League of legends: Lol 12.10 patch notes, champion adjustments, skins, release date

It’s time to shake up the League of Legends world and get some much-anticipated updates. The “Durability Update”, LOL PATCH 12.10 will bring some changes to the game’s champions and tweak a few gameplay fundamentals. Riot Games has been hard at work keeping their player bases happy. We recently reported about Valorant coming to consoles. And now we’re getting ready to see what LOL patch 12.10 will bring to another one of Riots’ popular titles. We anticipate that players might need a few sessions to get used to the changes in patch 12.10, and some might feel overwhelmed. But, like all changes, a new dawn of LOL is upon us and if things don’t go as expected, more patches can be introduced in the future. Champions are set to get a boost to their base stats, such as health, health per level, and revise a few system changes. This includes Grievous Wounds, Turrets etc. So, to all the league of legends players out there putting in hours of gaming grind in the game. Get ready for a new whirlwind of gameplay readjustment. Here’s everything we know about the LOL 12.10 patch. And yes, The patch will be available to download on all supported devices/platforms, so your gaming setup is still good enough. Release date of the LOL 12.10 Patch According to the official LOL patch schedule. 12.10 is scheduled to be released on May 25 2022. What Can Players Expect in LOL Patch 12.10 Titled the Durability Update, League developers have released a big patch note which shows that the 12.10 Durability Update will be the biggest update of season 12. It not only brings changes to the champions but, 50% of the items available in the league shop will see a facelift. Additionally, a number of runes will be overhauled too. Riot aims to slow the game down, as champions will be heavier “tankier” which will likely stop the burst kills. They hope to increase defensive stats to decrease damage and allow players to showcase their counterplay skills more effectively. According to the developer’s blog post. League Of Legends: LOL 12.10 Patch Notes Here are a few specifics & numbers from Riot. Lol 12.10 Systems Baron Nashor Attack damage: 125 + 8 per minute ⇒ 150 + 10 per minute Grievous Wounds Base reduced from 40% to 30% Enhanced reduced from 60% to 50% Magic and armor penetration items Reduced by 5-10%, depending on the item Systems with healing (items, runes) Reduced by 10-28%, depending on item or rune Systems with shielding (items, runes) Reduced by 10% on average Turrets Outer Turret AD: 152-278 ⇒ 167-391 Inner Turret AD: 170-305 ⇒ 187-427 Inhibitor Turret AD: 170-305 ⇒ 187-427 Nexus Turret AD: 150-285 ⇒ 165-405 Damage to minions unchanged Lol 12.10 champions Base stats Base health increased by 70 Health per level increased by 14 Armor per level increased by 1.2 Magic resist per level increased by 0.8 Healing Reduced by 10-28%, depending on champion Shielding Reduced by 10% on average The Skins In LOL 12.10 patch LOL patch 12.10 will bring on five more High Noon Skins namely for Samira, Sion, Tahm Kench, Twitch, and Viktor. As always the new skins will reveal new models, textures, VFX and animations. We hope to get some awesome merch inspired by the new skins in the coming months too! Fingers crossed. Conclusion So there you have it, what to expect and what will be available to league of legends players when patch 12.10 is released.
Sony Announces PlayStation Productions Projects Including God Of War, Horizon Zero Dawn, Gran Turismo Shows In The Works

