Since 2013



Top 3 Games for Sports Lovers

Gaming is a wonderful pastime. Players who are looking for something simple will enjoy slots at Bizzo Casino or browser games. But what if you are looking for something more versatile? Then these sports games are a fantastic choice. Fancy Skiing VR In Fancy Skiing VR, you ski down a steep slope. Or rather, you rush, because the speed is sometimes frantic. The VR-helmet creates a full sense of presence, the controllers act as ski poles, and tilting your body (and thus your head in the helmet) to the right or to the left allows you to correct the movement. On the track, there are obstacles: boulders, Christmas trees, snowmen. You have to dodge icicles and jump on natural springboards. Even reindeer run out on the road. They can be charged with a snowball, if you have time. Fancy Skiing VR captures the sense of speed perfectly. It looks simple from the outside, but in reality, only some extreme veteran can overcome such a track. Many people have a crazy vestibular system the first time they see Fancy Skiing VR. Make sure you have someone behind you because it’s easy to fall on your back. Fitness Boxing 2: Rhythm & Exercise Another active game, but you don’t need a special helmet, the Nintendo Switch is enough. You stand in front of the TV and get into a rhythm game. Exercises have to be performed to the beat of the music. The console basically reads your actions accurately. Fitness Boxing 2 offers fitness and boxing. Stress in the exercises goes to the arms, torso and legs. Virtual fitness instructor helps you get the hang of it. There are nine of them instead of the six in the first part. Fitness Boxing 2 will make up an exercise program for weeks ahead, but if you don’t want to plan anything, you can just stretch at your own pleasure. Kinect Sports Rivals If your Xbox One and Kinect have been sitting idle for a while, Kinect Sports Rivals can bring them to life. It’s a collection of sports games that you can’t get through sitting on the couch. The first thing Kinect will do is scan your face. So the avatar in the game will be almost an exact copy of you. Kinect Sports Rivals has six disciplines: rock climbing, jet ski racing, tennis, bowling, shooting and soccer. Only soccer is blatantly saggy. In other cases, the movements are clearly readable. Pay attention to rock climbing, jet skiing, and tennis. Climbing up is intuitive – you stretch out your arm and grab the nearest ledge. Do not do without difficulties: then blows a strong wind, the AI opponent will grab his leg. Tennis successfully replaces Mario Tennis Aces.

Real Life Skills You Can Develop By Gaming

Gaming can be a rewarding hobby in its own right. It allows you to explore exciting new worlds and get immersed in amazingly complex stories for a few hours at a time, but did you know that gaming can bestow you with a number of skills that will come in useful in real life too? Below are some of the best skills you can pick up when you are a regular gamer: Learn to communicate The advent of multiplayer games has meant that we can all get together with friends and family, or even strangers all over the world to play games together co-operatively. This means that playing games like Call of Duty can absolutely help to improve your real life communication skills. If you can communicate effectively when you’re playing a high stakes game where your communication can mean the difference between your whole team being killed or not, then being able to communicate well at a job interview can seem easy in comparison. This may sound silly because obviously gaming situations are not real, but the pressure you feel can be very similar, so by communicating through stressful virtual situations, you really can help your communication skills in the real world too. Quick-thinking One of the best skills you can have at work is to be able to think quickly and make the right calls on time-sensitive decisions, This is absolutely something that you can learn when you play a lot of video games. Many games are very fast-paced and you are presented with various options or problems to solve, that if you hesitate could see yourself being killed or losing a life or whatever, so the more you play these games, the more you are pressured into a making a quick decision, the easier it will be to do so in normal everyday life too. Improve your mathematical skills In many games, Counter-Strike being a good example, numbers are really important to the whole game as is algebra and things like distance and choosing the right angles. So, it is really not surprising that by playing video games like this regularly, you can take in more of the complex mathematic ideas that are used to make the gams so fun, and by extension, get better at math in your real life too. Become a better planner God computer games are all about planning and strategy. They give you a puzzle to solve and you need to use your mind to work out the best course of action. This virtual strategizing can really help to develop your planning and logic skills in real life, so that you can solve real-world problems more effectively, whether it be working out the logistics of moving a large piece of furniture or working out the competition’s weaknesses so you can secure that great new job that you have always wanted to do. Learn how to be a decent driver Okay, so no one is going to give you your driver’s license just because you put a lot of time into playing the latest Formula E title for a few hours, but there is no denying that spending time driving virtually can help you to work out the logistics of driving safely in the real world so that when you do come to learn, you will have a much better grasp of what driving entails and what you need to do to maintain good control of the vehicle. There is no doubt that, in the future, any of us will be able to take our tests virtually, and although that time has not yet come, there is no denying that video games can help to improve your knowledge of driving in the physical plane. Learn how to navigate more effectively Most RPG games will require you to navigate through the virtual landscape to find hidden treasures, defeat your enemies and complete your missions, so it is not at all surprising that playing these kinds of games can help to improve your navigational abilities in the real world too. The more time you spend navigating virtually, the better you will be able to follow a map, fly your Mini 3 Pro, and find your way around unfamiliar territories in the real world too. It really does help you to acquire this particular skill very quickly indeed. Improve your financial management This one might sound a bit weird, but gaming really can help, particularly younger, players, to improve their financial management. Think about it: when you play computer games you often have to collect snd save coins or tokens that you can later exchange for weapons or goods, which sets a good example for saving in the real world too. Then, there are those simulation games where you have to run your own business or whatever, which can really help you to understand the complexities of business finance too. Learn to multi-task When you play the average video game, you will learn how to multi-task because modern games are so complex that you need to be able to do a lot of things simultaneously from reading a map while navigating to steering your virtual car while also fighting off your enemies. This is definitely a skill that can transfer into the world of work, albeit in a much different scenario, so if you want to be more productive at, then it probably won’t hurt if you spend lots of your evenings playing the most challenging games you own. Learn basics architectural skills No, playing a few hundred hours of Minecraft is never going to qualify you as an architect – only several years of school will do that – but, of course, the more time you spend building things in Minecraft and similar games the more you come to understand how the structure of a place works; the more you come to understand what good design entails, and you can absolutely bring that into your real life when you are decorating your home or

