Since 2013



Community Reviews- Batman Arkham Knight (Xbox One)

We are proud to introduce you one of the newest features of Rectify Gaming; Community Reviews. Here’s your chance to become a journalist for a day and express your personal thoughts on any game of any platform. Want to take part of this? Simply DM me on twitter and we’ll discuss it! (

Let’s get this started! Here’s the first ever Community Review; Batman Arkham Knight (Xbox One version), written by Myles Martin (if you like what you read, be sure to follow him: )

          Batman Arkham Knight Review

{Xbox One}


We all have our favorite games. If they are either RPG, MMO, or that one FPS AAA game (not naming anybody) but we can all agree that this game is purely awesome. Hello there I am, Myles Martin A.K.A. ExstroGames and today we discuss Batman Arkham Knight. I will talk about this game in 2 sections; plot, and gameplay.

WARNING if you have not played the game yet I suggest you don’t read this; spoiler alert, AVOID red text.


The story begins 9 months after Joker’s death in Gotham City where crime has dropped at a local diner where Scarecrow releases his new fear toxin on Halloween night. The results are horrifying as you are just a cop and you witness your nightmares tearing each other apart. Out of fear you pull out your gun and start shooting them. After that Scarecrow makes an announcement that he will release he’s toxin on the entire city and of course most of Gotham’s residents evacuate. Only Gotham’s most dangerous and bad stay behind to cause chaos. There are too many for commissioner James Gordon and Gotham’s police department  to handle. So most of them are held up at the police department. You start actually playing as batman after that. When you continue into the story you find out that Scarecrow is having help from an outside source; The Arkham Knight.

He has an army of militia with well armed gear and drones and has a big grudge against batman. In the same mission that you find this out you figure out where Scarecrow is producing he’s fear toxin at ACE  and where he was about to release fear toxin on the entire east coast.You successfully stop the launch but with a cost. Batman gets a whiff of the gas and now joker is in your head. He torments you throughout the story trying to take over your body. More into the story Poison Ivy helps you stop the gas by preparing plants to suck the gas.



The Arkham Knight has a coudburst which allows him to increase the range of the fear toxin bomb which in some point of the game he detonates and covers Gotham. You find out that the Arkham Knight is actually  Jason Todd (aka the first Robin) who you thought was killed by the joker. There are more stuff to talk about but I’m running short on words so the last couple things I have to say is there are 3 endings to the game. To get different endings you must complete side quest before the “Knightfall Protocol” is initiated. There are 11 side mission villains and 14 side missions in total.



Now the fighting hasn’t changed much from Arkham City except the new batsuit that you get in the earlier missions of the game. With this new batsuit you get a new type of takedown called the “fear takedown”. To use this you must silent takedown one or two thugs or militia. Next you must be silent and move towards your next victim, when you get close you press that x button on your controller and you can take down more than three of those pesky thugs (if you upgrade your skill tree you can take down five at once).



Now talking about the skill tree there are six different skill sets that you can upgrade.

Number one is combat. These skills can allow you to get more finishers and helps you fight more easily and quickly.

Next is gadget tech. These set of skills upgrades your tech like the explosive gel and the disruptor. And if you want to get some of the riddler’s trophies your going to need to upgrade some stuff.

Third on our list is gadget skills. If you upgrade this tree your gadgets can get slightly new features like using your batarangs in mid-air.

Fourth is the batsuit which can help you drastically help you in combat and in movement such a gliding.

Fifth is the batmobile and yes we will talk about that but be patient. Upgrading your batmobile can help you take out drones more easier and faster and helps improve your movement. Last but not least the batmobile weapons. Upgrading this lovely tree can get you better weapons…yeah just better weapons to destroy your enemies. Not to talk about the batmobile itself. All I can say is it has changed how the batman world works. You use the batmobile a lot during the missions (main and side missions) and you must definitely will need to find riddler trophies. There are two guns; the machine gun with a crowd suppressor and a 60mm cannon to take out the drones.




I loved this game that’s why I didn’t say anything bad about it…now to think about it I really didn’t express my opinions on this article, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that everyone has their own opinions about this game and they can discuss it as part of their social discussions with friends and family. I am just here to write about a game that I like. Now I’m just saying but this game is AWESOME! YOU DRIVE THE FRICKEN BATMOBILE! Ahem…sorry for that got a little excited…so yeah I hope I didn’t waste your time reading this and I hoped you learned something about this game.


Score 9/10



Stay tuned for more reviews soon! 😉

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