Since 2013



Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare PS4 beta will start in October, Xbox One to follow

UPDATE: The Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Multiplayer Beta will be held October 21-24 on Xbox One, Activision have confirmed.
On the official Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare page, it’s been listed that the game’s beta will start on October 14. And that the Xbox One version will soon follow. The beta will only last 3 days but that’s enough time to test out the game’s multiplayer. Sadly PC users won’t be able to play the beta, because of either data mining or just a marketing decision.
The only way to get the beta code is to pre-order the game, and there is no sign of an open beta anytime soon. So if you pre-ordered the game, make sure that you get your beta code to see what the multiplayer is like, and to test out other key features. Infinity Ward says that there will be 3 new unique game modes so maybe we will see them in the beta?

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