Over in the realm of entertainment, PlayStation Productions remains busy with its coming plans laid out for future releases. This winter, Uncharted starring Tom Holland & Mark Walhberg hit theaters and more recently arrived to DVD. But moving forward, it is already slated to become a film franchise as worded by leadership at Sony Pictures. Additionally, Director Ruben Fleischer did express interest to explore other PlayStation properties. In particular, he elaborated on favoring a film on Jak & Daxter and sharing that the ambition is already well into motion as of the last report. Elsewhere, Twisted Metal established a deal with Peacock as the show is to air on the NBC-owned streaming service later on. This week from a Sony conference call, it is revealed that three more shows are in the pipeline as well. From MST Financial Senior Analyst David Gibson, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, and Gran Turismo are underway. The first two mentioned are arranged for Netflix & Amazon Prime respectively. Previously, it was reported by Deadline that the God of War show was in its final discussions with Amazon to strike a deal for a live-action show. Atop of that, The Expanse executive producers Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby are said to be involved alongside Rafe Judkins (The Wheel of Time) who is planned to be a showrunner. More recently, an update was made on the previously announced Ghost of Tsushima film. In that, Still and Only writer Takashi Doscher was recruited to pen the script for the new motion picture. You can read the full report by heading here. Which PlayStation Productions show are you most excited for from the recent announcement?
Sony Gives An Outline For PlayStation VR 2, PC & Mobile Support, Live Services In New Investor Briefing Segment

Looking ahead as to what Sony Interactive Entertainment has its playbook set for in the coming future, users on PlayStation have much to anticipate. For one, PlayStation VR 2 is a showcased peripheral that we are slowly learning more about as time unravels. Rewinding back to February, the company showcased a first look at the new headset and the updated controllers as well for the newest iteration. Additionally, when properly unveiling the second virtual reality headset, Sony Interactive Entertainment went on to highlight one game, Horizon: Call of the Mountain. The title is a collaborative project underway for the new device between Guerrilla Games and Firesprite Games. This week, President & CEO Jim Ryan has more news on the launch roster for the headset as well. In a Game & Network Services Segment for an investors briefing, Ryan reveals nearly two dozen titles will be readied for the new hardware when it is prepared to release later on. “20+ major first-party and third-party titles confirmed for PS VR2 at launch,” the slide reveals on the topic. However, there is additional news from Sony on its plans. As we are aware, multiplatform engagement is also a major focus for the PlayStation firm. Even Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida told that Bungie’s involvement will assist in this new ambition it is striving for. Namely, Sony focuses on the further investment of its IPs to enter in the live service model. Currently, MLB The Show is the only notable property categorized for this. “A transformation from PlayStation’s current console-centric approach to a future where large elements of our community extend beyond the console,” a separate slide iterates on the matter. Looking beyond PlayStation consoles, PC, virtual reality, mobile, and even metaverse is slated for Sony. Improving experiences includes enhancements to PlayStation Plus alongside welcoming Discord, upgrades to the store, and PlayStation Direct. PC sales for respective titles show to be a turn of profit for the PlayStation firm as well. Horizon Zero Dawn – 2,398K sales & $60M revenue, Days Gone – 852K sales & $22.7M revenue, and God of War – 971K sales & $26.2M revenue. Estimated net growth of this new emphasis on PC gaming is projected to be over $300M which is four times greater than the past fiscal year. For mobile gaming, Sony has “aggressive growth plans” to “leverage partnerships to build leading mobile development and publishing capabilities within SIE”. This includes “co-development of top IP with industry leaders”, “establishing network of internal studios and projects,” and “Building world-class centralized publishing team and tools”. Are you excited for what Sony Interactive Entertainment has slated for the future of PlayStation? Source: Sony
Users In Asian Regions Claiming Discounted Or Stacked Subscribers Force To Pay The Difference For Upgrading PlayStation Plus’ Higher Tiers, But Sony Already Resolved This Issue