What Are The Most Lucrative Business Ideas For Gamers?

Gaming comes with benefits worth considering. It can improve your cognitive abilities, logic, and problem-solving skills while increasing your eye-to-hand coordination. According to a study documented in Psychology Today, people who play video games extensively tend to have higher IQs and excel at various mental ability and perceptual tests than non-gamers. These explain why there are approximately 3.1 billion gamers globally. However, are you aware that you can transform your love for gaming into a profitable venture? Indeed, you can make extra cash from gaming with the right approach. That said, here are the best business ideas for gamers. Open an esports lounge Image Credit It’s not unusual to find people gaming from the comfort of their homes. However, you can bring a community of gamers together by opening an esports lounge. Esports describes the world of organized video gaming, where various gamers compete in games that at-home players enjoy. By opening an esports lounge, you’d give people the opportunity to enjoy the ultimate gaming experience while engaging other gamers worldwide. Also, people can host parties, tournaments, and other events, making it a multi-functional business. An esports lounge is also lucrative, as Newzoo research indicated that esports would generate approximately $1.79 billion annually by the end of 2022. Therefore, you want to consider opening one. It’s important to create a business plan, research your competition and assess your financial capacity before commencing. Gamers can feel uncomfortable in a small room if spectators keep getting in their space, while a too-large space can make it difficult for spectators to witness the action, leading to boredom and frustration. Therefore, the key is to get the venue with just enough room to satisfy the competitors and spectators. It’s also important to acquire the needed licensing to help you operate your business legally. Also, the right internet connection, gamer-ready support, and technology are essential, so keep this in mind. It’s also important to create an arena for relaxation and refreshment to appeal to your customers and increase their patronage. Establish a video game store If you don’t have the means for an esports lounge, you can consider establishing a video games store as it comes with its perks. For starters, you don’t need a physical store as you can run your business from your home. Moreover, it requires fewer startup costs, which is great if you are working with a small budget. Also, video gaming is popular, so you don’t have to worry about going out of business any time soon. If you aren’t a fan of a complex business model and its legalities, you’ll find a video game store simpler and more seamless to run. Despite these perks, it’s not unusual to face stiff competition that can make your business redundant. Fortunately, you can stay ahead of your competition with the right steps. You can begin by conducting thorough market research to determine the right target audience and games that appeal to them. If you have enough capital to open a large store that accommodates all kinds of games, you’ll find it helpful to pick a niche to boost your chances as a small-scale video game store. For instance, you can focus on selling game consoles, vintage games, accessories, physical games and software, online games, or used games. Consequently, avoid run-ins with the law by registering your business as a legal entity and acquiring the documents needed to operate. Creating a website and enhancing your social media platforms to build your online presence are also important. As a tip, invest in live chat services for business to enhance your customer service and increase customer loyalty. Sell video game tutorials Image Credit Admittedly, some tutorials are integrated into the game to prepare and equip beginners with the right skills and instructions. However, they may not hold enough information for some people. Moreover, other games may not have any tutorials at all. This can be a huge business opportunity to take advantage of, especially if you’re a good gamer. Many gamers would appreciate additional coaching to boost their skills, so you can create tutorials to address this need. Fortunately, you can choose whatever area to specialize in and become an authority figure. For instance, you can organize esports coaching classes or create and sell online tutorial videos. It’s imperative to be an expert in your field before creating tutorials. Your ability to teach and adopt various teaching strategies is also essential. Other skills to master are communication skills, manual dexterity, and understanding of video game nuances. You’ll also find it helpful to determine what gaming aspects you wish to focus on. For instance, some tutors use video games to teach pattern recognition and problem-solving skills, while others focus on coaching competitive gamers, so keep this in mind. Participate in online gaming tournaments If you wish to make money without staying away from the action, you can participate in online gaming tournaments. Indeed, esports is lucrative for video game manufacturers and investors. However, it can also become a way to make good money if you turn it into a career. According to the Esports Grizzly, professional gamers make a decent living, with the average annual salary ranging from $50 000 to $70 000. Apart from your salary, you can also make money from sponsorships, branding, streaming, tournaments with prize pools, etc. Therefore, feel free to consider becoming an esports pro if you haven’t already. The key to becoming a pro gamer is to sharpen your game sense and aim, and what more effective way to achieve this than by practicing regularly? Experts advise that you go further than playing leisurely to climb the ranks and be noticed by an esports team. You’ll also find it helpful to watch your replays regularly to spot your strengths and mistakes. This way, you can correct your mistakes and become a better gamer. Consequently, upgrade your gaming gear to enhance comfort and warm up with quick games. Joining online tournaments will help you showcase your skills and gain a

