi proposed doing an arcade version of F-Zero, I was really happy, as I had always been a fan of arcade games. Back then, Nagoshi was the top of Amusement Vision, a subsidiary studio of Sega. I don’t think many people outside the company were ever allowed inside the actual development offices. Companies don’t usually let people inside their development offices, but they showed me the arcade cabinets they were working on, which has become a special memory for me. Despite the hopefulness for a revival of F-Zero and Captain Falcon alike, there is no concrete suggestions as to what Nintendo would pursue to bring the property to newer hardware. While the firm has reintroduced previous entries through its virtual consoles in the past, determining what the next step might be is as good of a guess as mine for the time being. While there is no clarity for the future of F-Zero, the same story cannot be said for Kirby. In the Kirby Star Allies Art Book, General Director Shinya Kumazaki states he is prepared for the “next phase” for the series to be unveiled soon. You can read the full report by heading here. Are you hoping to see Captain Falcon return to newer hardware? Source: IGN

Kirby Star Allies Director Shinya Kumazaki Shares To be Prepared For Kirby’s “Next Phase” Soon

Although other prominent Nintendo properties are being starved of a Nintendo Switch release, Kirby surely is not. In fact, there happened to be two releases already. The first being Kirby Star Allies – a new mainline installment – that arrived back in 2018. However, the franchise also expanded with a sequel to a spin-off entry that fans are familiar with already. In a surprise announcement from Nintendo in late 2020, the Japanese firm unveiled that Kirby Fighters 2 is arriving to the Nintendo Switch. What the company might not have anticipated is the premature leaking for the game. In that, a listing for the title appeared on a Play Nintendo list officially held by Nintendo. Not to mention the shadow drop for Super Kirby Clash, fans are sure to be entertained for the time being. However, it does not end there it appears. In a finding from @SammyChanSonic1 on Twitter, the Kirby Star Allies Art Book that was only printed in Japanese reveals that General Director is ready to soon push for the next game. Shinya Kumazaki insists the “next phase” is close to being presented. At least understanding where Nintendo is heading does reflect the statement. In extension, Nintendo CEO Shuntaro Furukawa recently stated that the firm is to pursue new intellectual properties. But, he also goes on to iterate that the company will also be backing its long-lasting franchises as well. And, Kirby is no exception, of course. This is not the first time word suggesting more games to be underway came from an Art Book. In a similar publication from Toys for Bob’s Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, the developer presses on the chances of a fourth game for Spyto the Dragon as well. You can read the full report by heading here. Are you hopeful to see the next Kirby game soon?

Report: Netflix To Expand On Castlevania With Possible New Cast And Story

While Netflix has cashed in big with its animated Castlevania series for more than a few years now, the episodic series is to conclude coming this May. In an abrupt announcement earlier this past week, Castlevania Season 4 is to arrive delivering the last helping of content for its viewers for one last time. Following, it is presumed that the firm will tackle its bevy of other projects elsewhere. But, a new report from Deadline suggests that Netflix is not entirely done with its grip on Konami’s Castlevania just yet. In the piece, it is disclosed that Netflix is looking to expand the series with a new show that casts new characters for the potential endeavor. Additionally, it is also suggested that creator Warren Ellis for the original series is not involved with the new project either. As to what could possibly be anticipated from Netflix officially following the conclusion for Castlevania is two projects. One being Devil May Cry: executive producer Adi Shankar announced in late 2018 to be pursuing the production as he will be showrunning the project. However, neither Netflix nor Shankar has pressed on the status of the series, Additionally, Shankar is also reported to be involved as an executive producer for an upcoming Far Cry series at Netflix as well. Titled ‘Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Vibe’, the coming Netflix series is indicated to aim for the young adult demographic. But by the timing of the report, it is implicated that the Devil May Cry project will surface ahead of the latter. You can read the full report by heading here. What do you hope will come following the Castlevania series ending next month on Netflix? Source: Deadline

Castlevania Season 4 On Netflix Arrives On May 13

Although video games as a medium outside of its source material has been experimented with television and film in the past, it has yet to be efficiently implemented for long-term effect for the original users and new viewers to indulge in. But, that changed when Netflix debuted its Castlevania anime series back in 2017. “With most of the video-game-to-TV/movie translations being sub-par, Castlevania Netflix has further established on what could be the gold standard of these translations done right,” Rectify Gaming’s review for Castlevania Season 2 reads from our critic, Sergio. Even more, Netflix went on to press in May 2020 that Castlevania would resume with yet another season. However, that is left undetermined. Well, it was until this past week where the entertainment conglomerate announced the next and final season for the series. You can watch the trailer in the video below: As for plans Netflix has under its sleeves outside of Castlevania, there is one that developed as a byproduct of the production. In that, Executive Producer for Castlevania Adi Shankar announced to be leading a new animated project, Devil May Cry. Since its reveal in 2018, there has yet to be a solid evidence pointing to when the plans will arrive to Netflix. Additionally, Netflix in partnership with Sony Pictures plans to distribute produced films from the firm following the theatrical release of respected films. Of the motion pictures mentioned, Tom Holland’s Uncharted is to be included following its box office debut in 2022. You can read the initial report by heading here. Are you excited to see what is to conclude Netflix’s Castlevania series? Castlevania Season 4 arrives on May 13, 2021 for Netflix.