Over the past week, PlayStation Plus remains a major talking point online with its revitalized tier system launching very soon. In certain regions, users are already accessing the new version of PlayStation Plus/PlayStation Now Extra & Premium subscriptions. Of course, this includes the lineup of titles slated for the service as well. In that, users can expect a slew of titles ranging across a handful of PlayStation platforms for a flat monthly price. But for future subscribers, there are no loop holes according to the PlayStation Plus FAQ. That being service stacking will be disabled unlike for the service in the past. The company did tell it will compensate for the respected tier for those who already stacked subscriptions prior to the decision. However, that might not be the case entirely. On Reddit, users from Asian territories are reporting that users paying for a discounted subscription or even stacked ahead of the new transition is being charged to pay the difference. Poster u/andyppbb did make an update in the thread for stacked subscribers which you can read in the image below: Even on the China NGA Forum, one user also posted before & after photos revealing that Sony did change its calculations which does not require to pay for the discount after all which is a relief after raising concerns ahead of the service launching in Japan and in the west in the coming weeks. So it appears the claims have been resolved fairly quickly ahead of the international release. As for plans on the new PlayStation Plus, Sony Interactive Entertainment is to enable Trophies for certain legacy games. Since learning of this, it was only confirmed that Syphon Filter is to receive the feature. But, it is also learned that other first-party titles are to also welcome the mechanic as well which is welcoming since backwards compatibility leader Xbox does not have this for its system. Recently, Sony CFO Hiroki Totoki explained that the service will likely not receive day one releases for first-party PlayStation titles. While Xbox Game Pass pioneered the tactic years prior, the PlayStation firm believes it will reduce the value of PlayStation Studios titles. You can read the full report by heading here. Are you relieved Sony Interactive Entertainment resolved these PlayStation Plus issues already? Source: Reddit
Sony CEO Explains Bungie Deal Is PlayStation’s First Stepping Stone To Expand To More Multiplatform Projects

Although Bungie was associated for shaping Microsoft’s Xbox platform over two decades ago now, the Washington developer is now closing its deal to becoming a PlayStation first-party team later this year. According to corporate Sony, the firm presses that the arrangement for the $3.7 billion purchase is projected to finalize before 2023 later on. As part of the playbook on behalf of Sony Interactive Entertainment post-purchase plans for Bungie, the PlayStation company views the deal to shape the platform for its multiplatform & live service projects in a broader direction. Additionally, Sony has intentions to branch the Destiny universe from Bungie into film/television as well with its resources on standby. From the most recent earnings call that Video Game Chronicles transcribed, Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida expressed that the acquisition will be the first part of expanding the platform’s repertoire to more devices. “We believe it will be a catalyst to enhance our live game services capabilities. Our acquisition of Bungie also represents a major step forward in becoming more multiplatform.” This is an ongoing ambition for Sony Interactive Entertainment as of late to explore more opportunity. The firm according to a newly surface job listing reveals its further interest in PC gaming. The company is in search for a Product Manager familiar with the platform which offers further evidence on creating its own PC platform separate from Steam releases. Elsewhere in a statement from Sony in its latest financial report, the company reflects on the continued investments in first-party projects to enter more platforms and subsequently in to more hands for newer audiences. You can read the full report by heading here. Do you believe Bungie is the key for Sony Interactive Entertainment to enter its games onto more platforms? Source: Video Game Chronicles
Corporate Sony Backs PlayStation Boss Jim Ryan On The Value Decline Of PlayStation First-Party Titles If Launching On New PlayStation Plus Service

It is no secret that the new PlayStation Plus service is on the way to PlayStation owners very soon. In respected markets already the new PlayStation Plus/PlayStation Now hybrid being available with its new catalog of legacy titles stretching from PlayStation to the PlayStation 3. Recently, we learned that these games are to also support unlocking Trophies including Syphon Filter. Previously, Sony Interactive Entertainment President & CEO Jim Ryan expanded on the matter of the new service mirroring Xbox Game Pass. More specifically, expanding to day-and-date releases for its first-party entries. He told that this would only dilute the value of the reputation for the exclusive lineup offered by PlayStation Studios. In a separate statement from Sony CFO Hiroki Totoki, he explained a similar sentiment towards the decision by reiterating Ryan’s comment as well. The statement is part of a transcription done by Video Game Chronicles from a post earnings call Q&A. AAA titles on PlayStation 5, if we distribute them on the subscription service we may need to shrink the investment needed for that. That will deteriorate the first-party title quality and that is our concern. He also injected, “So we want to make sure we spend the appropriate development costs to have solid products and titles to be introduced in the right manner.” However, the lineup featured so far for the new PlayStation Plus is shown to be expansive. The library of titles stretches beyond multiple consoles and even features legacy remasters from PlayStation 4 as well in its own category. Noted, users that own the service through multiple stacked subscriptions will be unable to further perform this. In fact, the feature has been removed, but the official FAQ for PlayStation Plus presses that users will be converted into the respected tier from the new business model. You can read the full report by heading here. Do you back Sony’s view on the decision for PlayStation Plus? Source: Video Game Chronicles
Hello Games Introduces A New Narrative Experience With Its Latest Leviathan Update For No Man’s Sky