NAVI winning on the PGL Major Stockholm 2021: the strategy and math in-game

Description: The popularity of video games keeps increasing, and games have become an essential part of today’s world. They are more than just entertainment. From the moment video games became a part of modern culture, their popularity has kept going up. The trend continues. In the past, they were considered only as entertainment for kids. Today, games and gaming, in general, have become much more than that. Yes, they can still be an excellent way for children to have fun and relax, but they are also a way to make money. Hardly anyone could have imagined that playing video games could be a way to earn a living, but that’s precisely what happened. Esports are among the most popular ones, and now, many gamers have a successful career from something that many have considered a waste of time. Video Game Industry Keeps Evolving The entire sector of gaming is vast, and the creation of games has become highly complex. The choice of games is enormous, from the super simple ones to those that require lots of thinking and skills. When playing games, people can move away from current reality and create a brand new one. In addition, learning is part of human nature. Gaming gives you the chance to learn new things, compete, test your abilities, and more. Games now come with improved visual displays, and they are more interactive. As they evolved over the years, the result came with the explosion of the popularity of esports. Only a decade ago, competitive gaming was something not many people knew about, and today, it has many players and fans all around the globe. The popularity of competitive gaming As the video game industry evolved, the popularity of competitive gaming rose as well. Gaming tournaments represent an excellent opportunity for skilled gamers to show off their talents and earn cash prizes. Many participants that compete and win spend the money they earned to pay for college, and many gaming enthusiasts turned gaming into a full-time job. Not surprisingly, many eSports competitors are students and continue to study in college. After all, one of the keys to victory is good mathematical skills, calculating the opponent’s moves, and analysing the game. The strategy and math in online games play a significant role and can considerably impact the outcome. Fortunately, those looking for online help and effective studying solutions can easily find them, including free math help on the internet or asking their professors to help and explain some problematic topics. Learning mathematics or rebuilding knowledge was never as easy as it is today. It all came to the point where video games became more than just entertainment for kids. Nowadays, they have become a fun way to earn a lot of money. A great example is the Stockholm Championship, also known as PGL, where the Ukrainian team NAVI took the crown. The Navi team won the championship, and it earned a significant prize of $1,000,000 for the performance and first place in the tournament. NAVI’s road to success on the PGL Major Stockholm 2021 The best stories are the ones about success. The fantastic team started the road to win in the grand final with a match against Heroic. Every new match represented a new challenge, but NAVI managed to pass each. When Natus Vincere defeated Ninjas in Pyjamas, the spot in the playoffs was there. When the championship phase began, the first opponent was Team Vitality. The next was . It was a dominating semi-final for the NAVI that secured its spot in the final. The final match was against G2 Esports, where NAVI won 2-0. The fantastic $1 first-place prize is not all. Natus Vincere earned 4,000 blast premier points. In addition, there is a bid to the World Final 2021. It seems the road towards the final and the championship crown came quickly and effortlessly. NAVI winning the PGL Major Stockholm 2021 didn’t come accidentally. The team has fantastic players on board with some excellent skills and lots of knowledge. One of the reasons for their remarkable victory is a well-thought-out strategy and logical calculation of the opponent’s moves. Good math and analytical thinking are critical factors that ensure the team wins and gets such a fantastic prize. If you love playing video games and want to become a professional gamer, consider improving your math and logic skills. The NAVI is an excellent example of the success that was built on conservative strategy and knowledge. Conclusion Video games have been a part of modern culture for quite some time. Their popularity keeps increasing, and the entire video game industry keeps evolving. A decade ago, most people didn’t even know what competitive gaming is, and today, there are many tournaments with impressive cash prizes. The games are more than just a form of entertainment. For skilled gamers, they are a great way to earn impressive amounts of money. One of the examples is NAVI, a Ukrainian team that won the PGL Major Stockholm 2021. Their win came as a reward for conservative strategy and good math.