Fortnite Taps Into Batman Canon With New Batman/Fortnite: Zeropoint Comic Series, Issue #1 Ships April 20

With more than 80 years of DC Comics’ Batman, there are plenty of avenues that the World’s Greatest Detective has taken that surprised its readers, viewers, and fans since the last 1930s. But what many could not anticipate is that video games would also be influencing the canon for the source material. In issue #1000 for Batman’s Detective Comic, Rocksteady Studios’ Arkham Knight made his debut in the milestone release. For those that might not recall, the Arkham Knight stands to be the titular antagonist to the Caped Crusader in 2015’s Batman Arkham Knight. While altering the dynamic of Bruce Wayne’s relationship with Jason Todd which was set in stone with 1988’s ‘A Death in the Family’, Jason Todd after giving up his alter-ego Red Hood goes on to extract his revenge as the Arkham Knight. But now, the last-generation title is not the only one to tap into the canon of Batman. In a new reveal from Epic Games in collaboration with DC Comics, Fortnite is now to be injected into the series as well. Announcing Batman: Zeropoint, the first issue is to release this Tuesday. You can view the cover for the print in the image below: “A crack splits the sky above Gotham City… a tear in reality itself. This rift pulls the Dark Knight into a bizarre and unfamiliar world, with no memory of who he is or where he came from… DC’s Batman has been drawn into Fortnite,” the overview reveals. “As our hero fights to recall his past and escape an endless loop of chaos and struggle, he’ll come face-to-face with the likes of Renegade Raider, Fishstick, Bandolier, and more. “While the World’s Greatest Detective strives to make sense of this strange new world, he’ll uncover the shocking truth about the Island, what lies beyond the Loop, and how everything is connected to the mysterious Zero Point. Uncover secrets never before revealed in-game or anywhere else! “Every fan of Batman, Fortnite, stunning art, and edge-of-your-seat excitement won’t want to miss the Caped Crusader facing off against Fortnite champions on the Island in a desperate attempt to save not only himself but other familiar faces from the DC universe… and perhaps the Multiverse too!” Each issue will also be accompanied with unique in-game items for Fortnite as well for those that purchase the strip digitally. In that past, Fortnite collaborated with DC Comics with featured skins, cosmetics, and to even debut its next-generation version of the game for the newest Xbox & PlayStation systems. You can read the full report by heading here. Do you plan to pick up issue #1 for Batman: Zeropoint? Batman: Zeropoint arrives on April 20, 2021. Source: Epic Games

Rating For ‘Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania’ Discovered In Australia

Although plenty appeared to be lost in hopes for a return of the Super Monkey franchise in the late 2010s, Japanese publisher Sega in a surprise announcement shared that the series will be gracing the Nintendo Switch. But while it is not a unique installment for the line of titles, instead, players are to anticipate a reworking of a previous entry. In that, the firm announced Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD. Yes, the company decided to remaster the original 2010 game from the Nintendo Wii. However, the release did come with some hallmark notes despite the decided candidate. That being the debut for Sonic the Hedgehog for Super Monkey Ball. While shared under Sega, Sonic was discovered to being a playable character prematurely to the game’s release. But now, it appears that Banana Blitz HD is surely not the only game to be in mind for the future of Super Monkey Ball. In a new finding from Gematsu, the Australia Government Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communication has a rating for ‘Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania’. The discovery via the listed attributes reveal that the unannounced project was officially listed on April 15 this past Thursday. With production also listed to be active in 2021, that does not accurately determine the game’s release for the same year, however,. Furthermore, the game is also given a ‘PG’ for mild impact of violence. Noted, the discovery was anticipated in some lengths due to comments from Sega in the past. Following the release of Banana Blitz HD back at the start of 2020, Sega on the official Super Monkey Ball Twitter account wrote, “We look forward to serving you again in the Super Monkey Ball series!” You can read the full report by heading here. Are you excited for a new Super Monkey Ball game? Source: Gematsu

Destroy All Humans! Remake Nintendo Switch Version Scheduled For This June

Since last July, THQ Nordic’s anticipated release Destroy All Humans! Remake graced most major platforms. I write most because the game did not arrive to the Nintendo Switch when the title shipped initially. However, more than a year later, there was no update as to when the game will be delivered to the Nintendo eShop upon entering 2021. But, that is not to say it is never coming. In fact, THQ Nordic alongside Black Forest Games in a new reveal earlier this month presses that the wait is only for a few months more. According to the announcement, Destroy All Humans! Remake is to arrive by late June as per a message from “a message from the Furon Empire”. You can watch the latest trailer in the video below: “Furon officials are proud to announce the possibility of handheld anal probing with the introduction of the new technology required for this campaign,” the message reads on the blog post. “Mobile probing units will open up new possibilities all over the world.” While there is now a concrete date for the game’s release, there is still some clarity left dirtied. In that, it is uncertain if the Nintendo Switch will be a direct port or if game studio Black Forest Games will also jump the extra foot to incorporate unique features for the handheld like HD rumble, gyro controls, or even motion guiding. Are you planning to pick up Destroy All Humans! Remake for Nintendo Switch? Destroy All Humans! Remake arrives to Nintendo Switch on June 29, 2021; out now for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. Source: Black Forest Games