At the beginning of the month it was discovered that Castlevania producer Adi Shankar will be creating a televised series on Netflix based on Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda. According to IGN, Shankar instead has a Netflix series for Capcom’s Devil May Cry franchise.
In an interview with the gaming outlet, Shankar confirms that the series will be animated just like his recently released season for Konami’s franchise. The producer stating that the newly announced series “will join Castlevania in what we’re now calling the bootleg multiverse.”
Open for business.
— Adi Shankar (@adishankarbrand) November 16, 2018
Following the success of the latest season for his Castlevania series, Shankar said that prospering from the reception of the first two seasons was influence for a third season on top of expanding to another gaming universe. With not a lot detailed on what’s to come for this new series, Shankar told IGN he “acquired these (Devil May Cry) rights myself so the jabronis in Hollywood don’t f*** this one up too.”
Unfortunate as it is that we won’t be getting a Netflix series starring Link and Zelda, Dante in return is pretty good in my opinion. With the high reception Shankar’s animation-adaptation received for the past two seasons, the new series should be expected to get the same success. And hopefully more will follow to shine in the entertainment industry as games still have a bad reputation when being translated into film/television.
Source: IGN