How to Choose a Gaming PC to Suit Your Budget

Purchasing a new PC is a sizeable investment so it makes sense that you want to take your time and find one that is perfect for your needs. If you’re a gamer you know better than anyone just how important it is to have a good PC that can easily handle the different styles of games that you enjoy. Maybe that’s the reason you’re in the market for a new computer, maybe your current one isn’t able to keep up with your gaming interests. Because there are several essential features to look for in a gaming computer, it’s wise to have them handy so you can use them as a comparison tool, all while sticking to your budget. Here are some PC features you may want to insist on. Set Your Budget Before You Start Shopping While it may seem like your budget is going to be a limiting factor, in reality, it will just help you to narrow down the options. Nowadays you can find PCs in a wide range of price points, so shopping on a budget shouldn’t be seen as a negative thing. It should also be noted that computers and electronics are notorious for going on sale at various points in the year, which means even those higher-priced models may end up in your budget. The sales tend to be best during June to early September and then pick up speed again around the holidays in December. Be on the lookout at those times of the year if you’re determined to snag a discounted price. What’s Your Style of Gaming? It’s wise to also take time to think about your gaming style. The games you love to play will dictate what PC is best for you. Maybe you want to branch out and try new games, which is what a new PC will make possible. Take, for example, the popular online casino gaming sites, which are huge hits around the world. You can find some of the latest information on the top casino sites, including in-depth comparison features through Online Casinos. Learn about such things as welcome bonuses, wagering details, the RTP, and more. With some of the latest information on hand, you can make a more informed choice. It’s All About the Substance and That’s the Hardware Besides budget, the next important feature is the hardware. Sure, it’s nice to have a sleek and modern-looking computer but any dedicated gamer will attest to the fact it’s the hardware that makes the impact. The processor should be the first thing to catch your eye, as it plays a pivotal role in how your gaming software will run and respond. Most experts recommend a six-core chip processor for those on a budget. This isn’t the lowest, but it’s also not the highest – it’s a good middle ground that should satisfy most gamers. If you plan on playing extremely high-tech games, however, you may want to look into eight-core or higher. This will result in a price increase though, so be prepared to make cuts elsewhere. How Much RAM Is Necessary? Here’s a question that can trip up shoppers, even if you’re an experienced gamer. Often, it’s thought that the more RAM you get the better, but that’s not always the case. Again, experts recommend something on the lower side, something in the range of 8-16GB is probably more than adequate, which will end up bringing down the price tag. It also opens the door to a lot more PC models to choose from. Want Your Graphics to Display Well – Look for a High-Quality Graphics Card With gaming, it’s all about the graphics, which means the computer you choose needs a quality graphics card. This is an area you don’t want to make concessions and opt for the low end of the field. Steer clear of the so-called “entry-level” graphics cards, as you’ll most likely end up disappointed. At the same time, there’s no need to get the highest quality ones unless you plan on engaging in 4K e-sports gaming. If that’s the case, be prepared to pay a very hefty amount of money. What Size Screen Is Best for You? Then comes the screen size, which should also factor into your priority list of features. Gaming on a small screen just isn’t as engaging and fun, it can also cause you to strain your eyes unnecessarily. Ideally, you want to go for the largest screen your budget will allow. In general, 24 and 25-inch monitors tend to be solid options; they won’t feel too small, nor are they oversized. They can still fit on a computer desk with ease and won’t feel like a big-screen television. How Much Noise Does the Computer Make? Have you ever owned a computer that is extremely loud while it’s on? Typically, it’s the fan that you can hear or even the actual components in the computer. This can be quite distracting, especially in the middle of a tense game, so this is another feature to insist on. Make sure it also has cooling features if you plan on playing for hours at a time. You don’t want to risk it over-heating. The Must-Buy PC Gaming Accessories Now that you’ve spent the time to find the perfect gaming PC, it’s important to also pick up the essential accessories. These accessories are meant to elevate the gaming experience, make it feel more immersive and engaging, and even more responsive. The top accessories to spend your money on include: A wireless gaming headset complete with a microphone A backlit keyboard, ideal for low-light gaming (be sure it’s full-sized and not a mini) Exterior speakers to provide better quality sound Wireless gaming controllers Ergonomic keyboard and mouse A gaming chair Blue light reducing glasses, which can help with eyestrain A webcam (if not built into the computer) Before investing in a big-ticket item like a PC, it makes sense to learn all you can about the essential features gamers should look for.

