Over the course of these past few days, discussions go onward in regards to Microsoft’s acquisition plans to bolster its video game division & Xbox Game Pass. But less so about Activision Blizzard to a deeper level as new information has surfaced in regards to previous exchanges surfacing. In one respect, it was shared that Microsoft did look into potentially acquire either Bungie or Sega previously.
In extension to this, there was a list with over 100 different candidates also eligible for a deal as well. Some partnered teams like Remedy Entertainment, Crytek, and Asobo Studio were mentioned whilst majority is of new talent as well. Additionally, one document even shared Microsoft only paid $117 million when it acquired Ninja Theory back in its talent shopping spree back in 2018.
According to a separate document published by the FTC now, it reveals bigger intentions with Square Enix. In that, Microsoft was pondering on the idea of purchasing the Japanese publisher to held bolster its mobile market. You can view the document in the image below:

Other revealing reports that came from the FTC also follows PlayStation boss Jim Ryan. During an exchange that was at the hearing, it was revealed that the president & CEO spoke with several publisher and learned there was a unanimous hatred for Xbox Game Pass. More so following the line that titles that enter the business model are subjected to poor performance.
A separate report also noted how impactful xCloud is on Xbox Series X|S. In that, Microsoft despite the lacking hardware earlier in the generation used its chips on cloud streaming with the intent to draw in more mobile-focused players. You can read the full report by heading here.
What has you most surprised by the new development from the FTC hearings?
Source: Federal Trade Commission