Since 2013



Minecraft Live 2020 Announced

At the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Minecraft team officially announced that the much anticipated Minecraft Festival would be delayed until 2021. This was disappointing but understandable given the effect of the pandemic it was expected. But with some good news today, Mojang Studios officially announced today that Minecraft Live would be happening with the traditional operations.   Within the official Minecraft article, it details the date of being on “October 3 at 12 EST on” This time is 9 am PST, 5pm BST, 6pm CST and 2am on Sunday for the Australian players just to name a few. They also released an exciting trailer to show what you can expect for the upcoming event. Here is the trailer if you want to watch it:  They’ve also announced that that they changed the name of Minecon Live/Minecraft Live. It is officially called…Minecraft Live! Finally, it was announced that there would NOT be a Minecraft Festival until 2022. This is more than likely due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation.  They still have a lot of exciting announcements planned so be sure to tune in!  Source  

Minecraft Java Edition/Bedrock Edition: 1.16.2 is Out Now

Several months ago, one of the biggest updates in Minecraft’s history was released and it reignited many players’ love for the nether. However, with game development, some features don’t make it into the final version while others get pushed back a version or two. Within 1.16.2, we encounter the Piglin Brute. This fierce creature takes no pity to anyone whether they’re wearing gold or not. If you see one, you better start running. They are armed and will hunt you down. They do a significant amount of damage compared to their weaker variant of piglins. Below you will see the changelog for Java and Bedrock. They both have new features but different bug fixes. Piglin Brute Piglin Brutes are stronger versions of Piglins that live in bastion remnants and protect the treasures there Unlike their cowardly and greedy counterparts, the Piglin Brutes cannot be distracted by gold and aren’t afraid of anything Piglin Brutes attack players on sight, no matter how the player is dressed Piglin Brutes wield axes and don’t need any armor because they’re just that tough! Key Bedrock Bug Fixes: Fixed a crash that occurred on PlayStation 4 due to other players using custom skins Worlds can once again be uploaded to Realms on Nintendo Switch Mobs max spawn radius is now 44 blocks at sim distance 4 Setting Soul Sand on fire no longer produces a placeholder Soul Fire block on pre-Nether version locked content Netherite items no longer bounce on lava  Zoglins now have sounds distinct from pigs  Updated Piglin geometry and entity files: Fixed issue with scaling carried item for baby humanoid mobs Key Java Bug Fixes: Raids often will not end in defeat when all villagers are dead if there are job sites in the village Player floats slightly above strider while riding it Paintings in the same block space pop off when chunk loads Villagers don’t always try to claim the closest workstation and are sometimes focused on a non-existent one or one out of their reach Endermen can place blocks on top of item frames on the floor Happy playing! Sources: Minecraft Bedrock 1.16.2 Changelog. Minecraft Java 1.16.2 Changelog.

Minecraft Bedrock on Playstation 4 is Out Now

The journey started back at E3 in 2017 with the announcement of the Better Together update, the first installment to unite all Minecraft players globally. Xbox One and Nintendo Switch were announced to be joining the Bedrock family. This was the first time that cross play with consoles was looked at. The Better Together Update, also known as 1.2, released on 17th September 2017, roughly 3 months after E3. This caused a divide within the community. Some players loved it, some players hated it and some were divided. Fast forward June 2018 and the Nintendo Switch version received the long anticipated Bedrock Version on 1.3 also known as the Update Aquatic. The Family was almost complete. However, the Playstation 4 was a very notable absence from both E3 and the Bedrock family. Players set up petitions, hashtags on twitter and demanded for Sony to allow cross platform for all games. First Fortnite and Rocket League tried it out in a beta. Then after full release, Smite, Realm Royale and Paladins joined the party. It was very unsure if or when Minecraft would join but long and behold, Playstation, Mojang and Microsoft announced that the PS4 would be joining the Bedrock family yesterday. The community was delighted. But now with the history lesson over, time to get into the news Minecraft Bedrock is officially out on the Playstation 4. After years of asking for Sony to allow cross platform play, the time has finally come. There are a few different ways of getting Bedrock on the PS4 so let me explain: What if I have Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition? If you have Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition, you can receive Bedrock for the cost of $0.00 aka FREE! You will receive a patch update with instructions on how to download Bedrock. What is the difference between the Playstation 4 Edition version and the Bedrock version? There are a lot of differences but the main ones are:  Infinite Worlds Minecraft Store Cross Platform Play Character Creator Servers and Realms (Not available at launch) Running the Render Dragon and Bedrock codebase They are only a few of the differences as you need to wait until the full release  Do I need to pay for Xbox Live Gold to play on servers, online multiplayer or realms? No, you do not. However, you will need a Playstation Plus subscription in order to play online as it is a console requirement.  Sources:

Minecraft News Round Up: Week of 28th September 2019

Throughout the past week, a lot of news has been released relating to 1 thing and 1 thing only: Minecon! So lets get right into it! Monday: We got out first biome vote details! It was linked to the Badlands biome. If you voted for the biome, you voted for vultures, tumbleweeds and a new type of cactus! Tuesday: We got our second biome vote details! This time it was linked to the the swamp! This biome would get frogs, chests in boats and mangrove trees. Wednesday: This was the final biome vote details we would get. This time it was the mountains. This time, we would get goats, snowier snow (according to jeb) and jagged cliffs. Thursday: We got a new Minecraft Bedrock beta which had some nice bug fixes. Check them out here. Friday: We got a new snapshot. Saturday: Oh where to start. I will only do the main points so prepare for this: Mountains won the biome vote and will be updated first. Minecraft Earth will be entering early access next month and will be fully released later this year Minecraft Dungeons had its first official cinematic revealed. Check it out here: Minecraft Festival is a convention which brings Minecon back to its roots and it will be hosted over 3 days. There will also be a stream of it Honey blocks will be added to Java and Bedrock in a future update. You can slide down them, jump on them and they will slow you down. Realms Plus is a monthly subscription which will allow you to get over 50 marketplace pieces of content for only $7.99 a month. Character Creation is coming to Bedrock and Minecraft Earth in a future update and this will allow players to customize their character and players will be able to get capes and put them onto their own skins. You can get a free skin for a limited time on the marketplace now! The next update being introduced into the game is….the Nether! This will have new biomes, mobs and blocks including the soulsand valley! That is all of the minecraft news announced this week! See you all next week! Source

Minecraft News Roundup: Week of 16th September 2019

*dusts off cobwebs* Hello! So I am sure you’re thinking: “WHAT HAPPENED TO THE NEWS” Well there was a small hiatus but we are back with Minecraft News Roundup! Here, you get informed with news that came out this week: from Monday to Friday! So lets get right into it! Monday: No news! Tuesday: On the Minecraft Youtube channel, there was a video announcing which biome YOU would be able to vote for during Minecon! The biomes you can vote for are: Mountains, Swamps and Badlands! We will find out what these biomes will have in for them within the next week! There was also a marketplace refresh! This week, the features content was Farmcraft by Razzleberries! Wednesday: A new java was released like every Wednesday (or most Wednesdays). While not a big snapshot, its still an important snapshot. Thursday: A new Minecraft Bedrock Beta released and it contained a full character creator for everyone! Well everyone in the beta. You are able to edit an arm, leg, torso, head and every other part of the characters body. A full FAQ can be found here Friday: Quiet… This week was a fairly quiet week. This is all the lead up to Minecon Live next week. Character Creator. Farmcraft

Minecraft Bedrock: Beta 1.13.09 is Out Now

So ever since Bedrock started, people have wanted 1 thing: parity with Java. Well today, brought us 1 step closer to this! In this beta we got many Java features like the wither rose, brown mooshroom and item frames on the floor! Here is a list of the new features! New Features: Added Wither Rose Added Suspicious Stew Item Frames can now be placed on the floor and ceiling! Added the Brown Mooshroom Forged by lightning bolts! Added abandoned Villages Added the Light Block for mapmakers This supports auxiliary data from 0 to 15 for light level The invisible end rod (variant 6) is now auto-upgraded to the new light block Light blocks are supported via /give, /fill, and /setblock. Added successful Village Raid celebration Added game credits These can be viewed after defeating the Ender Dragon, and also through a new button found in the Settings menu New note block sounds! Added note block functionality for glowstone, haybale, block of emerald, pumpkin, soul sand, block of Iron, bone block, wool, packed ice, clay, and block of gold  Some genuinely awesome features are now in the game for Xbox One, Android and Windows 10 players. Go in and explore and report bugs! Full changelog

Minecraft: Java Edition 19W34A is Out Now – Bees are introduced.

