Since 2013



Dictionarium Joins The Jackbox Party Pack 6 This Fall

The Jackbox Party Pack series has been good entertainment with streamers and their viewers as well as going to events like PAX where they have an area where everyone can play from their phones and have the game on the big screen. Today, Jackbox Games revealed a new game that’ll be joining the sixth installment which is ‘Dictionarium’, the new game mode serves up piping-hot, never-before-seen words and it’s your job to define them.

Here is an example of how it would work:

What’s a “blarnkt” — a type of fungus? The sound a sick pigeon makes? A stew served at weddings where the couple doesn’t really love each other? Don’t ask us, it’s up to you!

As in most cases with Jackbox games, the definition with the most votes wins. After that you’ll also have to come up with a synonym and use the word in a sentence. Dictionarium supports 3-8 players and an audience of thousands of world-lovers.

The other game mode that has only been revealed for The Jackbox Party Pack 6 is Trivia Murder Party 2.

The Jackbox Party Pack 6 is aimed to launch this Fall on PC, consoles and major digital platforms.


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