Nintendo Switch Online introduces Missions and Rewards

Have you been browsing the Nintendo Switch Online section on your Nintendo Switch system lately? Thanks to the recent update, you can now earn My Nintendo Platinum Points by using Nintendo Switch Online. Combined with the existing ways to earn Platinum Points , Nintendo has launched a Mission and Rewards Section to Nintendo Switch Online. It’s easy to complete these missions by simply doing things you do already with your Nintendo Switch Online membership, like playing online or exploring the library of classic games. As soon as you complete a mission, head back to the Nintendo Switch Online app to collect your Platinum Points, which you can redeem for digital wallpapers, physical items from the My Nintendo Store, or new member-exclusive icon elements you can collect and combine to create a new user icon. Icon elements include: frames, characters, and background elements to create your own user icon that can be seen by other Nintendo Switch players when you’re online. Each month will have a different theme and icon elements will be refreshed each week, so be sure to check the Nintendo Switch Online app on your Nintendo Switch system so you don’t miss any! For The Launch the following , will be available until 4/3: Want to learn more about missions and rewards? Just make sure your Nintendo Switch system is updated, then click on the Nintendo Switch Online icon on the bottom of your HOME menu to get started.
March 2022 Welcomes Kentucky Route Zero, Marvel’s Guardians Of The Galaxy, And Far Changing Tides To Xbox Game Pass

Entering a new month for 2022, this also welcomes a new lineup for Xbox Game Pass. In February, we witnessed titles including Compulsion Games’ Contrast alongside Infernax, and Skul: The Hero Slayer. But towards the latter half went on to include entries such as Super Mega Baseball 3, Lawn Mowing Simulator, and Madden NFL 22. Later on it was also abruptly announced that Dragon Ball FighterZ will also be added to the service as well. Noted, the addition would only be included for PC Game Pass. Elsewhere recently, Bandai Namco announced Pac-Man Museum+ is to also feature itself for Xbox Game Pass at launch later in May when it arrives. For March 2022, the new lineup is here and you can read the full list below: Console Far: Changing Tides – 3/1 Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII – 3/3 Kentucky Route Zero 3/10 Lawn Mowing Simulator [Xbox One] – 3/10 Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy – 3/10 Young Souls – 3/10 PC Far: Changing Tides – 3/1 Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII – 3/3 Kentucky Route Zero 3/10 Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy – 3/10 Young Souls – 3/10 Cloud Far: Changing Tides – 3/1 Microsoft Flight Simulator – 3/1 Kentucky Route Zero 3/10 Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy – 3/10 Young Souls – 3/10 Additionally, Microsoft also presses on new features for PC Game Pass. before, the firm disclosed new changes coming to the service for the platform in organizing the games from the application. But the new update features the promised improvements as well as directly accessing selected files with the ability to ‘repair’ also. Unfortunately, there is a total of four more games leaving Xbox Game Pass by March 15th. Those titles are: Nier: Automata (Cloud; Console; PC), Phogs! (Cloud; Console; PC), Torchlight III (Cloud; Console; PC), and The Surge 2 (Cloud; Console; PC). Which games are you most excited to welcome to Xbox Game Pass for March 2022? Source: Xbox Wire
Review: Uncharted Movie

