Since 2013



Announcing Rectify’s Third Extra Life Event In 2019

Rectify Gaming first started supporting Extra Life in late 2016 doing the Game Day and raising $1,000 in 24 hours and since then it has become a tradition to do these every year and now multiple times throughout the year. This year we have done two events for Extra Life the first being in July doing a 36 hour live stream where we raised a total of $3,355 for the kids. In late August we hosted a 12 hour Mixer event where we added on to that total and now raised $4,060.

We are excited to announce our third event this year and it’s during Extra Life Game Day! On November 2nd we will be going live at 12 PM EST and will be going into November 3rd ending at 12 PM. The entire stream will be live on the Rectify Gaming Twitch account as usual featuring a variety of streamers on the team here. Our goal is to hit a total of $6,000 raised on the year for Extra Life after this event because after doing the other two events we realize that we have an amazing community here and we can hit that goal.

You can check the schedule below and keep in mind the streamer lineup can be changed last minute.

You can check our Extra Life Team page here.

We hope to see you there!


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