Since 2013



Dead Or Alive 6 Delayed To March 1st

Today Team Ninja officially announced that the approaching release date for Dead or Alive 6 has now been pushed back two weeks into March. The originally marked launch date for February 15th has now been delayed to the later date of March 1st.

The official Twitter for the now set back fighter announced the delay, which reads as “the title’s development is already near complete, however, we would like to take more time to further polish its balance, gameplay, and expressivity.”

The post promises players eager to play the sixth installment in the series that the extra two weeks will ensure the best playing experience for the forthcoming title. For specifically what development issue caused the push release date was not specified in the announcement. Best is to guess that the publisher felt best to push the title for less friction releasing amongst other competing titles in February.

Dead or Alive 6 will be out on PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One on March 1, 2019.


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