Since 2013



Celeste Receiving Additional Difficult Levels In 2019

Game of the Year nominated title Celeste recently got announced to receive more levels to the game in celebration of the platformer outselling expectations for 2018.

Creator Matt Thorson revealed on Twitter that as some point in 2019 the title will get new levels added with an upped difficulty for free.

Along with the new levels that will be debuting later into next year, Thorson also detailed that we’ll be announcing what’s next for us in the new year as well.”we’ll be announcing what’s next for us in the new year as well.” Which will be exciting to see from the team as they already plan to expand the already released game, a new title could be what’s up the road for the studio.

Celeste is available now for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Swicth.

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