Since 2013



Announcing Rectify Gaming 3 Year Celebration

3 years ago I was a 16 year old planning out this gaming website and I still amaze my self every year how the hell I started it in the first place. I was just a young teenager with very little money around Christmas time planning out something that was just supposed to be a website to talk games and build a community with live streaming and doing Youtube videos.
So much has changed since I started out Rectify Gaming in 2013, we have so much people on our team and had a lot of others who contributed to the team and if it weren’t for the people that helped make Rectify Gaming where it is today I would not be making this post. Starting everything from the number zero at the same time and making them grow to numbers you dream of is a lot of hard work and not everyone can do that, whenever I think back to how it all started I am thankful of all the support everyone has shown the past few years.
To celebrate the hard work this year we are thrilled to announce our 3 year celebration stream. This years celebration is the biggest one we’ve had out of all the past ones. It will be 48 hours long with lots of giveaways once again, I will not say which games yet until we get closer to the date. Not only will it be a stream celebrating 3 years, but we are going to be raising money for Extra Life as many of you know our stream for Extra Life on November 5th was a success with raising $1,000, we don’t have a set goal but we look to add to that number.
Our very own TwiztedShotzTV who has been here for 2 years will be opening up the stream at midnight on December 17th and our very own Temporal Enigma who has been here for just over a year closes the stream on December 18th. It will all be on our Twitch. 
Come join us for a fun series of events that weekend as we have some exciting announcements regarding the future of Rectify Gaming. I haven’t been this excited since the launch of the website in 2013. Get Rectified.
Check back for updates.

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