Since 2013



Among the Sleep hitting PS4 in December

Krillbite Studios has announced that their psychological horror game Among the Sleep is coming to PS4 this December. Previously released on PC in 2014 and announced for Xbox One in May, PS4 has a set date now for their game where you control a two year old child. In an announcement over on the PlayStation blog, the studio’s Chief Marketer Kristina Halvorsen spoken on how the game was changed with a new engine and features as well.

Utilizing the Unity engine, Among the Sleep will be running at full 60 FPS, which is unusual for Unity in general as most tend to stick to lower frame rates. The physics engine was also modified as changing from the PC to PS4 caused things like fruit and chairs to fly around the screen. Among the Sleep will release on December 10th on PS4 but no Xbox One date has been announced yet.

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