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April Update For PlayStation 5 Welcomes USB Storage & Cross-Gen Share Play, Arrives April 14

While the PlayStation 5 is recorded to be outselling its Xbox counterpart out the door this console generation already, there happens to be caveats in regards to the options on the system. One being the amount of games that support 120 frames per second. In a report from Eurogamer, more than three dozen titles are compatible are available on Xbox, but, PlayStation 5 hardly offers two handfuls.

Additionally, the PlayStation 5 is also lacking the feature to incorporate Variable Refresh Rate (VRR). But, that could be patched in at a later date. In a report elsewhere by Bloomberg Sony Interactive Entertainment plans to orchestrate an update for the feature to be welcomed later on. However, April is looking to be a bright moment for the system in terms of new additions.

Namely, the PlayStation 4-introduced feature, USB storage, is coming to PlayStation 5. The client for the addition is scheduled to arrive this Wednesday, April 14.

You can now transfer your PS5 games to USB extended storage from your console’s internal storage. It’s a great way to extend the storage capabilities of your PS5 console, and you can seamlessly copy your PS5 games back to the console’s internal storage when you’re ready to play. It is faster to reinstall PS5 games from USB extended storage than to re-download or copy them from a disc.

Because PS5 games are designed to take advantage of the console’s ultra high-speed SSD, PS5 titles can’t be played from USB extended storage. PS5 titles also cannot be directly downloaded to USB extended storage. However, games that you transfer or copy back to internal storage will automatically update when applicable. In addition, you can select which game modes you want to install (such as campaign or multiplayer) for select titles that support the option.

Hideaki Nishino, PlayStation 5 Senior Vice President of Platform Planning & Management

Other niché tools that will be featured in the April update also includes Cross-Generation Share Play. Alike on PlayStation 4, now the feature can be shared between both PlayStation systems. Furthermore, the ability to request joining a game sessions is to also be administered in the Wednesday update, Sony tells.

Sony is also presenting a new ‘Stats Screen’ for Trophies as well which broadens the feature. “We’re also introducing a new player Trophy Stats screen, where you can check out the summary of your trophy level and status at a glance.” The dedicated PlayStation App is also welcoming an abundance of features that was surprising absent at launch.

Now with USB storage being included with PlayStation 5, users are one step closer to the external SSD support as well. Currently, the M.2 drive is unusable to all console owners. But, the port is said to be enabled later in the summer. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you excited with the new PlayStation 5 update?

Source: PlayStation Blog

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