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Borderlands 3, Marvel’s Avengers, And The Lone Dark Newest PlayStation Now Additions For April 2021

As we expect in a orderly, monthly fashion, Sony Interactive Entertainment is already orchestrating the next additions for PlayStation Now for April 2021. The firm has went ahead addressing the newest batch of PlayStation Plus titles that arrive to subscribers starting tomorrow, April 6. But, there are also so notable entries from last month’s PlayStation Now worth reflecting.

For March 2021, Sony Interactive Entertainment welcomed aboard Ace Combat 7: Unknown Skies, Infamous: Second Son, Superhot, and World War Z. And now for the month of April, there are another impressive number of additions to PlayStation Now as well. Howbeit, the occupancy for this month is only three than the four introduced before.

Here is the full list below coming to PlayStation Now for April 2021:

Borderlands 3
Marvel’s Avengers
The Lone Dark

Note, these games are to be available for only a handful of months respectively. Crystal Dynamics/Eidos Montreal’s Marvel’s Avengers lasts until July 5 while Gearbox Software’s Borderlands 3 is available towards the beginning of fall, September 29.

For PlayStation Now users that kept an ear close to the ground for a good deal, Sony Interactive Entertainment for a brief period offered PlayStation Now for $1 a month which took people by surprise. You can read more about the offer by heading here.

Which games do you plan to play first?

Borderlands 3, Marvel’s Avengers, and The Lone Dark arrive to PlayStation Now on April 5, 2021.

Source: PlayStation Blog

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