Since 2013



Deathloop Delayed Again With New Release Scheduled For Mid September

While the highly-anticipated new IP from Arkane Lyon is close to our grips – that being Deathloop – it should be noted that the game is still a long ways away from many players. Although the game is scheduled to release this May for PlayStation and PC, players on Xbox are roughly a year behind in its arrival to the platform.

Shocking as it may be, Microsoft even after announcing its pursuit to acquire Bethesda issued to be honoring the deal arranged with Sony Interactive Entertainment prior. But, that wait is only a timely manner as it will inevitably arrive to Xbox systems. In a discovery earlier this year, Deathloop’s exclusivity is only timed until late May. But that might change.

In a new announcement from the game studio on Twitter, it is revealed that Arkane Lyon will be delaying Deathloop until the fall of this year.

“We’re committed to quality and preserving our team’s ambitions for Deathloop while ensuring the health and safety of everyone at Arkane. We’ll be using this extra time to accomplish our goal: create a fun, stylish, and mind-bending player experience,” Game Director Dinga Akaba & Art Director Sebastien Mitton pen in the letterhead.

“We apologize for the extended wait and thank you all for your passion and excitement. It is the fuel that powers our creativity and our hard work.” And to reiterate, the limited time unique release to PlayStation is only temporary as Bethesda views the long-term with Microsoft to be more beneficial. Bakaba in a interview with Press Start disclosed his excitement for the reassurance of the Xbox Game Pass ecosystem when making games. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you planning to get Deathloop on PlayStation or elsewhere?

Deathloop arrives on September 14, 2021 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.

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