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DICE Solidifies 2021 Release For New Battlefield, Mobile Game To Come In 2022

For those that are kept in the loop, publisher Electronic Arts and developer DICE are preparing to deliver a new Battlefield game later this year. However, as the game studio tackles its most ambitious release yet, Electronic Arts shares that additional studios will be involved with development. In that, Criterion Games is to be included in production as it postpones work on the next Need for Speed title also scheduled for late 2021.

In regards to the newest Battlefield game, little is still understood on the title. Although there is speculation from previously accurate insiders suggesting that a reboot is in order to get players feet wet for the franchise once again, nothing concrete has been revealed. But, there should be an announcement soon. Electronic Arts, again, shared that a spring reveal is to take place which should been closer than we might anticipate.

Now from DICE in a new update on Thursday, the Swedish developer goes on to certify that Battlefield is to release later this year. The team also verifies Criterion Games’ involvement and includes assistance from Electronic Arts Gothenburg and the recently revitalized DICE Los Angeles. You can read the statement below:

We are creating a jaw-dropping experience for you to enjoy later in 2021. We’re in daily playtesting mode right now: polishing, balancing, and making the best possible Battlefield game we can. I can tell you it is a bold step. It has everything we love about Battlefield – and takes all of it to the next level. Epic scale. 

All-out military warfare. Crazy, unexpected moments. Game-changing destruction. Massive battles, packed with more players and mayhem than ever before. All brought to life with the power of next-gen consoles and PCs.

Oskar Gabrielson, DICE General Manager

Of course, with the new Battlefield underway, DICE is also looking to incorporate the franchise to other platforms. In that, the team in collaboration with Industrial Toys is working to bring a mobile game in 2022. “Make no mistake, this is a standalone game. A completely different game from the one we’re making for console and PC, designed specifically for the mobile platform.

“It’s being built from the ground up by iToys to make Battlefield-on-the-go a reality and you can expect a fully-fledged, skill-based experience. This mobile game is now entering a testing period ahead of launching next year, so expect more details to come.” As the series goes to new platforms, there is also some hesitation to prior systems in some regards.

Most noteworthy is how DICE aims to have the newest Battlefield “brought to life with the power of next-gen consoles,” the last-generation versions are to be discarded, one rumor insists. The rumor atop of abandoning the Xbox One & PlayStation 4 versions also tell that there will be an arrangement for a day one release on Xbox Game Pass. You can read the full report by heading here.

Are you excited for the future of Battlefield?

Source: DICE

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