Since 2013



Sony announces PlayStation VR 2

During CES 2022, Sony held a press conference that showcased products, new games and more. They even had Tom Holland on stage to discuss the upcoming Uncharted movie. One of the more shocking reveals was the announcement of PlayStation VR 2. The new Virtual Reality headset from Sony features eye tracking, 4K HDR, foveated rendering. More information from PlayStation below: Visual Fidelity: For a high-fidelity visual experience, PS VR2 offers 4K HDR, 110-degree field of view, and foveated rendering. With an OLED display, players can expect a display resolution of 2000×2040 per eye and smooth frame rates of 90/120Hz. Headset-based Controller Tracking: With inside-out tracking, PS VR2 tracks you and your controller through integrated cameras embedded in the VR headset. Your movements and the direction you look at are reflected in-game without the need for an external camera. New Sensory Features: PS VR2 Sense Technology combines eye tracking, headset feedback, 3D Audio, and the innovative PS VR2 Sense controller to create an incredibly deep feeling of immersion. Headset feedback is a new sensory feature that amplifies the sensations of in-game actions from the player. It’s created by a single built-in motor with vibrations that add an intelligent tactile element, bringing players closer to the gameplay experience. For example, gamers can feel a character’s elevated pulse during tense moments, the rush of objects passing close to the character’s head, or the thrust of a vehicle as the character speeds forward. Additionally, PS5’s Tempest 3D AudioTech makes sounds in the player’s surroundings come alive, adding to this new level of immersion. Eye Tracking: With eye tracking, PS VR2 detects the motion of your eyes, so a simple look in a specific direction can create an additional input for the game character. This allows players to interact more intuitively in new and lifelike ways, allowing for a heightened emotional response and enhanced expression that provide a new level of realism in gaming. Along with that we learned about a new title that will be coming to PS VR 2, Horizon Call of the Mountain. “Today we are also pleased to reveal that one of the biggest exclusive franchises on PlayStation will be coming to PS VR2 – Horizon Call of the Mountain from Guerrilla and Firesprite. This original game is being built specifically for PS VR2 and will open the doors for players to go deeper into the world of Horizon.” What was also revealed were the PlayStation VR2 Sense controllers: Source

The Mobile Gaming Trends To Consider In 2022

There’s no escaping the fact that we are now a society of mobile gamers. PCs and consoles remain central features of our gaming experiences, but mobile is more popular than ever too. It is projected to be worth $272bn by 2030 and is one of the few types of gaming that transcends generational patterns. From youngsters to seniors, billions of people have smartphone devices. And therefore, they have instant access to mobile gaming titles. Likewise, the plethora of titles available on the handheld phone and tablet devices has grown at an exponential rate. It is now possible to download games across virtually every genre imaginable within seconds. The catalogue on iOS and Android also covers everything from major franchises down to indie published games. While independently games are popular on consoles and PCs, mobile gaming has really enjoyed a massive push. In turn, big franchises have had to level up their output too. The new Call of Duty for mobile is a great example. However, everything from sports titles to Pokemon continue to enjoy a major uplift. Many of the games are offered as free downloads with in-app purchases. However, mobile gamers are increasingly aware that this model opens the door to potentially huge expenses. In many cases, the alternative is to sit through advert after advert after advert. As the quality of games improves, people are more inclined to choose a paid model of gaming. Rather than the concepts that have dominated in previous years. Source – Pixabay (CC0) Google Stadia and Apple Arcade have both seen a major increase in popularity over the past 12 months. This can be attributed to aggressive marketing and the fact that people have turned to gaming during the pandemic. With people now returning to normal activities away from the home, mobile gaming will be the best way to get their fix. People love the ‘pick up and play’ nature of many mobile titles. Even when you have 10 minutes to kill, a quick round of Fortnite is perfect. Despite being great when you’re short of time, the progress over time occurs much in the same way as it does for traditional gaming. Games with no real purpose or advancement over time have seen a fall in demand levels. As well as emulating the traditions set by PCs and consoles, mobile gamers now want integrations. In addition to gaming, they may use tablets and smartphones to manage aspects of their console gaming activities. Such as in-game purchases or character trading. Moreover, a mobile game emulator allows them to enjoy the thrilling small screen titles on a bigger monitor. This adds a new layer of enjoyment that can take this type of gaming to the next level, especially for multiplayer titles. Due to all of the above features, the main takeaway for 2022 is that the shift to mobile gaming will grow. More people will spend more time playing their favorite titles, not least because there are now more of them to play. Publishers and developers know this too – expect an incredible 12 months to follow.

