UPDATE: More new info on Warzone Firefight will be revealed tomorrow, 6/22.
The folks at Polygon just published the next step of Halo 5 Guardians content update. It includes a new Warzone boss, a new UNSC flying vehicle (YISS!!), and as well new Warzone maps.
Let’s begin with Grunt Goblin.
343 Industries character designer Steve Dyck told Polygon that the Goblin can be fielded as either a Legendary or a Mythic boss. It’s the first character ever built exclusively for Warzone and Warzone Firefight. “There are two variants of the Grunt Goblin with different capabilities (…) Essentially, the backstory of this battle suit is it was built by Grunts for Grunts in what the Grunt designers agreed was the perfect embodiment of agility and lethality. Obviously when you have a Grunt driver or ‘jockey’ controlling this powerful battle suit, results may be unpredictable.”
“We really wanted to make the Goblin jockeys fun, memorable enemies to fight,” said writer Nick Ardizzone. “We made sure to give them lines that show for all the time they spent learning to pilot their Goblins, they spent at just as much honing their cutting insults (‘You’re real bad at fightin’!’) and terrifying threats (‘Gonna smash all your important parts!’).”
Goblins are kitted out with a double-barreled heavy needler, which can do massive damage to vehicles. Goblins are also capable of a needle barrage, a multiple-launch system that can target up to eight players at the same time.
Jumping into a new UNSC vehicle – AV-49 Wasp
“It is a close air support VTOL armed with heavy machine guns and twin rocket launchers.”
“In-game, players will want to use it as a quick-strike vehicle, flying in low for a kill and bugging out quick to allow the shields to recharge. The armor on the Wasp is light in order to keep it aloft, so the recharging shield provides the moderate protection needed to re-engage at a later time. The key is to keep moving, drop in low to maximize weapon effectiveness, and steer clear of vehicles with heavy weapons.”
The new UNSC vehicle can be used in Forge.
Source: Polygon