Games of Chance and Wagering Are Becoming a Trend in AAA Video Games

Modern games are all about side quests and mini-games. These two elements increase the duration of a game and they give players the ability to avoid the monotony of doing the same thing for hours while playing a long-lasting video game. In recent years, video game developers have decided to add wagering or even a little bit of gambling in the mini-games they offer. By playing these games, the player gets the opportunity to increase their in-game funds, which can then be used for the purchase of weapons and armour, for the expansion of their settlement or to help NPCs who need a helping hand. These mini-games can offer a lot of gameplay hours no matter if you are playing because you need the profits during the game or if you are just playing them in order to have some fun. In the case of game-of-chance mini-games, the money you make can only be used in the gaming environment. It is not money that you can cash out as if it were money that you made while playing games at a real money casino, and it is not money that you can use in order to buy expansions of the game, add-ons and other title extras requiring actual funds. We are talking about fictional funds that can be used in-game in order to buy supplies such as potions or gear. On the other hand, these mini-games can help you improve your skills so that you can then try similar casino games, which can potentially help you increase your bank account. AC Valhalla’s Orlog – A Dice Game Worth its Own Gaming Audience One of the most interesting mini-games in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is Orlog; a dice game that Eivor can play with numerous NPCs in various locations. Orlog has become so popular that game developers are making their own physical version of the dice game. Many Orlog fans have placed their order for the physical board game version, and this means that it might not be long before you start seeing friends getting together and playing Orlog just as if it were Monopoly. After all, it is not uncommon for video game side games to become extremely popular and to get their own audience. We have seen this with many Final Fantasy side games, we have seen it with Gwent; the Witcher side game, and we have seen it with Kakarot’s Card Warriors. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Is much more than just the Story of Goku Bandai Namco Entertainment did great with the development of Kakarot, not only because they managed to produce an incredibly fun game, but also because they managed to capture the whole story of the Dragon Ball universe. Players can get around 100 hours of gameplay, exploring different planets and taking on powerful enemies. However, the highlight of the game has become one of its mini games. Card Warriors is a never-ending card game that can make you forget about the main game. Even though it is an optional game during Kakarot, players spend hundreds of hours challenging others from all over the world, enjoying a game similar to YuGiOh. Its popularity is increasing every day, especially in countries such as Japan, Korea and China. Seeing its ever-growing gaming audience, many players are saying that Card Warriors should have been a standalone game.

