Since 2013



343 industries adds classic Big Team Battle playlist to Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite received a playlist update that will have fans of Halo 3 thrilled. The Squad Battle playlist is classic Big Team Battle that was once standard in the Halo series. Instead of Halo Infinite’s 12v12 Big Team Battle mode, Squad Battle will be 8v8 and has a mix of Slayer and Object modes.

Kusini Bay

The neat part about the Squad Battle playlist are the community maps that are remakes of Halo 3 Big Team Battle maps. The following remade maps are Valhalla, Rat’s Nest and Last Resort. With Halo Infinite’s forge mode it allows fans re-create maps from the Halo franchise and make them almost exact to what we remember.

Rat’s Nest

The Objective modes in the Squad Battle playlist are Capture The Flag, Slayer, King of the Hill, Total Control and One Flag CTF. It won’t stay long as 343 Industries stated this is a rotational playlist. Halo Infinite is currently in Season 4 which added Infection, Career Ranks, new maps and more items into forge.

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