Ever since the update Aquatic, Minecraft has been trying to get realistic animals into the game. While some of them cannot get added, many have like foxes and dolphins. Well, Mojang is continuing this trend with the first 1.15 snapshot and it has introduced bees! Bees are quite useful. But bee careful! If you hit them they will all come and sting you. Like real life bees, they go and collect pollen from flowers and bring them back to the hive to make honey. There are 5 stages of the hive having honey. Bee nests spawn naturally in flower forests, plains and sunflower plains. If you use an empty bottle on a bee hive with honey dripped outside of it, you can get honey bottles! These replenish 3 hunger bars. This snapshot also has a few bug fixes. These will be on Bedrock in a future beta build. Source

Minecraft with RTX announced for Windows 10 and Render Dragon Information.

Last week, the Minecraft team announced that that the Super Duper Graphics Pack was cancelled and this hit all Minecrafter players in the heart. It was unexpected and took the entire community by storm. Well today, it looks like the answer to Super Duper was discovered. Well…to some degree. Announced today by the Minecraft Twitter, Ray Tracing is coming to Windows 10. What is Ray Tracing you ask? It is a graphics technique that can be used to trace a path of pixels in an image and virtual objects. The Minecraft Team is taking advantage of this as well as the new graphics engine, Render Dragon. If you saw the Apple Conference a few weeks ago with Saxs and Lydia where they showcased Minecraft Earth, you actually saw Render Dragon running there as well. Getting back to Nvidia Ray Tracing, this will be available on any Windows 10 device that supports GeForce RTX GPU. There are plans to expand it to future platforms which do support DirectX R ray tracing. With this feature enabled, you are able to “experience your Minecraft World with realistic water that reflects and refracts naturally “. This is the beginning of how Minecraft will change visually forever. Coming later this year will be more news on this topic including technical requirements. In an upcoming Minecraft Bedrock Beta, you can enable this by turning on “Optional Graphics with RTX”. This will be available in a public release in 2020. But do not fear other platform players, improved emissivity and directional lighting will come to all Bedrock platforms. This kindly moves us onto the Render Dragon. As I explained earlier, the Render Dragon is used in Minecraft Earth and Saxs and Lydia showcased it earlier this year. The engine has new lighting techniques and edge highlighting which in return will make visual and performance upgrades. While not all devices will support ray tracing, there will be graphics enhancements on “most” devices. As the article states, it all about taking advantage of all of the different hardware to make a very smooth Minecraft experience no matter what device you play. If you want gameplay of the upcoming ray tracing, check this out. What do you think about this news? Are you excited for ray tracing coming to Windows 10 and all of the enhancements coming to Bedrock? Source

Minecraft Super Duper Graphics Pack is Cancelled

So throughout Minecraft’s history the past 2 years, many things have happened. Versions have been cancelled, updates have happened and bugs have been squashed. But one question on everyone’s mind was about Super Duper and when it would release. Well today, it was confirmed that the company is pulling the plug on the pack. As stated on the official Minecraft website the article states that while “Super Duper was an ambitious initiative that brought a new look to Minecraft” (which it would have done) the pack “unfortunately proved too technically demanding to implement as planned.” The pack did bring some MAJOR realistic designs to the game including lighting and external features. The article then says “For this reason, we’re stopping development on the pack, and looking into other ways for you to experience Minecraft with a new look.” While this may come as a shock to many, it was also expected by a few. The pack had a lot of different objectives in mind but it looks like it proved to be too challenging for now and with the game on many platforms, each feature needs to pass cert in order to get added to the game. What do you think about this news? Are you surprised by it? Source

Minecraft Marketplace Map Review: Pizza Delivery Simulator

Pizza Delivery Simulator is a map created by 57Digital and is available on the Minecraft Marketplace for 490 Minecoins. 57Digital have also created maps such as The CURSE – A Spooky Adventure and Dr. Splice’s Lab Escape.  I am sure we have all had something delivered to us right? Whether it be from Amazon or from a friend or some food. Its a good feeling having it come to you. But have you ever wondered what it is like to be a pizza delivery person? Well good news! This map has everything that being a delivery driver has to offer. As you start the map, you are given an order and an address. As you make customers satisfied and happy, they will pay you more which can then be uses to get more vehicles to speed up your delivery times so you can then earn more money. There is only 1 building with an interior: the restaurant. This is the main hub where you have to collect all of the pizzas. Outside of the restaurant is the car park where (you guessed it) all of the vehicles are. All of the vehicles have their advantages and disadvantages. Some cost more but they are faster. As you get more orders, you get more and more busy but you start to earn money faster and faster. This can get a bit stressful but its achievable. This map is a great way to pass time and if you want to learn something, you can learn how to become a good delivery driver. I will give this map an 8/10.