How to Make Online Gaming Easier with a Proxy

The gaming industry generated an estimated $177.8 billion in 2020. About $98 billion came from mobile gaming and $21.1 billion from the online gaming community. Some of this stems from the fact that most of the population spent a lot of time indoors during the Covid-19 pandemic. The revenue generated by the gaming industry is also set to increase in 2021. The rapid growth and availability of the internet have made online gaming quite popular. Gaming has grown to the point that professional gaming has become a career path and a reliable source of income. To some, gaming which was once a hobby has become a second job. Gaming tournaments, content creation, game testing, and streaming are some of the ways gamers are making money online. Platforms such as YouTube, Twitch, and Mixer are popular when it comes to streaming. However, lucrative gaming is not as easy as it seems. Competitive gaming, more so, is quite demanding. You will need some of the best hardware money can buy and some skills. Let us not forget the amount of time dedicated to practicing and streaming. Even with that, you may still find it difficult because of lag during gameplay and high latency. This experience can be very frustrating, and it may cost you if you are playing competitively. That is why most online gamers prefer to use gaming proxies. How Proxy Servers Work A proxy server is an intermediary that works between the internet and a user. As an intermediary, the proxy server creates a gateway between the user and the internet. When using a proxy server, requests from a device are routed to the proxy server. The server then runs the same request on the internet and relays the results to the user. The proxy server may store the result in its cache for later use. Proxy servers come in 2 options: paid and unpaid. Both versions work well depending on your need and use. Proxy servers can make online gaming easier for gamers by: Connecting to Different Servers Online games have dedicated servers to serve different players from different time zones and regions. Players from a specific area are then put in a server depending on their geographical position. The designation is advantageous because it reduces latency. However, sometimes it becomes disadvantageous. Sometimes these local area servers may be crowded or full of players that are cheating. The crowding may cause lag and ruin the overall gaming experience. To avoid such problems, players can change their location by connecting to a different server using isp proxies. By altering the user’s IP address,isp proxies allow a gamer to connect to a different gaming server. Proxy servers mask the actual IP address of the user. With this, the gamer can connect to a gaming server located in the region they want to game in. This allows the gamer to connect to that server by impersonating the proxy server’s IP address. Proxy servers are a viable option when you want to play with friends that live in different regions. ISP proxies also come with the added benefit of avoiding bans like other residential proxies. Privacy For gamers, anonymity is somewhat a concern. That is why most prefer to use aliases since some gamers do not take defeat well. These players might strive to learn more about players who have beaten them or who they might encounter in a competition through hacking. Proxy servers can fix this problem. When using a proxy, the IP address of the user is safe. A user is safe because the proxy server’s IP address is used on the internet when making the request. Since proxy servers offer a wide range of possible locations to pick from, the user’s security is guaranteed. Working With Bots Some games come with some impossible challenges. The challenges may require a player to spend many hours gaming which may not be possible. Gamers that only play part-time are therefore at a disadvantage. To even their odds, some players may resort to using bots. Bots are computer programs that carry out tasks on behalf of human beings. The downside is that most games can easily flag activities carried out by bots. The flagging is because bots sometimes spam requests on the servers at a rather suspicious rate. However, a player can configure their bot to use different addresses on their proxy servers. The distribution of requests among IP addresses will reduce suspicion and reduce the rate of detection. Accessing Restricted Content Game developers sometimes create different events and experiences for gamers in varied geographical positions. The activity may include offering events and prizes to players from a specific locality in line with their culture. Developers may also limit some features in a particular zone because of policies and rules set by the government. In such situations, one can use a proxy server. The player can easily change to the specific region and access the geo-restricted content. Improved Performance Source: Pixabay Apart from toxic opponents and hackers, another great enemy of online gamers is high latency. High latency makes gaming significantly difficult. When it comes to competitive gaming, latency stands between each skilled player and the cash prize. High latency can sometimes result from poor-quality internet service providers (ISP). The time your ISP takes to route your information to the remote server may be causing your high ping. A gaming proxy server is used in this case to reduce this latency. The proxy server can act as a bridge between your internet service provider and the game servers. The proxy creates a shorter route that effectively reduces your ping. Low ping will not only improve your scores but also reduce the lag you experience. Most paid gaming proxy servers have a large dedicated bandwidth for each user. Good bandwidth means your game has enough upload and download speeds available. This will reduce your ping, make your gaming experience smooth, and improve your gameplay. Conclusion Whether you are a professional gamer with years of experience or a novice,

Evil Geniuses races for the top in 2022 esports season

Professional esports team organization, Evil Geniuses (EG), is one of the best collectives in the esports industry. Their members are present across multiple major league tournaments of the top esports titles around the world. You can see their name at a high position in league standings from games like Dota 2, League of Legends, CS:GO, and Fighting Game Communities (FGC). EG has made strategic decisions for improving fan engagement, training, and funding for the whole team. These include new partnerships, roster changes, and lineup preparations before the international play. Here is everything you need to know about your favourite geniuses for the 2022 esports season. Active squads Bitcasino partners up with EG to support their endeavours at CS:GO, Dota 2, and FGC. These players will represent both EG and Bitcasino in their esport jersey along with other sponsors. Look forward to seeing the following active members playing for the team this season. CS:GO active squad Two key members of the Evil Geniuses’ CS:GO team are currently unavailable, Peter ‘Stanislaw’ Jarguz and Vincent ‘Brehze’ Cayonte. According to EG, both members have requested to take a leave for BLAST Fall Groups for a chance to recover their mental health. Regardless, the team is still represented by strong players. EG coach, Damian ‘daps’ Steele, is playing as the fourth member while Teodor ‘SPELLAN’ Nikolov is joining the roster as a stand-in. The remaining members are Cvetelin ‘CeRq’ Dimitrov, Owen ‘oBo’ Schlatter, and Michał ‘MICHU’ Müller who are part of the main squad. Stanislaw and Brehze are expected to return for the IEM Fall North America with daps resuming his position as coach. Dota 2 active squad Evil Geniuses struggled in the group stage but was able to secure a comfortable position in the lower bracket of The International. It was a close fight as EG only needed a 2-0 win to join the upper bracket but team Undying managed to end the match with a tie. The opportunity is for the title is still fresh as team EG still has all of its key players: Artour ‘Arteezy’ Babaev Daryl Koh ‘iceiceice’ Pei Xiang Abed ‘Abed’ Yusop Andreas ‘Cr1t’ Nielsen Tal ‘Fly’ Aizik FGC squad With EVO 2021 cancelled, Evil Geniuses’ FGC team remains reserved for a different esport. It’s such a shame because they have recently signed up two of the most formidable fighting game players in esports, Dominique ‘SonicFox’ McLean and Jon ‘dekillsage’ Coello. Both of them joined EG on 18th March 2020 and have represented the team ever since. Long-time member Ricki ‘HelloKittyRicki’ Ortiz is also a force to be reckoned with as she is known as a legendary player in Street Fighter. EG and partnership Bitcasino partners up with EG for the Fall 2021 season moving forward. This increases the EG organization’s stability in the esport industry, ensuring support for all of its members across all campaigns. This partnership also includes activations for the team around the world so stay tuned for such events near you. As a bonus for the fans, EG presents an obstacle course custom map at the Steam Workshop. The map includes agility and aiming courses with a series of challenges to complete. Summary Evil Geniuses continue to be a strong contender for CS:GO but it will return to full power in the next competition. The Dota 2 team, on the other hand, fell to the lower bracket after a close fight but they have the potential to make it to place high in The International. The EG FGC team is formidable but EVO 2021 is cancelled for this year. Bitcasino partners up with EG, making the organization stronger. Evil Geniuses continue to hone its current members in their respective fields. Follow them all on Twitch, Twitter, or Instagram and stay updated with the state of the team in esports. You may also follow them to play games outside of tournaments or explore EG members from other games.

