Since 2013



Capcom plans to release a major title by March 2024

Capcom had a busy 2023 with the release of Street Fighter 6 while still adding content to the game after its launch and the debut of Exoprimal. In January the publisher plans to release Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy in January and they plan to release an unannounced major title in addition to that.

in a Q&A found here, Capcom shared they plan to release a major title in the second half of this FY which ends in March 2024.

Q: How do you think of the sales goal of 45 million copies of console titles? Taking into account the first half of this FY, wouldn’t it be difficult to achieve it?

A: We are planning a major title in the second half of this FY. Additionally, we originally planned to achieve the goal mainly by focusing on sale events in the second half of this FY to boost the sales figures of our catalogue titles.

What do you think could be this new major title from Capcom?

Thanks to Reddit for sharing this information.

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