Since 2013



Annapurna Interactive Shares Pursuit To Form Internal Studios With Recent Job Listings

Just over a year ago dating back to August 2019, video game publisher and subsidiary of Annapurna Pictures Annapurna Interactive was suggested to potentially go belly up following along the reports of its parent company closing in the foreseeable future. However, the firm shared amid the speculation that it is staying put regardless of how Annapurna Pictures performs leading forward.

And in contrast to the thought of the publisher shutting down, the firm as of recent announced to be in search for individuals in forming an internal studio at Annapurna Interactive. In that, a handful of job listings on the company’s website went up recently along with a statement from the head of the firm left.

We’ve had the immense honor of working with some of the most talented independent game creators in the world. Many of us came from an internal development background and are excited to make this a part of Annapurna Interactive moving forward. We can’t wait to share more about what’s to come—anything is possible.

Nathan Gary, Annapurna Interactive President

Among the postings published so far, Annapurna Interactive is searching for likely candidates to fill positions for a Game Director, Senior Producer, Marketing Coordinator, Marketing Data Analyst, and Release Manager. Upon reflecting on the current portfolio that Annapurna Interactive has so far, it is only more exciting to see what can be produced from the firm leading forward.

Most notably, entries like Sayonara Wild Hearts, Journey, Outer Wilds, and What Remains of Eidth Finch is just some that were published by the firm. That is not to mention the strong frontrunners like Stray and 12 Minutes currently underway.

What are you interested to see from Annapurna Interactive to form a internal studio?

Source: Annapurna Interactive

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