I’ve never played Uncharted, so this will be a “secular” review of the movie from the popular PlayStation series. This is also the first movie attempt for PlayStation Studios. Uncharted stars Tom Holland as the main character, Nathan Drake, and Mark Wahlberg as his duplicitous partner, Victor Sullivan. The story is supposedly an origin of the Uncharted games, and it starts off with Drake hanging on to some crates and fighting off villains, Spider-Man style. I guess you can’t really differentiate from one character to the next with the same actor. As soon as he boards the plane, a red car knocks him off course. We then flash back 15 years earlier with a pre-teen Nathan and his older teen brother Sam. Sam and Nathan are looking for an artifact from Spain, in which they believed to be from Ferdinand Magellan. Sam is really precocious with history that could rival Indiana Jones. They were both trying to rob an important map, but were caught by the authorities. When given a chance to say to say goodbye to each other unsupervised, Sam escapes, leaving Nathan with the clues. In the present day, Nathan is a bartender, who charms a young female patron with his knowledge of drinks. When he stealthily steals a bracelet from her, Victor Sullivan (Wahlberg) enters the establishment. He +tries to convince Nathan to join him to find the artifact he and his brother were looking for. After Sullivan stealthily recovers the bracelet from Drake, Drake reluctantly joins Sullivan to find the artifact. The movie also stars Antonio Banderas as a wealthy treasure hunter, who has plans of expanding his family empire. Unfortunately, he is stymied by his emotionally distant patriarch (Manuel de Blas). Banderas does his best to portray an effective villain but is wasted. The movie has a lot of twist and turns regarding the relationship between Drake and Sullivan. They don’t trust each other, and the movie shows as well as explains it. Also involved is Chloe Frazer, a previous contact of Sullivan who also has trust issues with Drake, and especially with Sullivan. The elements of trust in the film are played around throughout to the point where I think it’s a little too clever to be believed. But since I’m not a treasure hunter nor have I ever played Uncharted, what do I know? I also find it funny that a British actor such as Tom Holland would still play an American accent (though not for the first time, obviously), while an American actress like Sophia Ail has a British one in the film (though very convincingly). Tom Holland does his best as Nathan Drake and there were moments in which he wasn’t “Spider-Man like”, such as when he tries make Sullivan leave the drinking establishment in the beginning of the film; he did display some attitude that you wouldn’t expect out of Spider-Man. But he also did some fighting moves and lectures Sullivan on trust that would make Holland indistinguishable from his famous Marvel character. Drake is extremely knowledgeable about history that would make his brother proud and rival that of an archeology professor. Mark Wahlberg as Sullivan is more of a comic relief, but not in the traditional goofy sense. Like Drake, he is knowledgable, but more experienced; Drake, even with all of his knowledge, can be a real rookie in some key moments. Sometimes Sullivan will say along the lines of “I will do this on my own and make sure you don’t double-cross me”, but unexpectedly trusts Drake and Frazer anyway. Another strong supporting character is Braddock (Tati Gabrielle), who is Santiago’s bodyguard and scout, but plays a significant role later in the movie. As to what her motives are from that point is anyone’s guess. There are also two end-credit scenes in the movie, so you may want to stay for those. Uncharted is not a bad movie, but it’s not a great one either. I know many fans will understand some of the references as well as the history of the characters. But for the “secular” audience, such as myself, I think many will see this because of Tom Holland and what he can do outside of Spider-Man; so far, it’s not much of a difference. While it’s respectable for the video-game movie genre, it still has ways to go to make an impact.
Review: Shadow Warrior 3

Developer – Flying Wild Hog Publisher – Devolver Digital Platforms – PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One, PC Shadow Warrior 3 is the sequel to the original that took everybody by surprise. I say the original, because Shadow Warrior 3 forgets the second game, and harkens back to the classic 90’s arena shooter the original title created. Back then, arena shooters were everywhere but haven’t quite hit the saturation point they had by 2000. Now if you look on any platform, especially Steam, arena shooters, are back and everywhere. Only a handful are worth mentioning and even fewer are the ones that are truly excellent. Shadow Warrior 3 separates itself from the pack with it’s take on Doom Eternal and much of the concepts that title introduced. air jumps dash, grappling hook and even the glory kills. It isn’t perfect by a long shot, but returning to the 90’s roots helps Shadow Warrior 3 stick out compared to the previous entry in many ways. Shadow Warrior 3 doesn’t seek to re-invent the wheel, instead it opts for a more refined, honed and balanced approach and upgrade to all of the little parts of the first game that could have been better or maybe should have had more variety. A large increase in weapons, and a slight upgrade system with few but meaningful changes. It starts with a very impressive and fun prologue sequence that introduces you to the heroes and world you will be cutting your way through. Presenting itself in a much more cinematic focus than the first game ever attempted. The enemies have made some upgrades as well. The sheer number of them and the scale and scope of some of the boss fights are fun and satisfying to slash through. Two handed Kitana, guns, and the guts of dead enemies can even be used as weapons. No matter what weapon set you have equipped they all feel unique. The balance of staying back with ranged weapons and knowing when to dive in is present and more important than ever. It’s bloody and gory in all the right ways. Great sound design and visuals really bring the world to life. Every sword swing and gunshot leads to a satisfying and bloody death and really immerses you in the skirmishes and major battles. It isn’t perfect by any means however. Shadow Warrior 3’s main protagonist feels like a throwback in all the wrong ways, and he just unfortunately grates more than he makes a funny joke. While the classic arena shooter vibe is a welcome one, this game does lose a ton of replay factor and the entire co-op multiplayer that gave Shadow Warrior 2 some real longevity. I prefer the one and done style of this campaign, but it is short and doesn’t offer much reason to dive back in for seconds. I could go on and break things down to a the tiniest of details but at the end of the day, Shadow Warrior 3 is fun. It’s good sequel to a classic shooter that reminds the shooter world keeping it sweet and short can still work.
Review: Elex 2

