Since 2013



After Discounting Fortnite V-Bucks, The Battle Royale Has Been Removed For The App Store & Google Play

In the past week, tech giant Apple has been faced with a wave of controversy when it was discovered that the firm is withholding Microsoft from allowing its Project xCloud streaming initiative be launched on any Apple-branded devices. While Xbox users can indulge on the coming platform with a magnitude of Android-powered products, Apple owners are forced to wait patiently for Microsoft to uncover a possible compromise or directly purchase an Android device to use xCloud.

Now this week, Apple again has fallen in the way of more controversy. This time being with Epic Games’ Fortnite, the firm has abruptly removed the popular battle royale from The App Store. The decision for the company to delist the game is sourced from Epic Games’ recent V-Bucks ‘Mega Drop’, discounting the price of the title’s in-game currency to elude the 30 percent toll that transactions are processed through on the platform.

In response to the act made upon from Apple, Epic Games has launched the #FreeFortnite campaign in retaliation to the business model that the company has inflicted upon The App Store. The team emphasized its opposition with a Fortnite-skinned iteration of the prolific sci-fi motion picture, 1984.

“Today, Epic Games took the unfortunate step of violating the App Store guidelines that are applied equally to every developer and designed to keep the store safe for our users,” Apple’s statement to The Verge reads. “As a result their Fortnite app has been removed from the store. Epic enabled a feature in its app which was not reviewed or approved by Apple, and they did so with the express intent of violating the App Store guidelines regarding in-app payments that apply to every developer who sells digital goods or services.”

To further the dispute between both companies, Epic Games has filed a lawsuit against Apple for its decision to remove Fortnite from its platform. Epic Games’ biggest argument is that Apple refrains developers on its platform from mentioning other ports for consumers to purchase in-game content; which essentially transpired to the current disagreement between both parties.

Despite the initial outcry against Apple this week, Google has also acted upon the matter and delisted Fortnite as well from the Google Play Store. Alike on Apple’s platform, the decision implemented by Epic Games is said to go against the policies imbedded for the Google Play Store.

The open Android ecosystem lets developers distribute apps through multiple app stores. For game developers who choose to use the Play Store, we have consistent policies that are fair to developers and keep the store safe for users. While Fortnite remains available on Android, we can no longer make it available on Play because it violates our policies. However, we welcome the opportunity to continue our discussions with Epic and bring Fortnite back to Google Play.

And while the first response was more tongue and cheek when Apple decided to delist Fortnite initially, Epic Games ultimately included Google in the lawsuit with the developer officially taking both firms to court. Even with Fortnite not completely removed from the Android platform, the firm feels just in pursing legal action for its disbandment on Google Play.

What are your thoughts on the recent controversy tailing behind Epic Games and Fortnite?

Source: The Verge

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