Since 2013



Bungie has officially joined the PlayStation family

It is now officially official! Bungie is now part of Sony Interactive Entertainment, the creators of Halo & Destiny announced today. We knew for a while now that Sony was going to acquire Bungie Studios, but it was until July 15, 2022 that the deal officially closed.

“With SIE, the potential for our universes is unlimited. Our future games will take bold steps into unexplored spaces for Bungie, continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, and will always be built on a foundation of creating meaningful, lifelong friendships and memories.​”

Don’t worry about things changing with Destiny and Bungie’s future games as they are still in charge of where they go. They will have the creative freedom as they always had by independently publishing their games and continuing to have their games available across all platforms.

You can read the full announcement post here

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