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Battlefield V, Stranded Deep, Wreckfest: Drive Hard. Die Last. Headlines PlayStation Plus Free Games For May 2021

Alas yet another impressive month of free PlayStation Plus games from Sony Interactive Entertainment and more to arrive in the following. For April 2021, the three issued were: Days Gone, Zombie Army 4: Dead War, and Oddworld: Soulstorm. Of course, there is more the surface when the PlayStation company is prepared to make the announcement.

In a new PlayStation Blog post on Wednesday, the new lineup is sure to keep players excited for new titles to add to their backlog. Entering May 2021, subscribers can expect Battlefield V, Stranded Deep, Wreckfest: Drive Hard. Die Last. starting on May 4th. However, the DICE & Beam Team Games titles are for PlayStation 4 whilst the 2018 release for Bugbear Entertainment is for those on PlayStation 5.

More over in regards to Wreckfest, there did happen to be a spill of controversy for those on the PlayStation spectrum. In that, the game when releasing its next-generation version supported Smart Delivery on Xbox which offers the enhancements for free. But, the PlayStation 5 version costs pre-existing owners an additional $10. So, this should level out the disappointment from before.

Additionally, Battlefield V received next-generation support – on Xbox that is. While it is uncertain if the same will come to PlayStation 5, the 2018 World War II shooter now performs at 120 frames per second. The same can also be said for an assortment of other Electronic Arts-published games from DICE, and even Respawn Entertainment.

To reiterate on PlayStation Plus, Sony Interactive Entertainment soft launched the PlayStation Plus Video Pass in Poland. The new initiative offers subscribers free film and television in the new package for the online subscription service. You can read the full report by heading here.

What games are you most excited for hitting PlayStation Plus in May?

Battlefield V, Stranded Deep, Wreckfest: Drive Hard. Die Last. arrives to PlayStation Plus on May 4, 2021 until May 31, 2021.

Source: PlayStation Blog

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