Developer – Piranha Bytes Publisher – THQ Nordic Platforms – PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One, PC Elex 2 is the latest game from developer Piranha Bytes. They developed the many classic rpg’s out of Eastern Europe such as Gothic and the original Elex. Knowing their short but stellar history is important in many ways. Elex 2 is the culmination of all of their previous games, ideas, and concepts combined into one flawed but completely unique title. On the surface many people would classify Elex 2 as an action RPG. It’s so much more than that once you dig a bit deeper under the surface. It’s one part action, one part narrative adventure game and one part open free form adventure. Everything from the games visual style, the expressions on people’s faces and even the music help sell the stark, dreary misery of this future. People are exhausted, shell shocked, and whatever is left is being ravaged by a dangerous creatures and warring factions. Right in the midst of all of this chaos are the elements of the Elex. Elex is a rare resource brought to the planet after a deadly meteor hit. Elex 2 delves deep into classic 90’s rpg’s. With callbacks to the more grounded version of sci fi, even down to how many choices you have at any available moment. Choice like this is a reminder of other classic rpg’s like Morrowind. In terms of abilities, Jax can be customized in a large number of ways. This game features an extensive upgrade system with multiple skills, passive abilities, and every single skill has a tree that also has its own branching pathway that effects how you use said abilities. It’s a lot of fun, and basically provides just enough tools to play out your sci fi fantasy. Jax is a set character, with a set look, but the type of player you will be and the way you will manifest your abilities is up for you to determine. It’s a fantastic upgrade system. The dialogue options and the attention paid to the lore makes Elex 2 one of the best narrative player choice adventure games in a long time. As an action game proper, Elex 2 is merely o.k. It’s a standard third person action game that thankfully doesn’t imitate any of the Batman or Dark Souls series in regard to combat. It has all of the variety you would expect in most action games as of late. It checks all the boxes. A huge list of skills, multiple weapons all with their own styles of attack and advanced combat mechanics with parries and a stamina system to manage. It’s all completely functional, it just plays clunky. It doesn’t have the precision required to quite pull off stylish combat the way your skills should allow. Between enemy AI sometimes forgetting about you mid fight, or the camera getting a bit awkward in close quarters it often feels like action games from 6 years ago. Even at its best, it feels dated. The games biggest issue was a bug where often times dialogue would break completely. Talking to characters would lead to them both standing there acting out the dialogue sequence, but not hearing or seeing the subtitles for any of the words said between them. Because hearing the voice-over or reading what they say matters so much, it would require me to quit out of the game completely and reload to get back in to fix it. This bug happened more often than it should, and I hope it gets patched soon because it detracts from this games best feature. Think of the traditional RPG. In so many of them you visit and explore massive cities with tons of characters everywhere. Most of them are just there to fill in the world, and add nothing to the game outside of window dressing. In Elex 2 that entire mindset is flipped on its head. Every single NPC has a name, a back-story and a social circle they belong too. They have things they like, hate, and are never as simple as you want or need them to be. The sheer attention to detail in each and every character is only surpassed by the excellent writing and voice work. Every person, from the main character to a random guy down an alley just sitting around a fire is brought to life by an absolutely top notch performance across the board. The reason this matter so much is because the core gameplay is tied to every single person you meet during your adventure. Graphics and sound are merely okay, animation is a big step-up from the original game in every aspect. The Xbox Series X version featured many bugs, while the Pc version was a much more pleasant experience. Every person you meet can become your next victim. The more people you feed on, allows you to level up and gain access to much better skills ans passive abilities. This is why the efforts into making every single character come to life matters so much. It’s easily the one thing about Elex 2 that pushes it so far above most other games. Elex 2 feels like the next step in narrative driven adventure games and also a reminder of how great rpg’s are when you actually role play. Come for the jetpack, and stay for excellent characters, the miserable, sci fi dystopia they have created, and the freedom of choice offered within.
Twisted Metal Live-Action TV Series Gets Deal With Peacock In New Report

