Since 2013



Battlefield: Hardline gets Getaway DLC details and competitive match making features

The Battlefield Hardline Getaway DLC launches later this month along with a number of new maps and features of course. In addition, Visceral is also adding a new competitive match making feature for hardcore players. Prior to that, lets delve into the contents of the Getaway DLC, shall we?
Included in this DLC pack will be the following items

  • Four maps: Pacific Highway, Double Cross, Train Dodge, and Diversion
  • New game mode: Capture the Bag
  • Four new vehicles
  • Three new weapons for the Mechanic Class
  • One new gadget and a new melee weapon
  • Four new Legendary Camos

The new competitive match making features will have a 5v5 match making based on your skill level which will update in real time. After every match, you will see your standings rise and fall in the leaderboards. Broken down into seasons over two categories, Standard and Premium, the seasons will feature the base game maps and those from the DLC packs respectively. It will be a free update available to all members shortly. Take a look at the Getaway DLC trailer below in the meantime.

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