6 tips for balancing school and video games

Focus and dedication towards studies are one of the most desired traits that every student wants. It is rare for every student to have focused and dedicated study time. There is always a tug of war between studies and video games. It mostly keeps the students distracted during their assignments and exams as well. Normally the distraction leads to time killing and wasting. Eventually, writing services for college students seems the last resort. To complete their assignments they make sure to get the services and save the grades. Other than taking the writing services or looking for academic help, some tips can help to balance school and video games. To focus on your studies, it is not essential to completely ignore gaming, but you can manage both. Let us get to know more about how you can do it efficiently. Remove the gaming setup from the study room The very first thing that you need to observe is changing the setup. Having your gaming console in the study room makes your environment distracting. By looking at the console, you will be more attracted to the games and triggered to play them. To keep up a balance between the studies and gaming, you need to make a few changes. Shift the gaming console away from your study. Preferably, place the gaming setup in a different room. Do not make it a part of your bedroom or study room as well. The far and private space is effective for you to get better control on the gaming. Increase gaming access difficulty The next big move should be to increase the difficulty level. Your access to anything affects the use and preference of that one thing. When the gaming console is in your access, you will be able to access and use it as per your requirement. When you put the console at a difficult to reach place or keep it detached, you will automatically observe controlled gaming activity. Most of the time we are playing too many games because these are accessible. Having an all set and ready to use gaming console in your bedroom will increase your access to it. Instead, if you have to set up the console before playing it or accessing a separate room to play games, your access will be difficult. It will automatically reduce your gaming frequency in a day. Keep the gaming selection limited Another thing that helps you in keeping a balance between gaming and studying is game selection. When you have several games to play and you play every other game available on the market you can never get rid of addiction. It will keep you sticking to these all-new coming games and moves. Specify your selection of gaming to some specific series, genre or modes. It will narrow down your list of games and require less time to play them. Your desire to play games will be in control and there will be a balance in the overall gaming vs. studying situation. Be realistic towards time waste Many people do not accept the reality of wasting their time. Playing video games instead of studying seems like an activity, not a time waste for them. Be realistic about the waste of time and other stuff. When you are accepting the time waste limits and giving yourself limits for that, you will be controlling the situation. Define your brackets of time in which you believe it is fair to play the game and not to study, sleep, eat or perform anything else. Eventually, you will stop yourself from spending too much time on things that are a waste. Keep yourself on a schedule Meeting your study requirements along with all your gaming and recreational activities is essential. You cannot be partial to study or games all the time. The best alternative is to schedule you. Set up the study goals with you over a specific period. Proper your mind to meet that target at a specific time. The schedule and goal setup helps you to meet the ends. You can eventually have better control over the situation. At least with your self-determination, you will automatically find a way to meet the deadlines. Title gaming as a benefit Last but not the least, another thing that can help is rewarding you. Set up some study goals and after completing that goal, reward yourself with a gaming session. It automatically motivates you to study better and efficiently. The self-reward strategy helps you a lot in making a real deal and coming up with effective outcomes. You do not have to put a lot of effort and setting your world upside down. Bottom line Managing video games and studies in a line seems a difficult job. It is not only a challenge for the parents but the adult students. When they are unable to manage both, eventually they can end up with a lot of trouble. Using these tips, it is possible to manage the situation efficiently by avoiding the hassle.