Exploring the opportunities that follows the formation of PlayStation Productions more than two years ago, it was already confirmed that the ongoing Uncharted movie and The Last of Us HBO series is part of this new initiative. However, there is also a third production underway following its forming – a Twisted Metal TV series. Yes, the legacy IP is returning with a new tale for a new medium. Following it was told that the new television series would be including Deadpool/Zombieland writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick for the production as well. More recently, it was reported that the TV show already decided on its star for the new series. From Deadline, it was reported that Anthony Mackie (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier) will be casted as John Doe. From Deadline once more, it is revealed that the Twisted Metal TV show upon airing will be over at NBC’s Peacock streaming service. Below is a statement by Sony Pictures Television Studios President Jeff Frost and co-President Jason Clodfelter: We are thrilled that our first series with our good friends at Peacock is with our amazing partners at Electric Avenue, Universal Television and colleagues at PlayStation ProductionsMichael Jonathan Smith and Rhett and Paul have ingeniously brought this high-action comedy to life and we are so fortunate to have Anthony at the center of the show. We look forward to this incredible team blowing audiences away with this twisted and inventive concept. NBCUniversal Television and Streaming president scripted content Lisa Katz continues, “Twisted Metal has been a global phenomenon for more than 25 years but it was the creative vision for this live-action adaptation, led by Michael Jonathan Smith, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, that blew us away. Also Anthony Mackie starring made it undeniable. “This adrenalin-infused comedy series is in expert hands with our partners at Sony Pictures Television, PlayStation Productions and Universal Television, and will be the perfect addition to Peacock as we continue to look for uniquely entertaining programs.” The project is still in production alongside new reports confirming a new Jak & Daxter adaptation is also in motion too. “Twisted Metal is one of PlayStation’s most beloved franchises,” said Asad Qizilbash, head of PlayStation Productions. “We are thrilled to have such an amazing creative team and partners working together who have such passion for this iconic property. We can’t wait for fans to see what we have planned for them.” Recently, Sony Pictures Tom Rothman expressed his excitement for the response to Uncharted hitting theaters for its opening weekend. For the three-day Presidents Day weekend, Uncharted generated more than $100 million in the box office globally as it is now framed to be “a new hit movie franchise.” You can read the full report by heading here. Are you interested in the plans for the Twisted Metal heading to Peacock? Source: Deadline
Uncharted Movie Shatters Expectations Generating $100 Million In Box Office As Film Is Framed “A New Hit Movie Franchise”

For the lengths that the Uncharted film has endured for more than a decade now, all that stress can lay to rest as the promised film adaptation is now in theaters. Despite the expectations of the initial announcement is surely alien to the motion picture that hit the box office we have currently, fans are rushing out to see what Tom Holland (Spider-Man: No Way Home) has to offer for his portrayal of Nathan Drake. With the film hitting theaters back in mid-February, fans of the video game series sit anxiously hoping that the film adaptation will lead to a greater franchise. In terms of reception, critics are ranking the movie to be below average across IMDB and Metacritic. But, while Rotten Tomatoes does the came critically with 40 percent, audience reception frames Uncharted as 90 percent liked. In a report from Deadline, a memo was sent out by Sony Pictures CEO Tom Rothman celebrating the release of Uncharted from its audience reception to breaking over $100 million in the global box office in its opening weekend. With over $100M in box office worldwide in just one weekend, and a 90% positive audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, Uncharted is a new hit movie franchise for the company. This marks a great victory for every single division of the company, as the film was our first major production entirely shut down by the advent of Covid, yet we persevered to complete a picture the audience loves and marketed and distributed it with strategic verve worldwide, despite the pandemic. The ensuing impact is proof once again of the unmatched cultural power of real movies. On the heels of Venom: Let There Be Carnage, Ghostbusters: Afterlife, and Spider-Man: No Way Home, Uncharted is yet another blow to the theatrical naysayers and further proof of the efficacy of our model. He adds, “I want to thank all of the filmmakers, the wonderful cast and crew, and especially our friends at PlayStation Studios and Sony Interactive Entertainment for their support. And of course, I want to thank each and every one of you for your creativity, dedication and belief.” Of course, the success entails a sequel or moreso a greater film series will be the result of the recent success. In terms of new PlayStation Pictures projects, Uncharted director Ruben Fleischer when speaking to Digital Trend revealed he is already in motion with a Jak & Daxter adaptation as well. While the production is still in its early phases, it is assumed Fleischer will have to juggle both the new project and the sequel to Uncharted. You can read the full report by heading here. Are you surprised with the response to the Uncharted movie? Source: Deadline
After More Than A Decade, Super Smash Bros. Will Be Missing From This Year’s EVO Roster

