Since 2013



Blood Bowl 2 review


Blood Bowl 2  is out now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, and was made by Cyanide Studios, and published  by Focus Home Interactive.

First off, before we get into the review , I just want you to all know , that I know nothing about sports and I never really play sport games. So when I first saw blood Bowl 2 I was definitely interested , I also played the PlayStation 4 version, but all versions play the same from what I have seen,and now that the game has been out for awhile here’s my review.

Things to know

Starting off Blood Bowl 2 isn’t a normal sports  game,In which I mean there is a lot of violence in this, Your players can be, injured and they can even die, and if they get injured they can return to the game in half time if you roll a luckily dice, or if you have a healer on your team.

The game is set in the Warhammer universe and that is  something that I love, as a big fan of the Warhammer universe having played it with friends once a week and going on adventures and just having fun.So with the game being set in that universe there is  a lot of different races such as Orcs, Humans , High Elves, Dwarfs and more, there is also DLC races, such as Wood Elves and Lizardmen and more will be released in 2016. You also get 5 base stadiums with the game (you can get more with DLC), you can also customize the stadiums with a different look. There is also the Player marketplace, which lets you buy new players if someone on your team gets injured or dies, you can also sell your members  of your team to the AI or other players online.

The Story

The story in BloodBowl 2 is well, very lacking in a lot of things, it’s job is just to get you used to the game, which is fine but I would have liked them, to have done something more with it, but for the story that is in the game. You play as the coach of the Reikland Reavers, which has been  losing match’s for awhile now, and your job is to bring them back to being one of the top teams.

The gameplay

The gameplay is a that of a turn based sports game in the style of american football , each player gets 16 turns altogether which is separated by 8 turns in the first half and 8 turns in the second half,You can set the time for each turn to be 2minutes or 4minutes, and depending on which you pick and if you use the full time , each game can last between an hour to  an hour and a half.

You can move each character once per turn and depending on which race you pick, and which class the character is affects how many spaces it can go,You can also do a “Go for it” which allows the character you pick to move a few extra spaces, but there is also a chance that your character will fall, which will cause a turnover (Which can also be cause by losing a battle) ending your turn immediately. When you  enter a battle with another character from the opposite team you roll a dice and depending on what you roll, can affect the outcome and depending many of your team mates, are by your side you can get plus one to your overall, for that character for the battle, You can also buy one time uses before the match starts, to help you try and win.

 There is also a few different modes to play, There is the story mode which is unfortunately very boring and is very short, friendly games which let you play offline or online games, but you don’t get any XP or level up, and if you play In friendly game you will also be able to change the AI level which is nice as the AI can be very difficult at times.

 The graphics

 With Blood Bowl 2 being a 2D overview turn based game it isn’t a very demanding game, unlike Batman Arkham Knight or The Witcher 3, that doesn’t mean the game isn’t a pretty game, with it running at 1080p and 30fps and character models looking highly detail, I would say that the developer has made a great job with the graphics and that they have the graphics of Blood Bowl 2 covered.


The game is pure fun when playing a game with a friend or In a league and just watching the madness unfolded, this game was made to be played with friends or people online, to me it’s the football version of Rocket League, which is a great thing.

Being able to watch live match’s from within the game,  With twitch live streaming  being on both PS4 and Xbox One and YouTube Gaming streaming on PS4, It’s easy to not think of this as not  a major thing, but just being able to turn the game on and pick CablaVision (It is the games version of sports commentary) from the main menu and start watching live and recorded games right away, is nice and best of all the game does everything, As soon as you start playing the game, The game starts streaming It, It does take a few minutes to actually load up the game in the CablaVision but after that everything on the stream is shown in real time and there is no lag between moves.

 There is a lot to this game, When it comes to playing match’s there is always new ideas to try out and new wins to win, which I feel will let this game be played for a very long time to come.


And now the cons of Blood Bowl 2 , which I’m happy to say there is only two cons , but nevertheless they are still cons.

The first one is the the story mode which sorry to say is very boring and there is not much to the story, and is just a way to get used to playing against the other races, I am happy that they included it but I feel like they could have done something more with it.

The dice seems to want to mess your turns up a lot, I don’t mind the game being hard, It makes it so when you do win a game you feel great, but 7 out of 10 times the dice will fail you, at least it did for me.

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