Since 2013



Bright Memory: Infinite Launches Today For PC

While many believe the Xbox 20/20 Showcase back in May last year to be a setback in anticipation for the Xbox Series X with the presentation of the event, the show did introduce the industry to many anticipated titles that are still awaited to release later on in the coming future. To kick off the show, solo-developer FYDQ-Studio featured Bright Memory: Infinite then.

In summary, the announcement towers over the previous Bright Memory game as it finds several graphical overhauls alongside a promised Xbox Series X version to be delivered at a later date. On Xbox already, the original Bright Memory received a port for the platform. However, Bright Memory: Infinite was projected to launch later in 2021 for its listed platforms.

On Friday, FYDQ-Studio and publisher Playism officially launches Bright Memory: Infinite – for PC that is. The console version is still in development. You can watch the launch trailer in the video below:

“We want to send a massive thank you to everyone who has been eagerly waiting for the game to be released,” the team expresses in a Steam post for the game’s launch. “We’re confident that you will absolutely love this title, which combines the FPS and action genres to deliver an epic experience like none other.”

In terms of other promising titles that are marketed for Xbox hardware, Exomecha is another awaited property slated to arrive later on. Previously, the developer announced that its will be shipping the game next year. Originally, August 2021 was projected before shelving that release for the following year. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you interested to get your hands on Bright Memory: Infinite; listed for Xbox Series X|S.

Source: Steam

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