Spelunky 2, Outer Wilds, The Anacrusis, And More Confirmed For January 2022 Xbox Game Pass Lineup

In the ever-growing lineup that is for Xbox Game Pass, it is inevitable as to when Microsoft will reveal its next major shipment of games for the service. From December last year, we witnessed two segments of games coming to the service. The first introducing the likes of Halo Infinite & Final Fantasy XIII-2 which was later followed by The Gunk alongside Firewatch that same month. Prior to that, information on coming titles for the service were shared then. Specifically, Stray Bombay’s The Anacrusis is slated to hit the service in the coming months. Now, the game is officially coming to Xbox Game Pass this month. Elsewhere, users learned in a story from The Loadout that Xbox Game Pass presented more than $6,300 worth of titles in 2021 alone. Now with January settled and the haziness wearing off from the departure of 2021, here is the new lineup coming to Xbox Game Pass for January 2022: Console Gorogoa – 1/4 Olija – 1/4 The Pedestrian – 1/4 Embr – 1/6 Mass Effect Legendary Edition [EA Play] – 1/6 Outer Wilds – 1/6 Spelunky 2 – 1/13 The Anacrusis – 1/13 PC Gorogoa – 1/4 Olija – 1/4 The Pedestrian – 1/4 Embr – 1/6 Mass Effect Legendary Edition [EA Play] – 1/6 Outer Wilds – 1/6 Spelunky 2 – 1/13 The Anacrusis – 1/13 Cloud Gorogoa – 1/4 Olija – 1/4 The Pedestrian – 1/4 Embr – 1/6 Outer Wilds – 1/6 And as always, there are more to be departing from Xbox Game Pass later in January. Microsoft confirms those to be: Desperados III (Cloud; Console; PC), Ghost of a Tale (PC), Kingdom Hearts III (Console), Mount & Blade: Warband (Cloud; Console; PC), Pandemic (Console; PC), and Yiik: A Postmodern RPG (PC). Looking ahead for later on in January, developer Dotemu confirmed one of its coming releases is to be added to the Netflix-esque service this month. On January 20th, the release of Windjammers 2 arrives and the French game studio shares it will also be coming to Xbox Game Pass then too. You can read the full report by heading here. Are you happy with the current lineup of games for Xbox Game Pass so far? Source: Xbox Wire

January 2022 PlayStation Now Games Features Mortal Kombat 11, Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, And More

Although Microsoft is continuing to fuel its Xbox Game Pass service, fans over on PlayStation are always ecstatic to learn what is next to come to its services respectively. Already for PlayStation Plus on Tuesday, three major titles are coming to the monthly service for January 2022: Persona 5 Strikers, Dirt 5, and Deep Rock Galactic. But that is just the start. Like clockwork for the online service, PlayStation Now is also to deliver a new abundance of exciting games for this month as well. From December 2021’s additions, Grand Theft Auto III: The Definitive Edition, John Wick Hex, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster, and Spitlings was added then. But, a new month and specifically a new year means a larger impression is to be made with a fresh start for 2022. On Monday, Sony Interactive Entertainment shared there will be the addition of six new games for PlayStation Now for January 2022. You can read the full list below: Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Fury Unleashed Kerbal Space Program: Enhanced Edition Mortal Kombat 11 Super Time Force Ultra Unturned However, January 2022’s titles do stand out in comparison to previous updates for PlayStation Now. Typically, there are a few games that will remain as permanent additions to the service while Sony Interactive Entertainment clarifies which ones are only timed for a limited timeframe. For January 2022, all games are to remain on the service indefinitely. Also, January 2022 means the end of one campaign for PlayStation Now. In an agreement arranged with Sony Interactive Entertainment & Square Enix, the firms collaborated to ship one Final Fantast game to the service from September 2021 to January 2022 and Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age is the last of the promise. You can read the full report by heading here. Are you happy with any of the new additions for PlayStation Now? Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, Fury Unleashed, Kerbal Space Program: Enhanced Edition, Mortal Kombat 11, Super Time Force Ultra, and Unturned arrives to PlayStation Now on January 4, 2022. Source: PlayStation Blog