Since 2013



Bioshock Successor Judas Given 2025 Release Window

When it comes to spiritual successors, the most recent projects have been lead by the original creative leads. For instance The Callisto Protocol: at Krafton’s Striking Distance, Dead Space creator Glen Schofield is leading the team with a new unique telling of deep space horror on the moon of Jupiter.

From our review of the game: “From the opening moments to the ending scrawl, Callisto Protocol firmly takes the style of space horror and catapults the visuals and style to a new level.” In a similar fashion revealed at December’s The Game Awards, Bioshock director Ken Levine revealed Judas. With a brief cinematic trailer, Bioshock certainly leaves its impression on the direction the new game is heading.

But, a release window was not even shared at the time. However, Take-Two Interactive CEO Strauss Zelnick when speaking to IGN explained that the game has a projected launch time for somewhere in 2025. Amid that, Zelnick also gave a statement on Judas revealing that the project did face some shortcomings, but its foundation now is a lot more resilient than prior.

“We did have some slippage in the last few years. We feel really stable right now. I feel great about our upcoming schedule. Of course there’s always the possibility of some slippage but the teams seem to be functioning really well and I’m optimistic about delivering great titles to the marketplace on an ongoing basis.”

Levine’s background also includes his involvement in the System Shock series as well – a catalyst for the Bioshock series later on. Currently, the original System Shock is receiving a remake which is scheduled to release later this year. How excited are you for Judas when it arrives in the coming years?

Judas is Judas is listed for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC.

Source: IGN

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