5 Gaming Trends of 2021

Are you a self-confessed video game fan or just interested in learning more? Read on to find out everything you need to know about the latest industry trends.   The gaming industry has undergone a series of major changes in recent years. From the rise of AAA titles to the explosion of online gaming, it can be difficult to keep up with its somewhat rapid expansion. But with the latest Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox consoles launched and an age-old console war reignited, the industry is set to enter a new era. Continue reading to familiarise yourself with the latest gaming trends of 2021.   1. Greater diversity   Whilst diversity in the gaming industry is nothing new, 2021 is set to be the year it becomes the norm. Since the inception of the gaming industry until the present day, it has been dominated by males. This includes both male players as well as male characters. Female characters have, historically, been included as central characters but usually under the guise of a male gaze. But with a recent push to market female-oriented games, the industry is nearing a 50/50 split when it comes to female representation. According to a recent study, a staggering 46% of gamers are female. The popularity of games such as Animal Crossing, The Last of Us, and Kingdom Come: Deliverance has also paved the way for women to get involved with the gaming industry in more ways than ever before. The gaming industry does, however, still have strides to make in order to deliver equal representation both behind the screen as well as in front of the screen.   2. A rise in sports games   Since the 1950s, sports have been a popular gaming genre for generations of gamers. From the earliest amusement arcades to the rise of artificial intelligence, sports fans have been able to get involved with their favourite teams, as well as players, in a number of ways. Since the release of its first instalment in 1994, FIFA has led the pack as one of the most popular sports-based video games of all time. As well as getting the opportunity to play football against your favorite players, sports-based video games have also given way to a new world of online sports betting. With leading sites offering 38 new betting offers to support your team, you can keep up to date with the biggest names in the industry in more ways than ever before. Amongst the most anticipated titles to be released in 2021 include Tour de France 2021, We Are Football, FIFA 22, and eFootball 2022.     Image Source: Unsplash.   3. A new era of PC gaming   The PC gaming industry has endured decades of technological advancements in the gaming industry. As a result, it is now estimated to be worth over $35 billion US dollars in total. This is equal to the worth of the entire console-based gaming industry as a whole. Despite a wide range of PC-based platforms, Valve’s Steam has retained its title as one of the most popular and highest performing online gaming platforms. As one of the first platforms to give players the opportunity to not only play games online but purchase and review games online in real-time, it has built up a community of like-minded gamers dedicated to the resurgence of the PC gaming industry since its inception in 2003. But with its popularity waning, it has paved the way for a number of up-and-coming platforms to eventually take its place. One of these is Gamezop. Founded in 2015, it is one of the latest online gaming platforms to benefit from technological advancements within the gaming industry as a whole. As a result, it aggregates, optimises, and publishes HTML5 games on its online domain. With the option to choose from single-player as well as multiplayer titles, it has the potential to take the online gaming industry by storm.   4. The progression of cloud gaming   Cloud gaming services have experienced an explosion in popularity in recent years. Often referred to as on-demand gaming or gaming-as-a-service, it is the name given to games run on remote servers streamed directly to a user’s smartphone or smart device. Dubbed the future of the gaming industry, it has the potential to revolutionise the ways in which gamers play and interact with games on a global scale. Players can not only browse thousands of titles located in an online library but purchase and play games from the comfort of their own homes. It is worth remembering, however, that games purchased from cloud-based servers can take several hours to download. As a result, it is often quicker, and much more convenient, to drive to a physical store to pick up a copy of the latest video game. You may also experience problems if your software is not up to scratch or if you suffer from low storage capability. Cloud gaming has also given game publishers the opportunity to monetise old titles years, or even decades, after their initial release.   5. The release of new consoles   Despite its somewhat colourful history, consoles continue to be the most common medium through which players indulge in video games today. With the latest generation released just last year, one developer is bound to come out on top. The age-old conflict between the Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox continues to thrive even after two decades of battling it out for the top spot. Both consoles have, however, been joined by a worthy competitor in the form of the Nintendo Switch which was released in 2017. With a new participant in the arena, the latest addition, which straddles both generations, is set to continue to fight for the best new releases. As a handheld console, it benefits from greater flexibility and versatility than its predecessors. Players can also game on the go whenever or wherever they may be and, unlike the others, watch television at the same time.   As 2021