The previously given alias of “Project Z,” a true origin story of franchise protagonist Goku was later evolved into Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot as the RPG title was officially revealed at Microsoft’s press conference earlier this Summer by publisher Bandai Namco. The game prior to its proper announcement was listed for a closing 2019 release date, but was then pushed into the new decade for early 2020 once abandoning its placeholder name.
Now recently, Bandai Namco on the official Dragon Ball website announced that the definitive Goku game will be arriving in mid-January, for Japan at least. The post also reveals information such as the game’s box art and special pre-order bonuses as well.
Thankfully translated by Gematsu, the early purchase bonuses read to include previous Ginyu Force Member Bonyu which players can fight in the Capsule Corporation’s training room and ‘A Dangerous Party of Friends” sub-story, where it descriptions shares “a story in which Goku’s friends throw him a party to celebrate his return from planet Yardrat, which is a story that was not depicted in the original work.” The final piece of pre-purchase content says to be the ‘Happy Ultra Finest Quality Meat’ which early on can be a good progress booster for new players.
However, for anticipated player in both Europe and North America, Kakarot is still looking to be scheduled for an early 2020 release. Assuming that this will be at a later date following the January release in native Japan, it could be assumed a launch sometime before the end of Q4 2019.
Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is will be coming to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC in Japan on January 16, 2020.
Source: Gematsu