Upon the broad line of competitive fighting games that are on the market, there are only a select few that demonstrate to be definitive entries to showcase on the front stage for world competitions. For the sake of the Evolution Championship Series, entires such as Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and Super Smash Bros. remain notable features for the annual event. However, the continuity of the EVO was put into question after the show faced scrutiny due to the actions of its founder, Joey Cuellar. Publishers in tow pulled from the event with no certain future for the event. But, it was soon after that Sony Interactive Entertainment shared its plans to outright acquire the organization. But, the only hesitation was where the firm would stand with Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. moving forward. Despite initial understandings suggesting to continue offering the platform to the Nintendo IP, it was recently announced ahead of the official roster reveal for EVO 2022 that Super Smash Bros. will be absent for the first time in over ten years. “We want to let you know in advanced that Super Smash Bros. will not be making a return appearance,” the letterhead reveals. “Since 2007, we’ve seen historic Super Smash Bros.moments created at EVO’s events. We are saddened that Nintendo has chosen not to continue that legacy with us this year.” In terms of the choice made by Nintendo, the firm has not disclosed the reasoning to its decision. It is to assume the reasoning is pinned on the PlayStation firm now fully owning the organization altogether, howbeit, there is no evidence concluding on the speculation at the time of reporting. As for this year’s event, EVO previous announced that its 2022 show will be returning to Las Vegas, Nevada later this year. Yes, after two years, EVO is planning to make a return to in-person events once more. You can read the full report by heading here. Are you surprised by the announcement for EVO?
Pac-Man Museum+ Launches This May, Confirmed To Hit Xbox Game Pass Upon Release

In terms of the promised additions to Xbox Game Pass so far for 2022, Microsoft has already delivered on its commitments so far. Titles such as Hitman Trilogy, Rainbow Six Extraction, Nobody Saves the World, and Besiege already arrived to the subscription in its first two months. But of course, there are still more awaiting for the roster addition later this year. Currently, this coming May is already shaping up with the welcoming launch for Two Point Studios’ Two Point University. Its predecessor Two Point Hospital was introduced to the service in the past and the newest installment will also be featured on Xbox Game Pass too. But, May is also featuring another beloved series later this spring as well. From Bandai Namco, the publisher this week has shared that Pac-Man Museum+ is to ship in May. Additionally, Xbox Game Pass is also to expect the same forecast day and date as well for the compilation title. You can watch the release date trailer in the video below: “Pac-Man Museum+ presents a unique, curated collection of classic and modern games from the 40+ year history of Pac-Man’s iconic videogame library,” Bandai Namco shares for the game’s description on the game’s page. “Fans and enthusiasts will be able to enjoy the original arcade classic alongside more modern frenetic titles, including Pac-Man Battle Royale, Pac-Man 256, and more!” In total, there are 14 Pac-Man games included in Pac-Man Museum+, which are: PAC-MAN, SUPER PAC-MAN, PAC & PAL, PAC-LAND, PAC-MANIA, PAC-ATTACK, PAC-IN-TIME, PAC-MAN ARRANGEMENT Arcade ver., PAC-MAN ARRANGEMENT CS ver., PAC-MAN CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION, PAC Motos, PAC’N ROLL REMIX, PAC-MAN BATTLE ROYALE, and PAC-MAN 256. Are you excited for Pac-Man Museum+? Pac-Man Museum+ arrives on May 27, 2022 for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.