One of the most suiting titles for the Nintendo Switch, No Man’s Sky, is set to release for this year. Originally, the game was previously leaked by GameStop predating back to mid 2019 at the time. Howbeit, Nintendo & Hello Games officially made the reveal more recently as of this winter with a slated release window for summer 2022. Additionally, No Man’s Sky not too long before featured its newest add-on to the game in April, the Outlaws Update. In that, the free install welcomed a slew of new additions including galactic bounty hunting and even reinvented the space combat for the game. Now just a month later, a new update for No Man’s Sky is already live this week. From Hello Games on Wednesday, the newest DLC is the Leviathan Update which now fills the atmosphere of planets and the vacant space with space whales. You can watch the launch trailer in the video below: More interesting is the new narrative that comes with the Leviathan Update. “As players explore the loop, they will recover Memory Fragments, lost remnants of previous loops. These manifest as procedurally generated technology, meaning each reset of the loop may play out very differently. Faced with such difficulty, players across the world can collaborate with each other to even the odds. “Alongside their personal efforts to break the loop, Travellers can help Specialist Polo as they research the loop’s peculiar manifestations. The more Travellers that participate in the research, the stronger the Memory Fragments become, manifesting in better upgrades, more inventory space, and stronger Multi-Tools and starships. As players seek a way to unbind the time-loop curse, they will find a story-driven adventure at the heart of the expedition. “Follow the trail of your previous iterations, absorb memories, investigate significant sites, and work together to escape from the curse of the loop. Shattered memories all point towards an encounter with an ancient space creature, The Leviathan – but will Travellers succeed in reshaping history, or are they doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?” Are you interested to explore this new experience for No Man’s Sky? No Man’s Sky is out now for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4, PC, and PlayStation VR. Source: Hello Games
Microsoft Flight Simulator Launches Top Gun: Maverick Free Expansion This Week

When it comes to Microsoft Flight Simulator, developer Asobo Studio remains consistent with its post-launch plans for the title. Most recently, we witnessed the game emphasis on this with World Update IX. In that, both Italy alongside Malta were featured highlighting on cities including Venice, Florence, and even Vatican City as well. However, one long-promised add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator has yet to arrive. Back in June 2021, the Xbox firm revealed Microsoft Flight Simulator is set to hit Xbox Series machines later on. For the fall, a free Top Gun expansion was told to hit the game later on and feature fighter jet aircrafts. In a new reveal on Wednesday, Top Gun: Maverick is hitting theaters this week and the titular film now shares the same name for the DLC as Asobo Studio launches the expansion. You can watch the launch trailer in the video below: “Develop the skills required and navigate complexities encountered by actual Top Gun pilots in authentic locations, including a carrier deck landing challenge, one of the most demanding operations in the world of military aviation,” explains the description for the launch trailer on YouTube. “The Top Gun: Maverick expansion also contains a Maverick Edition livery for the F/A-18E Super Hornet, Super Hornet training missions that will introduce you to radical flight maneuvers, five high-speed, low-level challenges through mountains and canyons, a never-before-unveiled hypersonic aircraft, and a mission to roar into the stratosphere.” Are you excited to get your hands on the Top Gun expansion for Microsoft Flight Simulator? Microsoft Flight Simulator is out now for PC, Xbox Series X|S, and xCloud.